Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Mutated Typhoon Beast


Listening to the earth-shaking howl, Russ raised the book in his hand a bit higher and started to smile slightly.

"Haha, that kid..."


Jumping away from the huge claws of the tiger, Greg activated his wind ability, making the flow's speed inside his body to skyrocket in an instant, while numerous vortexes appeared around him.


Like thunder exploding out from a storm, Greg burst forward by accelerating the vortexes around his body, and less than a second his figure arrived before the beast.

With raised hands, Greg was about to slash at the creature with his staff, but before he could, suddenly the tiger raised its huge head and opened its jaws.

"Not good!!", said Greg immediately and without any hesitation he changed the vortex's direction to the right, making his whole body to fly to the side in an instant.



Just a second later as his body flew to the side, a massive spiral-like attack that was similar to that of a chaotic tornado came out of the beast's maw, and with a powerful impact, it crashed into the small mountain in the distance, forming a huge hole in its center.

"That was close", said Greg as he watched the huge hole in the middle of the mountain.


Noticing that its attack didn't hit the target it wanted, the tiger looked a level angrier, and with a loud growl, it raised its paw.

Greg seeing this act, frowned slightly and wanted to say something, but just before he could, suddenly a wide open maw full of human-sized teeth appeared around him, ready to tear him apart.


After realizing what was happening, Greg used the vortexes around his body and accelerated them to the max level in an instant, hoping that it could save him from death's door just in time.


With a speed that could make an average human's body to be ripped apart just by the pressure, Greg's figure abruptly vanished into thin air and appeared above the beast's head with clenched teeth.

"I can be also fast you know.", said Greg with an ice-cold expression, and after raising Shapeless above his head, he chopped at the beast's head, just like he did with the other one before.


However the moment the staff hit the creature's head, except for a small exploding sound, nothing else happened. Not even a small injury or scar.

"Strange.", said Greg with a frown and wanted to hit the beast one more time, but before he could, suddenly a strange scene happened.


Following the thunderous roar, the tiger's body suddenly started to shrink in size, while the white clouds around its body became even more turbulent than ever before.

However, this wasn't the only thing that changed in the creature. A violent storm that was similar to that of a hurricane formed around the beast's paws and tail, making its body to look quite frightening even though it's size shrunk.

While these changes occurred with the creature's body, Greg summoned the fairy to his side and used her help to make him stay floated high up in the air.

"That tiger is truly a Mutated Typhoon Beast.", said Greg without expression and put a slight distance between him and the creature, fearing that he will find himself in the same situation as he was a minute ago.

Also, the reason why he decided to do so was because this was the very first time he met such a beast. 

It not only was incredibly fast and lethal, but it could change its shape and form at will depending on the situation, making it quite a scary enemy to fight against.

"Maybe it won't change anything that I'm up here, but I'm quite curious what else this creature could do, so let's wait for it to attack first.", said Greg calmly.

However, the fairy wasn't thinking the same way as him. The moment it saw the tiger, its body suddenly tensed up and it gave out an immense amount of hostility toward the beast. 

"What is i...?!"

Watching his pet act like that, Greg didn't understand what was going on at all. Just as he was about to calm it down, the fairy suddenly raised it's small hand, and with a fast motion, it slashed at the beast.


The creature seeing as a huge wind blade came at its way snarled angrily and without hesitation, it swung its paw into the air, firing a massive whirlwind toward the attack.

Under a second, the two attacks reached each other, but the moment they collided, Greg noticed something very shocking.

The wind blade that could injure even a fourth ranked creature, this time was like a faint breeze before a sweeping train that has no brake on it.

Without giving the slightest chance to resist, the whirlwind erased the fairy's attack from sight in an instant and it continued its approach toward Greg and the little pet without stopping.


Grabbing the fairy's little body with one hand, Greg made flew to the side, dodging the beast's attack only by a margin.


Watching as the huge whirlwind flew past the place with insane speed where he was not long ago, Greg was quite surprised.

It wasn't because the fairy's attack was ineffective against the creature's attack, because it was expected. Even though it was a mutated pet on the 3rd rank, it was nothing against a mutated beast on the 4th rank.

No, it wasn't because of that. The reason he was so surprised was because of the fact that he could have died three times already since the beginning of this fight.

If he hadn't concentrated even for a single second, he would have been already in the belly of that beast by now.josei

"Damn... I totally forgot how it feels to dance on the edge of a knife. The last time I felt like this was back when the zone mutation occurred."

As he thought about this, Greg looked at the fairy and said, "You need to be much more careful from now on."

The pet hearing what Greg said to her, looked up at him with her sharp eyes, but the moment she saw Greg piercing glare she flinched slightly and started to nod.

"Perfect.", said Greg and with a gentle movement, he put the little fairy onto his shoulder and after tightening his grip on his staff, he said, "Let's find a way to beat that ugliness."

The beast after hearing Greg's statement looked quite surprised, but in the next second, it turned incredibly angry and roared at him.


With a sudden burst, which was faster than everything else before, the tiger vanished and appeared before Greg and with a wide jaw, it was ready to bite his throat.

However, Greg expected this to happen, so he wasn't surprised at all. Instead, he used the fairy's floating and his vortex's power to avoid the creature's attack, and with a smooth movement, he hit the beast's back with his staff.



However, just like the first time, the only thing that happened was a quiet slamming sound following a loud growl from the beast.


Feeling as his neck turned slightly numb, Greg's expression stiffened, and without any hesitation, he lowered his head.


Just as he did that, the beast's tail that was covered with swirling wind blades and represented a rampaging typhoon swept through the place where his head was a second ago.

"Attack it!", said Greg to the fairy on his shoulder, while at the same time he activated the Home of Attributes ability of Shapless and slashed at its head again.

One attack toward the back and one to the front. Greg and the fairy attacked the tiger at two separate points, making the beast unable to dodge each of them in time, especially from that distance. It was too close.



However, even after knowing that he succeeded in hitting the beast, Greg didn't relax even for a second, instead he accelerated the vortex's speed around his body and put a great distance between him and the creature.

The tiger seeing Greg's act growled angrily and without any delay, it jumped toward him with eyes filled with deep bloodlust and hatred.

Seeing this, Greg's expression didn't change, but simply waved his sleeve and suddenly a coat that was made out of purple mist appeared around his body, covering his whole figure.

"Let's end this.", said Greg calmly and activated the coat's ability, making the surroundings to be filled with purple mist instantly.

The tiger seeing as his vision was filled with purple mist all of a sudden, roared angrily and moved its tail powerfully.

In an instant, all the most around it flew away, giving its sight, however, to its surprise, Greg's figure was no further where it was a second ago, but rather it was right below its abdomen.

"Die.", said Greg, and with a trust of his staff, he pierced into the tiger's belly.

Because he used Shapless's shape-changing ability, he could turn the staff's end into a sharp, spear-like edge, making the piercing process much easier, and also it was much more effective against this beast than those simple hits he tried before.



With an earth-shattering roar, the tiger tried to swing its paws at Greg to tear him apart, but just as it was about to do so, Greg smiled and said calmly, "It's already too late to act."


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