Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Search For A Crystal


With an unpleasant sound, the wooden door opened wide and suddenly Greg walked in.

Russ who was sitting in a chair with a thick looking book in his hand looked up at Greg and wanted to ask him what he wanted, but before he could, Greg asked, "Where can I find energy crystals with element affinity?"

Hearing the unexpected question Russ glanced at Wayne who was on the side, but seeing his confused look too Russ put down the book in his hand and said, "Special energy crystals with different kinds of element affinities are not so rare, but not so common too. They can be found anywhere in a 4th rank dimensional zone or above."

"Is there a 4th rank zone in the proximity?", asked Greg in an instant.

Russ and Wayne seeing Greg's sudden determination got a bit surprised, but still in the end Russ nodded and started to talk.

"We have 3 more days until we will get teleported away, so I think it's not a problem for you to go for a search."

After thinking for a while Russ looked at Greg and continued, "If I'm right we are on the east part of the Forbidden Lands and what is more we are on the highest peak of a mountain on this part, so there should be several dimensional zones around the 4th rank. Zones that are higher than the 5th rank are commonly appearing around the north and west part, so I think you are free to go."

Greg listening to what Russ said nodded and turned around to leave, but just as he was about to walk away, Russ said one more thing.

"But don't forget, you have 3 days. If you don't come back till then, then don't even dream about going out of this place alive. It's not a threat, but just a simple warning. It is totally up to you if you adhere to it or not."

Looking back at Russ and Wayne, Greg nodded without a word, and without any hesitation he started to walk out of the house.


The moment the door got closed with the same unpleasant sound, Wayne frowned slightly and after looking at Russ he asked, "Will he come back?"

Russ after picking up the book he was reading a moment ago looked at the door and said with confidence, "He will."

"How can you say that with such confidence?", asked Wayne.

"Because I know."

Wayne hearing Russ's answer didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but still, he believed in that statement, so without asking any more questions, he just leaned back into his chair and after closing his eyes, he started to fell asleep quietly.

While the two men stayed behind in the house without doing a single thing, Greg was already running in the wide open, looking for a dimensional zone that could give him an energy crystal with the affinity of wind.

As he was running at an average speed, he watched as the environment around him slowly changed from a vast grassy field into a rotten and scary looking wasteland, while creatures with the presence of the Creator rank started to appear one after another.

"This place is just as disturbing as the stories say. Ash black surface, rotten grasses, trees and bushes and hundreds of wandering creatures all around the place.", thought Greg with a slight frown and turned his head to the side, but the moment he did, he stopped running and squinted his eyes.

In the distance where he looked, he could see a creature that looked like a white tiger sitting on a cliff looking for it's prey. 

Out of the fur that was made out of dense and chaotic white clouds with different shaped black patterns on it, it wasn't anything special at all.

"A Typhoon Beast on the Creator rank. Maybe I don't even need to find a dimensional zone to find a wind crystal?"

"Those creatures drop only Middle- and Low-Class energy crystals and it is even rare that they drop one with an affinity with the element of the wind. Just continue on walking. If I feel it right, there will be a dimensional zone in the proximity that will have a wind crystal in it."

Listening to Alice's voice Greg nodded and was about to turn around, but suddenly the beast on the cliff stood up and glared at Greg with bloodlust.

Seeing those murderous glares, Greg's eyes turned sharp and in an instant, a black staff appeared in his hand.

"It seems first I need to kill that thing."

The tiger like understanding what Greg just said, turned even angrier, and in an instant with a thunderous roar, it growled into the air.


Hearing the roar Greg smiled and said quietly, "That's the spirit."

With the activation of his wind ability and the usage of his full physical power, Greg appeared before the creature and slashed at the tiger's head.josei


The hit was so powerful that it made the whole body of the creature to sink deep into the ground in an instant while turning the proximity around it into a huge crater filled with full of debris.


The moment Greg's weapon hit the beast's head, a horrible noise sounded loudly, similar to that of a bone breaking into numerous parts.

Watching as the beast was not standing up even after minutes of his hit, Greg straightened his back and thought with surprise, "I forgot about my physical strength. Maybe it was because this was the first time that I met with such a wild creature, but I didn't hold back anything and hit it with everything I had."

As he thought about this he saw as the beast's body started to turn into dust and what remained on the ground was a single shiny crystal with a chaotic black cloud inside it which was spinning like crazy.

"This should be an energy crystal with the wind affinity.", said Greg to himself, and after picking it up he started to consume it.

In an instant, it started to melt into his hand and after four minutes of consuming a piece of information appeared in his head.

'Middle-Class Wind Crystal consumed'

As he heard the information appear in his head, he felt a pleasant rush run through his body, making him feel somewhat relaxed.

"Hmmm... Did something change about my body after consuming this?", asked Greg from himself with curio and opened the data on his watch, however the moment he saw the screen his eyes widened in an instant.

{Name: Greg Hyde}

○ Rank: ???

○ Soul Stone: Black

○ Guardian Name: Unknown

○ Guardian's Power: (Unidentified power)

○ Heritage: Thousand Sight (Unusable)

- Physical power: ???/10

- Body Speed: ???/10 

- Stamina: ???/10

- Agility: ???/10

• Soul Creatures: 5 (Informations)

• Energy Crystals: ??? 

"What... is this?", asked Greg with disbelief.

What he could see before his face, was something that he didn't expect at all.

He remembered that the last time he watched his data was before the time when he successfully unlocked the limiter on his body and started temper his body to reach the Soul Grade.

At that time, everything was clearly written in his data, like his rank, the amount of energy crystals he consumed, and the numbers behind his body traits but now...

"Except for the new aspect that tells my Heritage power, everything has a question mark, but why?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's because of my Cultivation Art and the way you cultivate. After tempering your body to the fifth level, no one in the same league can beat you in pure physical strength and this is also true for your device. It can't analyze your body structure, showing just how much you have changed since the beginning."

Hearing what Alice said Greg nodded and said, "Then the unidentified power and the question mark behind the energy crystal bar on the screen should be because of the Cultivation Art, yes?"


"I see.", said Greg and after a small silence, he wanted to ask something, when suddenly the ground started to shake like crazy.



Back in the house, Wayne's eyes opened side in an instant and after standing up he asked Russ, "What is happening?"

Putting down the book in his hand Russ looked outside the door with a serious expression and a while later he said, "It seems that kid did something he shouldn't have done."

As the quake became stronger and stronger with every passing second, Greg started to notice as the surroundings around him started to slowly turn dark, even though the sun was still high up in the sky.

Catching sight of this sudden changes, Greg raised his head, but the second he saw what was looking back at him not far away from him, he started to sweat in an instant.

"Oh... My...", said Greg with a shocked expression as he watched a familiar looking tiger in the distance.

However, the only difference between this and the one he just killed was that this one was several times bigger, while it's fur not only was made out of black and white chaotic clouds, but they even moved like crazy all around the beast's body.

As Greg and the beast were looking at each other without the slightest sign of movement, suddenly Alice's voice sounded in Greg's head.

"A Mutated Typhoon Beast. You are incredibly lucky, that creature will definitely have a High-Class Wind Crystal. However, to kill it... That's another story."

Hearing what Alice said, Greg gulped down his saliva and with a forced smile he looked at the tiger and said, "Hello ther-"


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