Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Examination

In the wooden house late at night, Russ was calmly reading his book with a slight smile etched on his face while Wayne was soundlessly sleeping not far away from him.josei

"Haha! Who would have thought..."

While Russ was enjoying the book he was reading at the moment, suddenly the door opened wide, revealing Greg's figure with a small fairy on his shoulder.

Because of the door's unpleasant sound, Wayne woke up with a frown and was about to scold Greg, but the moment he saw his expression he decided to stay quiet instead.

And it wasn't just him, but Russ too. The two men watched as Greg walked in slowly with a dark expression and sat down on a sofa in the corner without a single word.

However, what was even more surprising that in contrast to Greg's darkened expression, the little fairy on his shoulder was insanely delighted, but as to why it was unknown.

While the two men looked at the two with a confused look, suddenly Greg raised his wrist and opened the screen on his device.

{Wind Sailer} (Mutant)

○ Rank: Creator

○ Type: Pet (Operational)

○ Powers: Wind Slash, Wind Sailing, Wind Silk, Wind Area

• Energy Crystals: 0/5000

(Can rank up with only Requirements)

¤ Requirements for the next rank: 

° Mutated Wind Crystals: 0/2

Looking at data on the screen Greg's expression looked even more darkened. After closing the screen on his device he took out a small crystal from his pocket and started to inspect it.

It was a small orb sized crystal with slight white color, while the interior of it was covered with a gentle breeze, showing that it was an element crustal with the affinity of wind.

"Alice, will this be enough to stabilize the first flow if I start to cultivate the wind element?", asked Greg from Alice in his head.

After a small hesitation, Alice hummed a little and said, " I think it should be enough. Maybe it's not from a mutated creature that was on the Dimensional level, but it's still a High-Class energy crystal that comes from a 4th ranked Storm Bird."

Listening to this, Greg looked at the little pet on his shoulder and looked at her with a piercing look.

Just thinking about what happened a few hours ago made him want to strangle her to death, but unfortunately, she was just too essential to him to do so.

After so many difficulties he finally killed the Mutated Typhoon Beast, but the moment the energy crystal, which was as big as a human baby, dropped to the ground, the fairy instantly decided to consume it, making her to rank up in an instant.

Just imagine it. A fairy that was on the Soul Collector rank needed 1000 more energy crystal to rank up, but suddenly it ranked up only by one Wind Crystal. It was absurd, but at the same time, it meant that it was a priceless treasure, that could make anyone on earth's surface go crazy in an instant.

As Greg thought about this his mood became even bitter than before and after a small sigh he said, "At least I got this."

As he said that he raised his wrist again and opened the screen on the device.

{Typhoon Beast} (Mutant) (Dimensional)

○ Rank: Creator

○ Type: Mount (Operational)

○ Powers: Size Change, Intimidation, Storm Steps, Typhoon

• Energy Crystals: 0/5000

(Can rank up only with requirements)

¤ Requirements:

° Storm Stone: 0/1

° Mutated Wind Crystal: 0/4

The moment Greg killed the beast the first thing he realized that he got a Soul Creature, which meant that the beast was not only a zone's core in the past which became a dimensional creature after zone break, but it was also a mutated one.

Just thinking about that such a rare occurrence could happen and he was the one who killed it made Greg happy and sad at the same time.

"Unfortunately I can't rank it up because it is a dimensional creature. As Nick said, ranking up such a creature brings a huge amount of risk, so I won't."

As he said that he looked at the information on the screen and after thinking for a while he continued, "A mutated mount, which is operational... I'm curious just how good it will be."

While he thought about this, suddenly the fairy flew up from his shoulder and she started to slowly approach the energy crystal in Greg's hand.

Noticing this Greg, frowned and after putting the crystal into his shadow, he said in a somewhat angry tone to the fairy, "Stop, you got enough already. This is mine. I needed to find a new creature because of you, so it's a no!"

The fairy hearing what Greg said, looked up at him with innocent eyes and started to talk with a small pause between each word.

"Please! Pretty... Please!... Little... me... Will... Be... Good!"

Wayne and Russ the moment heard the pet talk instantly stood up and looked at Greg with a wide-open mouth.

Seeing their reaction to this, Greg sighed and after waving his hand around he said, "This is my pet. Because of a rotation, it can behave independently, and also as she goes higher in the ranks she can also learn the human language too. It's a long story, so just let it go."

Russ glanced at Wayne after hearing this, but after seeing his shocked and confused expression too he decided to just stay quiet.

For the two, this was the very first time that they met such a thing. They knew that mutated creatures could exist, but that where a pet can learn their languages and behave independently was totally new for them.

Seeing the two men's gaze on his skin, Greg swept the fairy away from his face and after standing up he said, "I will go up and relax, so if there is nothing essential, please don't disturb me."

With that said, he turned around, and with a pleading little fairy flying around his body, he started to walk upon the stairs slowly.

Russ and Wayne watched as Greg's figure slowly walked up on the stairs and a few seconds later he disappeared from their sight.

Russ turned to look at Wayne, but not knowing what to say, he just sat down and said with a small shock, "The world is really full of surprise and mysteries."

While the two stayed down, thinking about a way how he could have obtained such a creature, Greg was on the second floor and with a hop, he sat down onto a comfortable couch.

However even after he did this the fairy was still flying around him and pleading for the wind crystal.

Looking at the fairy and it's pleading look Greg sighed and said, "I need this one no matter how hard you plead. However I promise we will find you enough energy crystals in the and, so can you stop begging?"

The moment the little fairy heard this, stopped talking, and asked, "Will... You... Promise?"

"Yes I will.", said Greg with a sigh.

Hearing this, the fairy smiled and after a delighted spin in the air, she flew before Greg's face and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank... You!", said the fairy and with a smile, she sat back onto his shoulder without saying anything more.

Seeing as the fairy finally settled down and stopped talking, Greg sighed with relief and started to think, "Now the only thing I need to do is to find a way to activate the First Flow."

Closing his eyes slowly and sitting into a lotus-like position on the couch, Greg started to think back to the times he used the wind ability.

The very first time he started to use it much frequently was the time back in the PGF.

Since then, he realized that the wind ability was the only element that could give him enough support under a one on one fight, while also saving his life from immense danger.

As time went on, he started to use this element subconsciously the most, while neglecting all the other elements. Maybe he used the darkness element the second most and the light element in the beginning, but as for the other ones, the moments he used them was almost nill.

"Well, the time will come to use and understand them, but as for now, let's concentrate on this one.", said Greg and started to think about ways he could utilize the element of wind.


While Greg was in deep thoughts to activate his Cultivation Art's First Flow, until then in a place very far away from him, a man was standing before hundreds of people.

Each person before the man was kneeling with a hoodie covering their body and faces.

As the man looked over the hundreds of soldiers, he suddenly waved his hand and two holographic photos appeared in the sky and shouted, "You all know who he is! Greg Hyde, a 17 years old boy from Nexus City! He has only a black Soul Stone with a trash Guardian."

As the man talked with a loud voice, he started to walk left and right slowly and continued, "On the Soul Tournament, even though for his data that said he was weak, he showed incredible domination to all of his opponents. However, this is not the reason I brought all of you here. Not even close. The reason why is because of this."

The moment he said that a third photo appeared, which showed a black smiling demon mask.

Watching as every person raised their head to look at the photo, the man said, "Your task is to find the boy and bring him with the mask back to me. If you fail..."

Without continuing his sentence, the man just started to smile creepily and said, "Don't even think about coming back here alive."

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