Jagged Germany

Chapter 963

Chapter 963: The final battle (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Your Majesty, the German army has appeared to the west and north of Vienna, with the designations of four entire armies. That is to say, the main force of these four German armies has arrived in Vienna. After deducting their need to defend the logistics supply line, and the important There are at least 600,000 German troops in Vienna!" Baron Marshal Herzendorf reported to Karl I.

Carl I nodded expressionlessly and didn't say much. Although, at this critical juncture, they should work together to fight against the Germans. However, Karl I was very dissatisfied with these military and political ministers who wanted to abandon him in exchange for the understanding of the Germans. Now, the Germans do not accept their sincerity, and they have no choice but to fight to the end. If they had known earlier, they should not have had the extravagant hope of gaining the understanding of the Germans.

After recognizing the essence of these guys, Karl I has no hope for them. Karl I even believed that it was because of the existence of these guys that the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart so quickly. Otherwise, as long as the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire can be united, even if it can't beat the Germans, it can at least last for a long time. In that case, there may be variables. Once the United States and other countries join the war against Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire may be able to come back. But it was because of these guys that all this came to naught.

Regarding the future, Karl I already has plans. Admiral Anton House, the naval commander, has left Vienna for Trieste, the naval base. Once Vienna can't hold on, Karl I will leave here and go to Trieste to join Admiral Antonhaus. The fleet would then leave Austria-Hungary, sail out of the Mediterranean, enter the Atlantic via Gibraltar, and finally head for the United States.

Karl I has decided that if the Austro-Hungarian Empire is inevitably destroyed, he will not stay as a subjugated king, but will choose to go into exile in the United States. On this point, he has secretly contacted the United States. The United States welcomes him in exile. Although Karl I's reputation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire was not very good, he was the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after all. At critical times, unexpected effects may occur. For example, one day the United States will have the strength to counterattack the European continent. In that case, you can take Karl I with you.

"Your Majesty, now we have assembled half a million troops in Vienna. However, the morale of the troops is relatively poor. We hope that His Majesty can stand up and boost the morale of the troops. Let all the people of the Austro-Hungarian Empire know that we have not sent to Germany people submit. We will be here, resisting them!" said Archduke Friedrich.

Karl I did not refuse the request of these military giants, nor did he dare to refuse. Although he is the emperor, at this juncture, it is undoubtedly very difficult to say whether these guys will recognize his position as emperor, or treat him as an emperor. If it is not done well, it will cause a fierce backlash. In that case, he will still be the one who suffers in the end.

Has already made up his mind to leave Vienna and Karl I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Of course, there will be no problems with these issues.

"Okay, Your Excellency the Grand Duke. We want all the people of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to unite against the Germans. We want the Germans to pay a heavy price in Vienna! Let them know that they want to annex Austria and want to fight against the Germans. It is impossible to destroy the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Karl I said excitedly, showing great strength. Of course, all of this is just an exercise.

The military and political ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire are very satisfied with the performance of Karl I. In their view, Karl I has many shortcomings. Even his reasons led to the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire this time. However, at the last moment of the collapse of the empire, Karl I was not frightened, but instead showed the courage to fight to the end, which is also commendable.

Before the German army launched an offensive, Karl I visited several barracks to boost the morale of the soldiers, hoping that they would fight the Germans desperately for the empire.josei

Though, many of the Austrian troops were intimidated. However, the encouragement of Karl I still encouraged many soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to muster up their courage and resolve to continue fighting.

After the German army arrived in Vienna, it did not immediately launch an offensive. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Vienna, requiring a lot of supplies. Moreover, the Austrian army has completed its assembly. This also means that a big battle will start here. The German army must be fully prepared before launching an attack. A large number of trucks from the logistics department are heading to Vienna to transport a large amount of combat materials to Vienna to ensure that the German army can take Vienna smoothly in a very short period of time.

In Berlin, the capital of Germany, Qin Tian is very concerned about this attack on Austria. You know, in order to solve the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany has been planning for a long time. Well now, we will soon see the final result. Resolving the Austro-Hungarian Empire will not only increase the population of Germany by more than 10 million to 20 million, but also obtain a vote of protectorate. The surrounding threats are in no other country except Bu Russia. Bu Russia and Germany are now in the honeymoon period. And under the flicker of Germany, the construction of industry and infrastructure is being increased. In a short time, it will not pose a threat to Germany. This allowed Germany to have enough time to digest the benefits gained during the war, especially those new territories and colonies. Germany in the future will become stronger because of this.

"Your Majesty, our army has arrived in Vienna. The west and north of Vienna are under our siege. The front-line generals ask for instructions whether to completely encircle Vienna." Marshal von Falkenhain asked.

Qin Tian thought for a while, then shook his head: "A complete encirclement will make the Austrian army determined to fight to the death. Leaving a gap will make them want to escape. In this case, their resistance will naturally not resist to the end. gone."

Marshal von Falkenhain nodded.

"Send a telegram to Marshal Howson and tell him that the Battle of Vienna will be our last battle against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. I hope that the front-line army can win this battle cleanly at the lowest cost and in the shortest time. Victory." Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal von Falkenhain nodded.

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