Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Absolute Power? What Is That?

"That... That mask. Is he the Demon Hero? The one who saved hundreds of people in Nexus city from a forming zone?"

"He is the one?"

"Quickly! Someone! Take a photo of him!"

Realizing what was happening before their very eyes, people started to go crazy one after another. Some took out their devices to take photos of Greg, while some started to scream with excitement in an instant. 

However, not everyone was as excited as most of the people in the Arena. Especially not Joe and Mila.

As they were looking at the mask on Greg's face they didn't know how to react at all. It was a total shock for them. One of the most famous guy known as a hero in the world suddenly turns out to be their closest friend. He was the one who saved hundreds of people from an approaching calamity and from the beginning they didn't have a single clue.

While Joe was looking at Greg with a complicated expression, suddenly a familiar voice appeared in his ear, "I'm sorry Young Master, but it seems that I need to report this back to the Master."

Feeling as Shadow's presence which was all the time around him suddenly disappeared after the said sentence made Joe close his eyes slowly.

"This isn't good at all. Now that everyone knows his real identity, not only will my father try to use him for his own advantage, but all the other four families will try to contact him and get him no matter what. Argh... Greg... What have you gotten yourself into?"

Up on the estrade, Eliana stood up and looked at Greg on the platform with a dead-serious expression. And it wasn't just her who looked like that, but all the other experts behind her. Even Kuragari frowned slightly as he looked at the mask on Greg's face.

"His presence... His presence got significantly stronger. What is that mask on his face?"

"It's an artifact.", said the Saint as he squinted his eyes and continued, " However, I never saw something similar to that. The oldest artifacts that I know are only a few hundred years old, but even those don't have such a scary presence like that one."

Eliana looked at Greg with sharp eyes and decided to activate her power. In an instant, as she did, her eyes suddenly turned into a golden color while her presence reached a suffocating height. josei

However, even like this as she was looking at Greg, she suddenly started to frown and said, "I... I can't use my ability on that mask."

"What? What do you mean you can't?"

Looking at Elian who sat back into her seat with a frown visible on her face, Zane who was all the time quiet and calm suddenly looked at Eliana with a shocked expression.

"Just as I said, I can't use my ability on it. That mask... It's repelling somehow my power. No matter how hard I try, I can't calculate even a small prediction on it."

Zane who was looking at Eliana with a frown represented on his face, couldn't believe what he was hearing.

It wasn't because of the mask's power, but simply because he knew really well what kind of power Eliana had.

She was someone whose Guardian was able to alter luck itself resulting in calculating or doing things that not even others could. Saying that she wasn't able to evaluate a simple mask's power could only mean one thing.

"That artifact's power is stronger than mine. It's above the God rank."


Kuragari looked at the mask on Greg's face while he was visibly deep in thought.

As for Greg, he was gently holding Emma in his arms and with a fast speed, he appeared before Cloud and said, "Please."

As he looked at the mask on Greg's face Cloud felt as behind that cover there was a wave of unexplainable anger.

Seeing Cloud's hesitation Greg put Emma's body before Cloud and said quietly, "Don't worry, I won't go berserk. I will just show what real pain feels like."

Jonathan on the side seeing as Greg was handing Emma over to Cloud smiled and said happily, "I knew it! Haha! Yesterday, when I used my ability, I felt that someone was able to fight against my power. I had a hunch that it could be you, but I would have never believed that the legendary Demon Hero, who stopped a zone forming in Nexus city will be you. It is simply amazing. Haha!"

Turning around, Greg looked at Jonathan, and in a toneless voice, he said, "I don't know what made you to do this in a simple tournament, but what you did to Emma is unforgivable."

With a wide smile, Jonathan opened his arms and said, "What made me behave like this you ask? Haha! I just simply love fighting that's what. When I feel that someone is stronger than me, I just can't stop myself to fight against them. Haha!"

As Jonathan was talking to Greg with a maniac like smile etched on his face, Laura next to Cloud suddenly sat up. 

"Argh... What... What happened?"

Cloud who was on the side looked down at Laura and was a bit surprised, but still, he helped her up.

Accepting his help Laura stood up slowly while holding her head in pain, but the moment she saw Jonathan her eyes contradicted and started to run toward him.

However, just as she wanted to step forward, she was stopped by Cloud's hand making her unable to move even an inch forward.

"Let me go! It's important! I need to stop Jonathan or..."

"Or what?", Cloud looked at Laura with a frown, waiting for her to finish the sentence she wanted to say.

Feeling that she had talked too much Laura stayed quiet and after thinking for a while she said, "I need to stop my brother or Greg won't... Huh? Who is that?"

As she wanted to finish her sentence by pointing at Greg suddenly she realized that she couldn't find Greg anywhere, but only a guy in a demon mask who gave her a somewhat similar presence as Greg not far away from her.

"Is he... Greg?"

"Yes, he is.", said Cloud calmly as he watched Laura's every move with sharp eyes.

"But... Why has he a mask... Wait. Isn't that the same mask as the guy from the video?"

Cloud wanted to say something at Laura's question, but before he could, Greg put his hand to the side and in an instant, a black staff with golden carvings appeared in his palm.

Seeing the similar-looking staff before her eyes, Laura's mouth widened immediately, and said, "He is the Hero?"

While Laura was looking at his figure with a shocked expression, Greg pointed his staff toward Jonathan and started to talk in an inexpressive voice.

"If you love to fight that much I will give it to you. But don't think I will go easy after what you did to Emma. I will make you suffer."

Jonathan hearing this suddenly stopped laughing and with a dead-serious expression, he said, "I would love to see how y-"

But before he could have finished talking, Greg's face which was covered by the mask, appeared before his face without a single warning giving him an unpleasant surprise.

"Your voice is irritating."




With perfect aim, Greg threw Shapeless's end into Jonathan's stomach and with a powerful thrust, he made Jonathan's body fly away with insane speed and hitting the shield in the distance.

"Argh... Cough~"

Standing up while coughing up a small amount of blood, Jonathan looked a bit angry, but before he could do anything, the shadow below his feet gree in size.

"I'm not done yet.", said Greg calmly in the distance, and with a smooth motion, he pulled Jonathan through the darkness just as he did with Brian and threw him high up into the air.


In the air, Jonathan was unable to do anything, so he wanted to stop time, but before he could, Greg appeared next to his body with his staff raised above his head.

"I don't think so.", said Greg angrily, and with inhuman strength behind his arm, he slashed at Jonathan's chest, while the staff in his hand started to burn with crimson fire, making it look even scarier.

And just like a personified rocket, Jonathan's body after Greg's powerful hit started to fly toward the ground with terrifying speed.




With a loud sound that even the deaf could hear, Jonathan's burning body exploded onto the platform, creating an insanely huge crater below his body after the impact.

No matter how strong you or your body was, surviving a hit like that was almost impossible without sustaining a grave injury.

The power behind the hit and the amount of impact that the body needed to bear was simply so big, that there will be definitely a few broken bones if not death.

Greg appeared next to Jonathan's body, which was buried deep inside the huge pieces of stone and looked at him quietly from above.

"So? Where is that so-called 'absolute' power of yours?"


Coughing up an insane amount of blood, Jonathan looked at Greg and a while later he started to smile.

Seeing that smile, Greg felt that something was wrong, so he wanted to do something, but before he could, suddenly Jonathan talked.


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