Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Ozron

"Keke~! What an amazing feeling it is to be here~!"

With a deep sniff into the air, a creature which looked exactly like those devil type monsters from the dimensional zones turned around slowly and watched as thousands of people around him looked at him with fear.

"Keke~, look at all these weak ants. Only just looking at them I feel like throwing up. Let's kill some of these ants to lessen this unpleasant feeling."

Saying this in a creepy voice, he raised his disgusting looking hand, and after pointing toward the left side of the Arena, he started to smile wickedly and said, "Die."


From the tip of his finger, a rumble of thunder with a color of the deepest abyss burst toward the spectators in the seats, ready to blow them away with half of the Arena.

However just as it was about to explode onto the onlookers and cause hundreds of casualties with a single blow, several blinding lights appeared suddenly from the sky, blocking the insane attack from the innocent people.



Following the insane attack of the creature, a huge explosion occurred, resulting in several parts of the Arena to be destroyed, while half of the platform before the devil turned into nothing more than dust.

As this happened the people on the other half of the Arena couldn't bear it anymore and they turned chaotic in an instant. With loud screams and fearful expressions, all of them started to run away, not waiting for the devil to choose them as his first prey.

"Hmm... Did I get rusty over the years?", asked the devil as he looked at his ash black arm which had several sharp nails on it.

While the creature examined his arm and reimagined what had just happened suddenly an angry voice sounded from the drift of dust.

"Hey, you piece of sh*t! What the f*ck is with you? That was dangerous!"

Turning his head toward where the voice came from, the devil squinted his eyes and saw 4 humans standing next to each other not far away from him in the black smoke that his ability caused not long ago.

An old man with a staff, a woman in a beautiful dress, a man in a casual suit with an expressionless face, and a man with a black katana in his left hand.

All of them looked at the devil with ice-cold expressions, waiting for the creature to answer Kuragari's question.

"Ohh~? It seems humans could really reach the door of the Evolution step in the end. That bastard was really right no matter how I look at it, how captivating. However...", as the devil started to talk his eyes fell on Zane's body on the side and continued, "Somehow their bodies aren't capable to handle the process of the last step with 'them'. Should it be a problem with the Soul itself? Hmm..."

Hearing what the devil was talking about, a vein appeared on Kuragari's forehead, and said angrily, "Hey, can't you see that we are here? Stop talking to yourself like a lunatic and tell us why you are here or I will kill you!"

This sentence of his made the devil to stop looking at Zane and after turning his gaze toward him, he started to smile creepily.josei

Just as he was about to say something, suddenly he felt something and his expression changed in an instant.

Turning his head to the side, the creature saw as Jonathan was standing not far away from him with his ability above his head.

Feeling his power and the strength behind that orb-like ability, the creature looked quite surprised and said, "So it seems, in the end, there is at least one among them who has the potential to break through the Evolution step."

As he was looking at Jonathan with a creepy smile, suddenly a black katana, a white staff, two hands, and a red knife appeared before his neck from different angles, making him incapable of moving an inch.

Cloud, Eliana, Zane, Kuragari, and the Saint, all of them surrounded the creature from all angles with their weapons around its neck.

"I. Said. Talk."

Putting his eyes on Kuragari who just talked with a dead-serious expression, the devil just simply smiled creepily and said calmly, "I wouldn't have come this close if I were you."

And just as he said that...


Several huge lightning bolts with a color of death appeared from the sky and with immense power they struck all five experts at once, making them to shout up with pain in an instant.


With clenched teeth, Kuragari used his shadow power to transport everyone away from the devil, and at the same time, he slashed at the creature's neck.

"Keke~ Not a wise choice.", said the devil and with a speed that was faster than sound, it appeared behind Kuragari with a raised hand, ready to chop his head off with a single move.

Feeling the immense danger approaching Kuragari tried to escape, but he knew that it was too late for him. 

Watching the incoming hand, Kuragari was about to activate his power to the fullest, but just as he wanted, a flash appeared next to his body, and with a smooth motion, he got pulled away in an instant.


As the scary-looking hand passed through nothing but air, the devil looked a bit surprised and looked at the direction where Kuragari was taken by the mysterious second figure.

Kuragari looked up to see who saved him, but when he saw it was Greg he smiled and said, "Thanks kid, you saved my a** there."

"Well that was close I won't lie, but I made it in time."

With a nod, Kuragari stood up and looked at the devil before him, while Eliana and the others, who were transported away by him appeared on his side. Even Joe, Mila, Juan, and even the twins appeared from the viewing area and stood behind the group ready to help them at any given moment.

As for Jonathan, he just stood there motionlessly in the distance, while looking at the creature's back with a complicated expression.

"He... he is... strong.", muttered Jonathan quietly, and with a smile, he was about to shot his attack that he wanted to throw at Greg, but before he could, Laura appeared behind him and after putting her hand on his back she sealed his power instantly.

Feeling as his ability started to vanish, Jonathan turned around angrily and was about to say something, when suddenly a loud shout appeared from behind him.

"You! Where did you get that mask!"

Turning around Jonathan saw as the devil was pointing at Greg with an incredibly angry expression like he just saw his family's killer.

Those eyes that felt like they could pierce through the Soul, Greg felt like if they could kill, he would have died thousands of times already.

Just as he was about to say something, Alice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Stay qui... Oh no..."

Hearing this Greg wanted to ask what happened, but before he could the devil squinted his blood-red eyes and said, "It's you! I found you!"

The moment he heard this Greg felt like suddenly everything around him turned extremely dangerous, while his sixth sense ability turned on suddenly making his neck feel numb in an instant.

As he thought about what he should do, suddenly an ash black palm appeared before his face out of nowhere ready to grab his head.

Kuragari who was the closest to Greg reacted the fastest and slashed toward the creature's arm with his katana.

Seeing the incoming attack the devil snorted and said angrily, "F*ck off! All of you!"


With a huge explosion, black fire appeared around the creature and separated himself and Greg from the others.

Kuragari seeing as the black fire after contact made his sword to melt away in an instant let go of the weapon and jumped backward.

Watching as Greg was all alone with the devil inside the fire, Kuragari tried to use his ability to go there by his shadow teleportation, but strangely he couldn't access any shadow inside the circle of fire.

"What is happening here? Why is there no shadow in there?"

Eliana next to him tried to look at the fire with her golden eyes, but a second later she suddenly held them and small drops of blood started to flow out between her fingers.

Zane on the side seeing this stepped next to her without hesitation and after taking out a bottle which was full of a strange-looking liquid he made Eliana drink it in an instant.

Drinking the whole bottle, her eyes started to heal in an instant, while the expression on Eliana's face relaxed a level.

"Don't use any power close to those flames. They are cursed and they are on a terrifyingly different level. I have never seen a cursed fire this strong before.", said the Saint in a cold voice as he looked at the eerily black flames before him.

Turning their gazes toward Greg who was inside the fire, none of them knew what they should do to help him.

Especially Joe and Mila looked insanely bothered. They wanted to help him, but they knew deep inside that their power here wasn't even sufficient, to begin with. They were like mere ants before an elephant compared to that devil looking creature.

Inside the circle of wild flames, Greg looked at the creature before him and started to think for ways to escape this hell like situation that he was in at the moment.

As he was thinking, the devil pointed at himself and started to talk in a harsh voice, "Human! I, Ozron, one of the Six and a being who was given the title of The Cursing Mage, order you to give me your Soul Stone!"

After saying that he suddenly started to smile creepily and continued.

"Or if not, your death won't be a pleasant one."

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