Jagged Germany

Chapter 962

Chapter 962: Siege of Vienna

On January 20, 1917, early in the morning, Baron Berchdold, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, went to the Imperial Palace to meet Kaiser Wilhelm III.

Although, just woke up and was eating breakfast. But Qin Tian still ate the bread in his hand, drank the milk, and apologized to the queen and the children with an apologetic face, and then went to the study.

"Your Excellency Baron, good morning!" Qin Tian said with a smile. Although the other party was the foreign minister of a hostile country, Qin Tian did not speak ill of each other. After all, war is nothing more than a continuation of politics. For politicians like them, there is no absolute hatred. Everything is just for their own national interests.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry to disturb you so early." Baron Bercidold said expressionlessly, and he looked at Qin Tian with a trace of hatred in his eyes. After all, their country is about to be destroyed by Germany. With the Austro-Hungarian Empire already falling apart, unless God came to the world, otherwise, no one can stop Austria from being wiped out.

Qin Tian waved his hand, but he didn't care about it.

"Your Excellency the Baron, since you came to see me so early, you must have already received an answer in your country?" Qin Tian asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor. Although the Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed, it is absolutely impossible to stop the iron heel of Germany with the strength of Austria alone. However, we still will not surrender. If Germany wants to occupy the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then Crush the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Our army will fight to the death. Germany will pay a huge price for this!" Baron Berchdold said with a determined face.

Qin Tian nodded, not surprised that the Austro-Hungarian Empire would reply in this way. After all, in any country, it is impossible for everyone to be cowards. Especially in the upper class, there are still people who are bloody. In times of crisis, they can also fight to the end.

"Your Excellency, Baron, I can understand you, and at the same time, I admire you for making such a decision. However, for the benefit of the German Empire, I will not hold back! I wish you good luck." Qin Tian said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, goodbye!" After Baron Berchdold finished speaking, he bowed and saluted Qin Tian, ​​then turned and left the palace.

At this moment, it undoubtedly represents that peace efforts have completely failed. In the end, it is still necessary to rely on means of war to solve the problem. However, judging from the current situation, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or Austria, does not have any advantage at all. Even if they resist desperately, it is impossible for them to last long. What's more, not all Austrians are determined to resist. Especially in the army, there are many people who are greedy and afraid of death. Under such circumstances, Austria's resistance will become even more difficult.

The advance of the German army continues. Despite the cold weather, icy roads or thick snow, these have set up many obstacles for the advance of the troops. However, none of this could stop the German advance.

While the German Army Logistics Department tried to send more trucks to the front line, the German army's advancing speed became faster and faster. Of course, there is a very important reason for this, that is, almost all the troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not resist. This made the German attack more like a hurry. Under such circumstances, it was not difficult for the German army to quickly reach Vienna.

"Report, the German army has captured Amstetten!" A staff officer reported.

Arch Duke Friedrich, Duke Kasbah, and Baron Marshal Herzendorf all looked increasingly ugly. You know, Amstetten is less than a hundred kilometers away from Vienna.

"The advance speed of the German army is too fast, isn't it? It's only the third day of the war, and they are about to advance to Vienna. At this speed, there are at most three days before they will reach Vienna!" Herzen Marshal Baron Dove said.

"Where are the defenders stationed there? As I remember, there are at least five infantry divisions there!" Archduke Friedrich asked.

Originally, they also counted on the defenders of Amstetten to persist for a while. After all, it takes a lot of time to draw troops from all over the country and mobilize new troops. Without enough time, they simply could not mobilize a strong force against the mighty German army.

"Report Your Excellency the Grand Duke, after the German vanguard arrived in Amstetten and launched a shelling attack, the defenders retreated." The staff officer said.

"What? Bastard, there are five infantry divisions, nearly 100,000 people, who were scared away by the shelling of the German vanguard. It's cowardly and unreasonable!" Duke Kasbah said angrily.

If all Austrian armies were like this, there would be no need to fight this battle at all. Because they will not be the opponents of the German army, and even have no chance to resist.

"Arrest the commander of the garrison in Amstetten, send him to the gallows, and deter the entire army. If not, the troops will have no fighting spirit!" Archduke Friedrich said.

Although, it is not appropriate to hang a senior general at this time. If it is not done well, it will make the generals feel insecure. In that case, this battle will be even more difficult to fight.

However, in order to deter those generals and give them the courage to continue fighting, this must be done.

"Okay, I agree!" Duke Kasbah said.

Baron Marshal Herzendorf also nodded again and again.

"In addition, I suggest that all the frontline troops be brought to Vienna. If they are deployed to the frontline, they will no longer have any effect. It is just a fearless waste." Marshal Herzendorf suggested.

Archduke Friedrich and Duke Kasbah both nodded in agreement.josei

The Austrian army began to shrink its troops frantically, and at the same time began to prepare to mobilize more troops.

Unable to stop the advance of the German army, they can only hope for the defense of Vienna. It is hoped that in this battle, the confidence and courage of the Austrian army will be aroused, and the Germans will pay a heavy price in Austria, thus gaining a chance for Austria.

Although, this possibility is undoubtedly very small. However, for the sake of their country, they can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Without the interference of the Austrian army, the German army advanced faster.

On January 25, the German 3rd Army and 5th Army arrived in Vienna from the west. The 6th and 7th armies arrived in Vienna from the north.

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