Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Unknown Help

Somewhere in the colorful space, five different-looking creatures were standing in the nothingness, while forming a pentagon-shaped formation.

All of them were releasing their suffocating power, fueling a deep black-colored hole in the middle of their array.

As they were using their power with a somewhat struggling expression, the creature which looked like a fairy with a colorful crown on top of her head turned her face and looked at the man with the sword.

"How much time does it take for him to arrive there? Because even with our powers sustaining a gate to such a long distance for a very long time is almost an impossible task."

Looking at the fairy the man started to think a bit and a while later ha said, "Don't worry, Ozron has already arrived there and he is busy finding her. As for the time...", turning his gaze at the black hole he continued, "In the Universe time flow is different everywhere, so let's hope time there goes slower than here."

The fairy after wasn't looking satisfied with the answer that the man gave to her, but she couldn't say anything about it at all. What the man just said was true and unfortunately, she couldn't argue with that.

Looking at the gate in the middle of their array, the fairy snorted and said quietly, "He better bring 'her' back or I will skin him alive."


Back on earth, Greg was watching the devil before him without saying a single word and asked Alice in his mind, "What should I use? That thing is simply too strong, I can't beat him with my current strength."

"Just make sure not to answer his questions or don't even try to talk to him. He is only using a small portion of his ability right now.", answered Alice quietly to Greg.

Ozron before Greg squinted his eyes and said while pointing at him, " No matter how hard you try to hide your presence, every time you talk your powers leaks out from that human. Just simply give up and give yourself to me. You will be in better hands than in that weak human."

However even after the devil said this, Alice didn't talk back to him and simply ignored his presence.

Not understanding fully the situation, Greg was totally confused. But he knew one thing for sure.

"That creepy bastard is definitely coming for Alice. Should he be one of the Higher Beings?"

"No, he isn't. He is just their dog, but even like this he is much stronger than any of you, so I wouldn't try to make him angry. When it comes to torture, he is a master."

As Greg was listening to what Alice was saying to him, Ozron's smiled suddenly disappeared, and said in an ice-cold tone, "I don't know what she is saying to you, but to tell the truth I don't really care."

Saying this, the devil raised his hand before his chest, and after chanting quietly something a black fire appeared around his palm.

However, it wasn't like the other flames around them because this one was much deeper in color while smoke and lightning burst out of it from time to time.

"Last warning. Hand her over now or die. You have 5 seconds."



Greg saw as each time the creature talked, the flames around them started to shrink with each second making the space between him and the circle of fire to grow smaller and smaller.

Looking at this, he started to think about using the mask's power to escape the devil's flame, when suddenly Alice sounded in his head.

"If I were you I wouldn't try something so stupid like that."


"Why?", asked Greg Alice in an instant after hearing what she said in a strict voice.


"Maybe the artifact can protect you from these flames and other temporary abilities, but it can't save you from permanent powers. If those flames touch you, you are as good as a lump of dead meat."josei

While listening to what Alice said, Greg stepped forward because of the approaching flames and looked at the devil before him.

Ozron seeing as Greg wasn't doing anything and just simply looked at him without saying a single word waved his hand and in an instant, the flames stopped shrinking, making the space between him and Greg to halt around two meters.

With the same creepy smile that he always used to show, Ozron looked at Greg and said slowly, "On-"


However, just as he was about to use the strange fire on his hand to attack Greg, suddenly a huge explosion occurred, resulting in blowing the black flames away.

This sight not only surprised the devil and Greg, but even Alice's voice sounded visibly shocked inside Greg's head.

"H... How?"

While Ozron couldn't believe his eyes that there was someone who could make his ability to disappear that easily, suddenly two people with hoodies covering their faces appeared on both sides of Greg.

Eliana, Kuragari, Zane, and the others looked at the two mysterious figures on Greg's side and didn't know how to react.

"Weren't they the ones...", started to ask Mila quietly as she looked at the two next to Greg, but couldn't finish her sentence, because one of the two suddenly talked.

"Leave now or don't think for any mercy. Anyway, the restriction will soon affect you, so you won't have any choice but to leave."

Hearing what the guy said, the devil frowned arm asked, "What restriction? There is no natural restriction on this planet. And also, shouldn't you introduce yourself first before talking to me ignorant being?"

The man on the side hearing this didn't answer, but just slowly raised his hand and with a waving gesture he said calmly, "You don't need to know who I am, so just get lost."

The moment Ozron saw the man's gesture, suddenly his smile froze onto his face and with an eerie look, he raised his palm and said, "Oh~? I hope you will be this cocky when I go and skin you alive!"

"I will, but before that...", said the man calmly and pointed behind the devil.

Looking at that gesture, the devil turned around, but the moment he did, his eyes widened instantly.

What appeared before his eyes, was a golden gate with a snow-white door in the middle of it. Its size was several times as big as the whole Arena itself, making the top of it to touch the bottom of the clouds above in the air. It looked almost like that giant tree that Greg saw in the past with Joe.

"W... When?"

Sandra looked at the enormous thing before her eyes with a dumbfounded expression, not understanding just how in the world did such a monstrous object appear before them without a single warning.

And it wasn't just her, bet everyone else too. Even the thousands of people and the other experts who helped them to escape from Mythbreak stopped moving to turn around and look at the massive gate with wide-open eyes.

Not even Eliana, Zane, and Kuragari, the three best experts presently on earth's surface could understand what that gate could possibly mean. They met with different kinds of strange phenomenon throughout their lives, but this was their very first time meeting something like this in their lifetime.

However, on the other hand, the devil looked incredibly shocked and asked, "How could this appear here? This planet has no natural restrictions!"

Hearing the question, the guy on Greg's left side said in an instant, "Who said that this a natural one?"

"What?", asked the devil in a surprised voice and wanted to turn around, but suddenly the door started to open.

"It seems it's time for you to go.", said the other man next to Greg in a cocky manner and clapped his hand.



With a loud bang, the gate's door burst open, showing breathtaking scenery on the other side of the gate.

A colorful space, hundreds of planets, and thousands if not millions of stars. Everything behind that gate was just as mesmerizing as terrifying at the same time.

" It's time for you to leave.", said the man on the right side and clapped another time.


Knowing that it could mean nothing good for him after all of this, the creature tried to turn around and attack Greg with his power, but the moment he started to move, the gate's golden surface lit up.

"Oh no!", said Ozron loudly with a panicked face and wanted to hurry up and grab Greg's body, but only after taking a few steps forward, suddenly his body halted and started to fly toward the gate at a rapid pace.



However, Ozron wasn't able to finish his swearings toward the two men next to Greg, because the massive gate shut its door closed before his face, trapping him inside the unknown.

Feeling that everything finally turned back to peace the man clapped his hand again slowly.


The moment his slow clapping was heard, the huge gate in the middle of the Arena started to slowly turn transparent and in less than a second it vanished from sight, leaving behind no evidence at all.

Everyone inside the Arena seeing this didn't know how they should react, but one thing was sure. Finally, everything calmed down.

"That scary bastard has eventually vanished from here. At least we can relax a bit for now.", said Kuragari with a sigh of relief, and a bit later he started to walk toward Greg and the two mysterious men in the distance.

But just as he was about to take his first step forward, suddenly both men grabbed Greg by his arms, and just like the gate did, they too vanished into thin air with him, leaving behind no hint at all that they were there a second ago.


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