Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Ways Of Useage

Looking at the pieces of information on his device, Greg nodded and thought, "It seems it was a good choice. Not only does it require small things to the next rank, but it has also an ability that is able to make my body immune against toxins. Perfect!"

Putting his gloves away Greg looked at the single crystal in his hand and decided to give it to his Mist Bat Soul Creature, however, what he didn't expect was that the moment the crystal melted into the purple colored mist cloak, it made it to rank up in an instant.

"Well... That was unexpected.", said Greg with a slight surprise and opened his device's screen again.

{Mist Bat}

○ Rank: Manifester

○ Type: Cloak

○ Powers: Smokescreen, Transparency

• Energy Crystals: 0/500

"Hmmm... Maybe I know what that skill could be.", said quietly Greg as he looked at the data on the screen, and without hesitation, he activated the cloak's smokescreen ability.

Just like in the past, the moment he used that ability, the whole surrounding around him got filled with purple mist, without knowing a single thing where he was.

"Let's see.", said Greg with a slight smile and activated the second skill and in an instant, everything changed in his eyes.

The purple mist that was all the time like a solid fog without seeing through it suddenly turned transparent in Greg's eyes.

Just like before he activated the power, everything was just as clear as day.

"Cool.", said Greg with a smile, and after deactivating the cloak's abilities he turned around and to walked away slowly.

On his way back to the wooden house, Greg met with several creatures, but with his First Flow, they were not a problem at all.

Every time he was about to bump into a creature the air threads around him would always warn him beforehand, making him to raise his guard.

If it was a monster on the 5th rank or above it, he would go and change his route, but if it was under that, he would kill them without difficulty.

After walking and beating a monster on his path, Greg finally arrived back at the small lake.

Crossing the bridge, Greg opened the door and walked in, but the moment he wanted to close the door, he noticed that Russ and Wayne were nowhere to be seen.

Greg looked at the staircase on the side and a small while later he thought, "Let's practice outside instead. I don't want to destroy this building in the end."

As he said that he turned around and after closing the door he looked around.

"There is a small tree on the side. I guess it will be a perfect place for me to practice.", said Greg calmly, and with steady steps, he walked there.josei

The tree was just like any regular tree. It was around a few meters tall with a width of two adult humans. However, the only difference it had was that instead of green-colored leaves, it had colorful ones.

From pink to red, every color could be found on it. Even black and white ones could be seen, making it's appearance even weirder.

"Hmm... Even though it looks strange, the feeling it gives me is relaxing.", thought Greg and with a shrug, he sat down before the tree.

Taking his lotus-like position, Greg closed his eyes and started to think.

"Now that I could get a Fire Crystal from Mila, it should be obvious that I will cultivate my fire element."

Thinking about this, Greg started to remember back the past when he used Alice's fire powers, just as he did before activating the First Flow.

However, the only thing he could remember was just a few things. Except for the moments, when he used his fire to melt out other bodies that was frozen by him, there were no times when he used it.

It wasn't because he didn't want it, but simply because he couldn't. The biggest problem with the six elements was that he could only use one power at once, and couldn't use two or more at the same time.

Even switching from one element to another needs a little bit of time. Around a second, but that second could decide everything in a live or die fight.

And just as he stated before, you can have earth-shaking powers, but if you were slow, you are dead. So this was the reason why he used almost all the time his wind abilities, and only at special times did he use the other ones.

However, as he thought about this, suddenly his expression turned a bit surprised, and thought, "Wait. There was once when I needed to use my fire powers. Or at least not me, but Alice."

Thinking back to when he needed to prove his worth to Joe's father and needed to clear a Dual Zone all alone, Greg smiled.

The interior of the zone was a huge volcano with an insane temperature. Just solely standing a mile away from that huge volcano made him to sweat like crazy.

In the end, he needed to ask for Alice's help. In her little fox form, she could make a thin layer around his body to protect him against the insane conditions.

"Thinking about this. Can I do the same thing now only by myself?", thought Greg with curiosity, and without hesitation, he activated his fire element.

In an instant, the second cycle inside his body turned crimson red, while a lava-like substance started to flow slowly in it.

As this happened, Greg raised his hand and a small burning fire appeared above his palm.

"Just as mesmerizing as the first time.", said Greg with awe as he looked at the crimson flame around his hand.

"Let's see if I can do it.", said Greg in an instant after looking at the fire for enough time.

Without further hesitation, he started to concentrate on the flame and made it to cover his body.

And just as he expected, it worked. First his palm, then his arm, his chest, leg, and head, and in the end the other side of his body.

Under a few seconds, his whole body got covered with a thin layer of crimson fire, making him look like he was the one who was on fire.

"Amazing!", said Greg with a satisfactory smile as he felt the temperature grow to a pleasant level, but the next second his smile vanished.

"Unfortunately this could only help me a little bit to activate the Second Flow. I need to think more."

As he said that he raised his hand before his face and started to inspect the flames around his body, while also controlling them from time to time.

After watching the flames for hours, Greg shook his head and said, "I can control it at will. I can use it to protect myself from different temperatures and also I can use it to attack. What else do I miss here?"

Deactivating the element Greg started to think, but suddenly he noticed as Russ and Wayne finally came back from who knows where.

"We are back. What are you doing?", asked Russ with a raised eyebrow as he looked at Greg under the tree.

"Nothing. Just practicing.", said Greg with a slight smile.

Russ looked at Wayne, but seeing as he just shrugged, he sighed and said, "Sure."

With that the two men walked back into the house, leaving Greg all alone under the tree.

"Let's continue.", said Greg and after closing his eyes, he started to think about ways he could utilize his fire powers, but unfortunately it wasn't an easy task.

Even though he didn't use it in the past he knew already that he could use it for protection, for combat, and also for control, so what else was there he didn't notice?

Because of this, Greg was all day and night thinking about ways, but try as he wants, there was none. Except for eating, drinking, and going out for the toilet, he spent all of his time under the tree, looking for solutions.

After a week, when the sun was high up in the sky, Wayne looked out the window, and while watching Greg's sitting motionlessly in one place, he asked Russ, "What do you think, is he okay? He didn't move from there since yesterday. He didn't even eat."

"He should be. He said he is practicing, so he should do just that.", answered Russ calmly as he drank a coffee slowly.

While the two men were inside the house, until then outside Greg was sitting motionlessly under the tree with closed eyes.

Time ticked by second after second, when suddenly a slight breeze came and made the tree's leaves to flutter to the side, making the sun to shine onto Greg's eyes.

A small while later Greg frowned and after covering his eyes from the sun, he thought, "Damn! Since we teleported to this part of the Forbidden Lands, the sun all the time shines right into my eyes."

As he said this, he wanted to find another place, but suddenly he stopped moving because of realizing something.

"Wait a minute. What?"

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