Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Approaching Calamity

"R... Rewind"


The moment the word left his mouth, the strange white orb with the numbers around it appeared next to Jonathan's injured body, and with dim light, it started to cover his body.

And just like pushing the playback button on a television controller, Jonathan's body and the surroundings around him started to heal and repair in an instant.

Laura seeing this happening looked up at Cloud and said, "Please! If you don't stop him not only will Greg will be in danger but everyone in the Arena."

But even after saying this Cloud just simply shook his head and answered, "There will be no problem at all. Just watch."


"No but. Just stay quiet and watch. Until I'm here, nothing will happen, I will guarantee it to you."

However, no matter that she saws Cloud's sharp yet determined eyes, Laura wasn't relaxed at all.

It wasn't because she didn't trust Cloud, but simply because she was the only one who knew just what kind of guy Jonathan was.

Throughout the day he was a kind and gentle brother that every sister wanted in their life, but when the word 'fight' came into his ear everything could change in an instant. Especially when the fight was against someone who he thought could be a threat to him in the future.

Jonathan was a guy who had two totally different personalities. One at the common times which was kind and one during fights, which was very cruel.

The latter came only at times when he thought that his opponent was incredibly strong or when he was simply hungry for a fight.

Looking at his rapidly healing body and that wicked smile of his, Laure looked worried and said quietly, "I hope the past won't repeat itself again."

Greg on the stage saw that Jonathan wasn't trying to move and instantly knew that this was an incredible opportunity for him to attack him. So without any further hesitation, he activated his earth element.

In an instant, the flow's color turned brown while the all the time flowing river like substance inside his body solidified into a rock hard material.

Because he never used this element after he got his Cultivation Art, the feeling he was feeling at the moment was a very strange one.

It was like every cell, muscle, and bone inside him turned solid, giving him a feeling as he was like stone itself. But naturally, it was only a feeling, so with clenched teeth, he raised the staff in his hand and slashed toward the ground.

As the staff descended toward the ground, Greg activated the Home of Attributes ability on his weapon, and in an instant, the surface of the staff started to turn rocky.

And the moment the whole staff in his hand turned from black into a stick which looked like it was carved out from a rock, the staff hit the ground.



Just like an aftereffect of a huge explosion, the whole stage started to shake like crazy, but with the only difference that insanely huge parts came out of the platform, and like an avalanche, it approached Jonathan's healing figure.

Jonathan in the distance saw as enormous pieces of the platform came at him like a tsunami smiled and raising his hand he said calmly, "Stop"

In an instant, the orb in his hand lit up and fired a white light at the incoming attack, ready to stop it just as he did with Emma's heart before.

However, Greg expected this to happen, so after spinning the staff around his while making it turn back to its original look, his body disappeared into his shadow and from Jonathan's shadow he appeared next to him.

"I knew you would this.", said Jonathan, and jumping to the side he raised his hand toward Greg and said, "Stop"

White light with strange numbers was shot at Greg, but just as it was about to touch his body, the mask on his face released a silver. After covering Greg's body with the light, Jonathan's attack was unable to affect him.

"Your power won't work on me.", said Greg and in a second thin, almost invisible wind vortexes appeared around his body, and with a sudden burst, he arrived before Jonathan with his staff ready to hit his chest.

Seeing the sudden speed change, Jonathan smiled and said, "Accelerate."

But strangely after he said that word, this time his target wasn't Greg but instead himself.

Like starting a video with a speed twice as it's original pace, Jonathan got incredibly fast, while dodging Greg's attack successfully.

Seeing as his attack was dodged, Greg wanted to continue his chase, but suddenly Jonathan's voice sounded in his ear.


Speeding up his already fast-moving figure, Jonathan speeded up one more time, giving Greg a hard time to follow his figure.



Unable to react in time, Greg got hit by a first in the back making his body fly away a few meters, but just as he stopped his body to fly away even further he heard Jonathan's voice again.










Words after words, Jonathan's body became faster to the point where his body and attacks were nothing more but a blur.

Hit after hit, Greg sustained more and more hits from Jonathan, making his body to stagger here and there after each hit.

