Jagged Germany

Chapter 840

Chapter 840: Ship parade (ask for a monthly ticket)

The military parade was very successful. Representatives from various countries saw the heroic posture of the German army. They all felt that it was no coincidence that Germany was able to win this world war. Among other things, their army alone cannot be compared with Germany.

The banquet that night was a joy for both the host and the guests. Especially those small countries have already started the thigh-hugging mode. After seeing Germany's powerful military power, they all know that Germany's position as the world's hegemon can be regarded as secure. At least, for a while, no country can stand against Germany. If they want to continue to mix on the international stage, they have to hug the Germans' thighs tightly.

Of course, countries that have enemies with Germany, or are potential opponents, have become even heavier in their hearts.

On December 19th, Qin Tian and the entire delegation took a special train to Wilhelmshaven, preparing to participate in tomorrow's ship review ceremony. Although, the military parade has already made countries feel the strength of Germany. However, the ship review style can undoubtedly bring people a more intuitive and shocking feeling. After all, those warships that cost tens of thousands of tons are like floating hills on the sea.

On the 20th, the Wilhelmshaven Naval Base was already overcrowded. In order for the German people to witness the strength of Germany's military power, the naval base is specially opened today. German people from all over the country almost crowded the entire naval base.

At 9 am, the ship review officially began. Admiral Reinhardt Scheer, commander of the High Seas Fleet who was in charge of this ship review, reported to Qin Tian that everything was ready.

"Then, let's start!" Qin Tian said.

According to the process of the ship review, Qin Tian took the warship to review the warships of the German Navy next.

Qin Tian boarded the German Navy's flagship "Bavaria" battleship, and began to inspect the German Navy's warships participating in the ship review.

Four 'Bavaria-class' battleships, five 'König-class' battleships, five 'Kaiser-class' battleships, four 'Helgoland-class' battleships and four 'Nassau-class' battleships excluding 'Bavaria' 'Battleship. Behind them are three 'Mackenson-class' battlecruisers, three 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers, three 'Moltke-class' battlecruisers and two 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers. row cruiser. Behind them are some armored cruisers, light cruisers and destroyers.

In general, there are hundreds of large and small ships participating in the ship review this time. Such a large-scale ship review was only done by the British Empire before. Even if other countries want to engage in such a ship review, they are powerless!

Qin Tian inspected his warships, just like a lion inspecting his own territory. Although, a large part of these warships have decided to retire. However, they undoubtedly contributed a lot to the German Empire's victory in this war. It can be said that the defeat of the British Royal Navy by the German Navy is undoubtedly a prerequisite for Germany to win this war. If the German navy has no way to win, then what is waiting for Germany will be dragged to death. Even because of Qin Tian, ​​Germany became stronger. But it's just for a little longer. Therefore, Qin Tian attached great importance to the navy. Not to mention that after the victory of the war, Germany's interests on a global scale still need to be maintained by the navy.

It took nearly an hour just to review these hundreds of warships. The sailors, dressed in pure white uniforms, lined up on the side of the ship, looking at their emperor reverently.

Qin Tian's prestige in the imperial navy is very high. It can be said that almost all the cutting-edge warships of the German Navy are arranged by Qin Tian. This naturally made the marines almost regard Qin Tian as a god.

After Qin Tian finished his review, it was time to sort out. The warships participating in the ship review passed the rostrum on the dock at a low speed. On the rostrum, representatives from various countries have been waiting eagerly.

Everyone knows the power of the Royal Navy of the British Empire, but no matter how powerful the Royal Navy is, it was still beaten to the ground by the German Navy. This undoubtedly means that the German navy is even stronger.

The German Navy did not disappoint these people either, warships like hills passed in front of the rostrum. The kind of pressure that hits the face makes many people tremble with fear.

"The German Navy is too powerful! It is too strong. The reason why the Imperial Navy will lose to them is completely inevitable." The power of the German Navy caused a great shock to Crown Prince Hirohito.

The powerful German navy only dispatched a fleet composed of battlecruisers to the east, and wiped out the entire army of the island navy. If the German navy sends more warships to the east, the navy of the island country will not even have the slightest chance.

However, although Crown Prince Hirohito was shocked, he was not someone who would easily admit defeat. Although Germany is very strong, he believes that the island nation will eventually win.

"We are already building a new type of battleship, and we will definitely defeat the Germans in the future!" Crown Prince Hirohito told himself.

US Secretary of State Bryan also has a very serious face.

"The strength of the German navy has reached its peak. If the U.S. Navy wants to compete with Germany in the Atlantic Ocean and the world, it must have a stronger navy. Otherwise, we will not be able to defeat the Germans! "Brian felt a lot of pressure.josei

Although, he has a very good understanding of the US Navy's shipbuilding plan. But he didn't think that after the U.S. Navy built those battleships, it would be able to defeat the Germans.

"It seems that we have to think of other ways." Brian thought secretly. When he saw Crown Prince Karl and Crown Prince Hirohito, he couldn't help but smile a little more on his face.

Crown Prince Karl was also shocked by the power of the German Navy. Although, he is very clear about how many battleships the German Navy has. However, that is all data on paper. Now that he has really seen these battleships of the German Navy, he has an intuitive feeling.

"Compared to the powerful German navy, the navy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is too weak. Even if it does not compete with the German navy, but to safeguard the interests of the empire in the Mediterranean, the strength of the imperial navy must be further strengthened. Otherwise If not, the consequences will be very serious!" Crown Prince Karl thought secretly.

If the army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire still has a fight, of course, this mainly refers to the number of troops. As far as the navy is concerned, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is completely incomparable.

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