Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Element Of Wind

Wind. Just like any other element, it can be just as gentle as violent. It can become a support for sailors on a small lake and also the eternal death for a cruiser on the vast ocean.

However what can make the element of wind much more extraordinary than the other elements around it? 

Greg was thinking about this question since the beginning of his time up on the second floor of the house.

Was it special because it can boost his speed or because he can accelerate and decelerate his body parts at will? 

Greg thought about all of these, but he thinks these are only the bottom of a massively huge mountain which summit was still waiting for him to be discovered.

"What could possibly make it so unique? In what other ways can I use it?"

As Greg thought about this, the little fairy on his shoulder started to get bored, so it decided to look around the house.

Since it was almost two days that Greg didn't move from his sitting position, she thought it won't be a problem for her to move.

But what she didn't know that this act of hers would benefit Greg instead.

The moment she flew away from her master, suddenly Greg, who was thinking with everything he had, suddenly heard the fairy's quiet movement around him and his face turned a bit surprised.

Without opening his eyes, he instead started to sharpen his ears and tried to listen as carefully as he could.


What he could hear was the almost mute whooshing sound from the fairy, making Greg to realize slowly something.

However, before he could make sure that he was right he started to concentrate his attention on Russ and Wayne who was below him a level.

As he sharpened his ear, he started to listen carefully.


After listening for almost a full minute and not hearing anything, Greg started to frown and after standing up he walked down a level.

However, the moment his feet touched the stair, which was halfway, everything changed.

The moment he walked down, Greg saw as Russ and Wayne were sitting before the table while playing a strange looking card game and chatting with each other.

"And I tell you, she was insanely... Ah, Greg! We thought you have died, haha!"

Greg looked at Russ who was laughing in his direction and a while later he asked, "Is there a barrier between the two floors?"

Russ hearing Greg's unexpected question nodded and said, "Yes, but it's a very weak one. It's only purpose is to lessen the sound between the floors, making each level as quiet as it can. But... Why?"

Listening to this Greg nodded and after waving his hand he said, "Nothing, I was just curious. Now then, if you excuse me."

With that said, Greg turned around and walked back slowly to the second floor.

Russ looked at Wayne who was before him but seeing his shrug he just shook his head helplessly and said, "That kid... He is all the time up there sitting in one place and he is doing nothing at all. How does he want to become strong like that?"

Wayne looked at the staircase and after thinking for a while he said, "Maybe he has his own reasons to do so."

"Maybe.", said Russ and after a small smile, he said, "Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. As I said she was extremely hot! I almost f..."

Back on the second floor, Greg sat back down onto the sofa with his lotus-like position.

A small while later he took a deep breath and after closing his eyes he said calmly, "This should be the key. I missed a very critical aspect and this could be the reason why I couldn't activate the first flow."

What he thought about was something that he shouldn't have forgotten. 

What is the wind in the first place? The wind itself is a moving air that could move because of pressure. The stronger the pressure was the faster the wind moved and this fact became even greater with the appearance of the Soul Stones and the Guardians. 

But even after the appearance of the Guardians and their amazing ability to control this element, the fact that wind was a moving air was absolute.

This was totally visible when he accelerated the vortexes around his body. The speed of their rotation depended on how much air he controlled toward them to make the pressure even greater, resulting in the vortex's acceleration.

This is was why he felt sometimes that his body was on the verge of tearing up. It wasn't because he was moving too fast, but instead the pressure that was all the time around his body. 

But this wasn't what Greg forgot. No, what he forgot was that without air there was not only no wind but also no...


Maybe sound can travel through solids and liquid, but if there is no air, no matter how much you talk, there will be no sound such as letters, words, and sentences. There will be only utter silence. 

Thinking about this, Greg closed his eyes and after holding his breath he started to concentrate on the surroundings around him.



Minute after minute went by, but even after 10 minutes what Greg could hear except the fairy's whooshing sound was nothing.josei

"No, this is not right. I know I'm close to the solution but somehow I miss something. Without air, there is no wind and there is no sound, but there is no connection between wind and sound. What do I miss here?"

As he thought about this, he started to tap on his thigh slowly.


As time went by, suddenly Greg's fingers stopped moving, and asked himself, "What if those two don't need to be in connection with each other? What if they can be used totally differently, but the only thing I need to do is to use my ability to decide which one I want to use at the moment?"

Thinking about this, Greg started to get excited and without any hesitation, he activated his wind power.

In an instant, the familiar-looking wind vortexes appeared around his body making his whole person feel as light as a feather immediately.

"I was too obsessed by the fact of its speed-boosting ability, that I forgot that it is not the element of speed but the element of wind. So because of this, what will happen if I do this?"


Without any warning, the vortexes around Greg spread out and with a sudden motion, all of them vanished into thin air.

Maybe for others, it seemed that they disappeared and the surroundings looked just like it always was, but in Greg's eyes, everything changed. 

What he could see, was that the vortexes that only he could see now were all around the room, flying here and there with a strange sound.

Not even the fairy who was related to the wind element detected them, which was very surprising. Only Greg, who was the owner of the power itself, could see and hear them as clear as day.

With widened eyes, Greg raised his hand and moved to touch the thin vortex in the air slowly. The reason why he was so careful was that he thought just like any wind blades, they will cut him too, but luckily nothing like that happened. Instead, the moment his finger touched the vortex, it simply passed right through it.

Seeing this, Greg frowned slightly and wanted to say something, but before he could, suddenly all the vortexes around that vortex he touched, started to spin like crazy, making the ones around them to spin too.

It was like a huge chain reaction. If one started to move then each and every one of them followed suit. And what made Greg even more shocked that he could identify which vortex spun earlier and later only by looking at the speed it swirled.

But even if he didn't look, he could hear them too. The faster the vortex spun the louder it became.

"This... This is amazing! Who knew I could utilize my power like this. It can save me from anyone who wants to surprise attack me from hundreds of meters or it can help me find whoever tries to hide. This is simply amazing!"

What Greg said was true. Maybe he had the Silver Wolf's sixth sense ability, but they only activated when there was a life-threatening danger. As for the tracking ability, it could be only used in a ten meters proximity, so those who are outside his range could easily hide.

As he thought about this, Greg used his ability to call all the vortexes back to his body, and just as he thought it was totally an easy task. He could freely control them, just as if they were his own body parts.

However, the moment the last vortex started to spin around his body, Greg felt that something inside his body cracked, making him feel instantly strange.


Concentrating on his body, Greg noticed that the river-like flow inside his body started to turn half-transparent and move with insane speed, while it started to duplicate, forming another cycle inside his body.

"I succeeded! The First Flow is starting to activate and the Second Flow is forming!"

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