Zane on the side smiled and said, "I told you. That boy is nothing special at all before someone like Jonathan. Before time, everything becomes futile."

Kuragari not far away from him just chuckled and said in a determined tone, "I don't think so."

Turning their head to the side, Eliana, Zane, and the Saint frowned waiting for Kuragari to explain what he meant under that statement.

However, Kuragari just simply gestured toward Greg who was repeatedly beaten and said, "Fire, Wind, Earth, Ice, and Darkness. Five elements out of the six. What do you think is the remaining one?"

Hearing this the old man nodded and said, "It will definitely be the element of light, but that can't help him against someone who has the power of time."

Kuragari hearing this just smiled and nodded, "the element of Light not, but did you forget that he has that mask on him? With an artifact that can nullify time control the only thing that he is missing right now is..."

"Speed. And the fastest thing in the universe is light.", said Eliana on the side seriously and looked at Greg on the stage.josei

And just as she said that Greg sighed and said like he was disappointed, "Your power is nothing special at all."

Jonathan hearing this snorted and in an angry tone, he said, "You think so? But as I can see, the one who is all beaten up is clearly y-, huh?"

Just as he wanted to finish his sentence while hitting Greg in the face, suddenly Greg's hand grabbed his fist and looked at Jonathan.

"I wouldn't say something like that so soon."

In an instant, as he said that, his whole body got cover in blinding white light, while the flow's speed inside him became inhumanly fast.

Feeling that something was wrong Jonathan wanted to escape, but just as he moved, Greg first appeared before his taste with insane speed.


With the strength that he obtained through tempering his body and with the speed of his light element, Greg hit Jonathan on the face, making his body to explode onto the shield, making a few layers of it to collapse in an instant.

"What... What just happened? I didn't see anything.", asked the skinny guy on the estrade with a shocked expression, not believing that with a rank of an Ascender, he wasn't able to see the speed of 17 years old boy, who was on the third rank.

"I... I don't know. It was too fast even for me too."

"Me too."


Experts after experts started to talk up honestly with complicated expressions, not believing what they just saw.

However on the other hand Kuragari just smiled and said to himself with a bit of shock in his voice, "Haha! That brat is amazing!"

And it wasn't just Kuragari who thought like this, but Joe, Mila, Juan, the twins, and even Cloud. All of them looked at Greg with awe, not understanding just how he could have become so strong in such a short amount of time.

It was especially true for Joe and Mila. Both of them knew that at least a month ago Greg was just a simple guy with the ability and rank of an Awakened one. Under a mere month or a bit more, he reached such a frightening height that even they could hardly believe it.

While people looked at him with amazement, Greg looked at Jonathan while the light on his body dissipated slowly.

"It seems I can use my other six elements freely, but not this one. How strange."

As he thought about this, he started to walk toward Jonathan, but only after a step, his head started to hurt like hell.


Clenching his head in pain, Greg felt the same feeling as he did after the fight against Kragnas, but with the only difference that it wasn't as unbearable.

"What happened? Why is he clenching his head?", asked Mila from Joe a bit worriedly.

Not knowing what to answer, Joe just stayed quiet and hope that it wasn't the same that happened on the family mission.

While he clenched his head in pain, Jonathan slowly stood up from the ground, while blood flowed out from his mouth.


After vomiting up an insane amount of blood, he started to heal his body with his power and slowly started to walk toward Greg.

"How dare you!"

As he said that he raised his hand above his head and made the orb to grew in size, while more and more numbers started to fly around it.

As this happened, suddenly his presence and power broke through the Soul Collector rank right into the Creator rank, making Eliana and everyone else to turn instantly dumbfounded.

Jonathan looked at Greg angrily, while his presence was still growing.

"Let me show you what real despair is."

With that said he was about to start his attack, when suddenly the whole Arena turned pitch-black, while a bolt of black lightning out of nowhere struck the shield around the stage, making it to break like a piece of glass.

As people looked at this sight with shocked and confused expressions, suddenly a voice, which could make anyone feel terrified in an instant started to sounde from the stage.

"Keke! What an amazing feeling it is to be here~!"

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