Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Mysteries One After Another

In the same colorful space, the five creatures in the pentagon-shaped array were using their power to make the black hole in the middle work as long as they possibly could.

Even one of the creatures that had the shape of a human-sized centipede started to look extremely exhausted even though it was only utilizing its power for little more than a few minutes.

As time ticked by second after another, suddenly the black hole in the middle of their formation started to vibrate crazily.

"STOP USING YOUR POWERS!", shouted the man with the sword with a shocked face, and without any hesitation, he retreated a few hundreds of meters.

Following his order and doing just as he did, all the other creatures stopped fueling the gate with their powers and jumped away from the array as fast as they possibly could.

And just a second later as they that...


An explosion that twisted the whole space in the surroundings exploded out of the black gate from the middle of the array, making the five creatures to fly away even further than they wanted to.

There was even a small meteorite in the proximity that turned into nothing more than dust only just by the blast's shock wave.

Because of the unexpected eruption and its insane shock wave, all the creatures used whatever power they could do to protect their lives.

"What the hell has happened?"


Not understanding what could have made this eruption to occur, the man used his sword as a shield and said loudly, "Just bear with it a bit more! It's almost over!"

Just as he said that another explosion, bigger than the first one broke out from the gate, ready to wipe out every living being in the vicinity. 

"Not good!", said the man instantly feeling the immense danger, and with a swift move he slashed at the gate while his sword was still in the scabbard.



As the man slashed with his weapon, a strange and invisible power broke out of the tip of the scabbard, and at a rapid pace, it started to fly toward the gate.

Cutting everything in its wake, the attack arrived before the black hole and in an instant in enveloped it like a blanket from every direction, trapping it inside an orb-shaped form.




Loud outbreaks one after another broke out from the hole, but because of the barrier like power around it, no matter how strong it was, it couldn't break out in the end.

With a raised hand, the man clenched his teeth and used everything he got to sustain that barrier around the outbreaking calamity. Even small drops of sweat could be seen slowly flowing down his face, showing just how hard he tried not to let the barrier to collapse from around the gap.

After a few minutes when he started to reach his limit and he was on the verge of giving up, the black gap suddenly started to shrink and under a few seconds, it finally disappeared into nothingness.

Lowering his hand, the man looked incredibly exhausted and looked at the place where the hole was a second ago and didn't know what could have happened.


Somewhere on earth in a destroyed building someplace in the middle of nowhere, with a flash, three figures appeared out of nowhere.

Of course, they were Greg and the two men with the hoodie covering their faces and whole body.

"Where are we?", asked Greg without any hesitation as the two men released his arms and stepped to the side.

"We are in the middle of the Forbidden Lands, so no one will disturb or follow us. This would be the very last place they want to find you."

Hearing this, Greg's body froze still not believing the statement of the man.

"That's impossible. The Forbidden Lands are hundreds of miles away from the capital and I'm sure we just spent a few seconds traveling here."

Both men after hearing what Greg said, looked at each other and after a small hesitation the one on the left started to talk, "Look kid, we know that everything that just happened could confuse you, but you need to listen carefully. From now on, you ceased to exist in this world."


Looking at the man who just said that what he did a moment ago, Greg was dead quiet.

Not knowing what his facial expression could be because of the mask on his face, the two looked at each other again and waited for him to start to talk.

After a few seconds of processing the sentence that the man just said to him, suddenly Greg opened his mouth and started to talk while he tightened his grip on his staff.

"What do you mean under that?"

Feeling that he was ready to fight any moment, the man on the right raised his hand and with a slow motion he took off the hoodie from his head.

After revealing his face, what Greg could see was a man in his mid-thirties, with a normal and common facial look.

Following his comrade's behavior, the other guy did the same and took off the cover from his head. However even after taking the hoodie off, what Greg could see was only the man's eyes, because his most was covered with a strange gas mask.

While he was analyzing the two men before him, the one on the right started to talk calmly.

"Relax kid, we are not your enemies."

"And should I believe that after what your friend said and after you took me here without a word?", asked Greg in an ice-cold tone as he was still on his guard.josei

Knowing that he had a point the man with the gas mask said, "You need to believe us because we are really not your enemies, but those outside there."

"Yes just as he said. The biggest evidence for this is that creature that wanted to kill you. Luckily it didn't know that after such a long time, humanity's technology reached a terrifying level, so we got him by surprise. Haha! He was totally scared after he saw the Passage to the Unknown, what a poor bastard."

"Passage to the Unknown?", asked Greg confusedly, because this was his very first time hearing this name in his life.

"Yes, Passage to the Unknown. Some of the planets all around the universe have such a thing called like this, by their sizes, shapes and colors always differ. Unfortunately, our earth didn't have such a thing, but because of the appearance of the Soul Stones and the Guardians, we could build one."

"Build one? You mean you built something that huge and powerful only by Guardian's power? How?", asked Greg instantly not understanding how could humans construct something like that only by Guardian's power.

That thing was incredibly massive that not even those on the God rank could achieve. And also it's power as it pulled the devil inside the space... Maybe if there were hundreds of people on the God rank, there was a tiny chance they could achieve something like that.

Waving his hands, the man in the gas mask said calmly, "You don't need to know the details yet, but simply put until we have that gate, none of the lower and middle ranked creatures could step onto earth's surface."

Nodding in agreement the other man said, "Anyway, what is the most important bow is that you need to understand that you are in great danger both from the human side and from the creature's."

"Why? I didn't do anything that should bring me anyone's wrath.", said Greg as he started to believe that those two weren't his enemies.

Seeing as Greg started to calm down, the guy on the left sighed with relief and said, "No you didn't, but something inside you did."

"Inside... Me?"

"Yes. However, the reason why and especially why one of The Six from under the Higher Being's came personally for you that I don't know. But one thing is for sure. You are much more precious than you could ever think. And this is why we need to make people think that you are dead to avoid any further fuss in the future."

"But didn't you just say those creatures can't come here? You know because of that gate. So why should humans think I'm dead?", asked Greg instantly after thinking about this.

What the two men just said to him wasn't logical at all. Once they said those creatures can't appear on earth's surface, so he doesn't need to worry, but still, he needs to pretend that he died. This two don't make any sense at all.

The man on the right suddenly smiled and said with a curious gaze, "Kid nothing as easy as it seems. Sometimes things can get a little bit complicated and hard. Just like you didn't think a creature that powerful could exist, it's the same for other beings."

As he said that he smiled and continued, "Maybe you don't know but there is a much stronger race out in the Universe called the Higher Beings. They have existed for millions of years and they have unfathomable power."

Hearing this Greg pretended that he didn't know these things and kept on listening to what the man wanted to say.

"These creatures have thousands of ways to find and get what they want and this applies also for us. Because of a strange incident in the past, they are looking for something that neither we and they know. They only know that it should be around on this planet, so what is the best and sneakiest way to find what they want? Spies. A huge amount of spies all around the world looking for whatever they want to find."

"But can't that gate solve this problem?", asked Greg after a small hesitation, thinking that with that gate, those spies are nothing more but simple ants.

However, the two men didn't think this way, so instead of explaining everything one by one, the man with the gas mask looked at Greg calmly and said, "Let us tell you just what is REALLY happening behind the curtains on this world."

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