Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Special Activation

"Wait a minute. What?"

Greg realizing something sat back and started to think.

"Sun... What if what I need to find is not how to use fire, but instead how to create. The wind is in the air, the earth is under my feet, water is almost everywhere, while where darkness is there should be light too. However, there is one element that needs to be created and that is fire."

As he thought about this, Greg looked up at the sun in the sky and thought, "What if what I need to do to activate the Second Flow is to create fire by an external power? And what is the best fuel for that? Sun!"

Thinking about this, Greg sat back into a lotus-like position and without hesitation started to use his fire element, but this time, he didn't summon fire. He just concentrated on the flow inside his body, while feeling the sun's heat on his skin.

"Concentrate... Concentrate..."

With deep breaths, Greg tried to make fire by the sun's warmth, while the lava-like substance inside him was flowing in a circle.

One deep breath after another, Greg concentrated on the temperature around his body. Only just after 30 minutes, huge sweat drops started to appear on his forehead, making his concentration to get harder with each passing second.

He wasn't sweating because of the sun, but because the lava flow inside his body started to speed up while its temperature was also growing nonstop.

"I'm on the right track, so keep on going.", thought Greg with clenched teeth while continuing his deep breathing.

The feeling he was sensing right now was very similar to that when someone sat inside lukewarm water, but as time was going on the water became hotter and hotter to an almost unbearable point. But with the only difference that it was all happening inside the body. It wasn't an enjoyable moment that is for sure.

When Greg reached 1 hour, his whole body was covered in huge drops of sweat, making him look like he just came out of the shower.

"Come... On!!"

Greg did everything he could not think about giving up. He just endured the pain like a real man would and continued to breathe.

However, even like this, there was one risk that he didn't think about. And that is dehydration. If he loses too much sweat he could die very easily, so what he is doing right now was extremely dangerous.

Without knowing this lurking threat, Greg continued what he was doing and concentrated on the flow and the heat around his body.

One second after another ticked by and after another half hour, suddenly the flow inside Greg's body started to pulse, while it started to release a crimson light with each vibration, making his body to be covered with a crimson glow.

Russ and Wayne were talking with each other in the house when suddenly a red light started to shine inside through the window.

Feeling the similar presence in the air, the two men looked at each other and said in unison, "Don't tell me..."josei

With that said, the two ran out of the house, however, the moment they opened the door, what waited for them was insane heat.

It was so hot that not even an Ascender ranked fighter would bear it with only just it's bare skin. Luckily they had already completed the Evolution Step so something like this wasn't a problem, but still, it surprised them a lot.

"The same feeling. He is forming a Core Territory even though he is not on the Calamity rank. Don't tell me he will form six Core Territories for his six elements because I will instantly cry.", said Wayne with a stunned expression as he talked to Russ.

However, Russ didn't answer his friend's statement and just simply watched the happenings before his eyes.

"Use the crystal."

Going as Alice said, Greg took out the fire crystal, and just like as he did before, he started to consume it without hesitation.

As he did that, layers appeared around the Second Flow, while a third cycle appeared inside his body with a totally different route.

Under a few minutes, Greg finished consuming the crystal, making his whole body to be set ablaze in an instant.


Just like a small explosion, the surroundings around Greg turned to ash in an instant, however for some reason the only thing that didn't get damaged was the tree.

Even though Greg's burning body was sitting from it only an inch, it was doing just as great as it did before. Not even a small burnt mark could be seen on its trunk.

However, Russ and Wayne didn't have the time to notice this, because they were too concerned about the happenings with Greg.

Especially Wayne. Once when he looked at Greg, he saw that his fire had a crimson color, but this time it wasn't crimson red but almost golden. All around Greg's body, crimson and golden-colored fire was burning, making his appearance look quite intimidating.

As the two men were looking at this sight with a slightly stunned expression, Greg stood up and looked at his body with a wide smile on his face.

"I... I did it!!! Haha!", said happily and with a wave of his hand, he fired the golden fire toward the lake.


In an instant, as the golden fire touched the water, a huge fog arose, while a small portion of the lake vanished without a sign.

"Amazing!", said Greg and looked at the golden flame around his body.

However, Russ and Wayne weren't this happy at all. In the beginning, they were surprised a bit, but the moment Greg evaporated a small portion of the lake they turned totally speechless.

Both of them knew what that water was and it wasn't anything ordinary that is for sure. And this is the reason why they knew for sure that the golden fire around Greg's body was insanely dangerous. To the point, it could be deadly even to the user.

"This... This is simply ridiculous.", said Russ after a while, not knowing what else he could say.

As he said that, Greg deactivated the Second Flow, but as he did that, the First Flow automatically turned on, making him to see the air threads around him again.

Thinking about something, he activated the Second Flow again, however, when he did what appeared on his palm was an average looking crimson fire. Not golden, but crimson.

"So I can activate my fire element directly or if I want more destructive power then through the heat in the air. Amazing!"

As he thought about this Greg turned around, but before he could do anything more, suddenly his vision turned dizzy, while his body started to fall forward.

"Wha... Huh?"


Russ and Wayne in the distance after seeing as Greg fell to the ground unconsciously looked at each other with confused expressions, not understanding what just happened.



Inside the wooden house, Greg was lying on the sofa, when suddenly he started to open his eyes slowly.

"Where... What happened?", asked Greg with a frown as he struggled to sit up.

Looking around Greg saw that Russ and Wayne could be seen nowhere, so he leaned back and asked, "What happened Alice?"

"You got unconscious."

"I know that. But why? And also for how much time?", asked Greg as he looked at the ceiling.

"Don't worry, you were only unconscious for 2 days. As for why it happened was because you activated the Second Flow through Special Activation."

"What the hell should that mean?", asked Greg with a frown.

With a chuckle, Alice appeared next to Greg with her shiny appearance, but with the only difference that both of her legs were now visible.

Seeing this change Greg sat up and with extra-wide eyes, he said, "I... You... Your legs!"

"What about them? They are visible because you activated the first two Flows", said Alice as she crossed them before Greg.

Hearing this Greg looked surprised and asked, "So if I active all six of them, I will be able to see your true appearance?"


Listening to this Greg got excited and wanted to say something, but before he could, suddenly his head started to ache.


"Don't move too much for now. Because you just attempted your first-ever Special Activation, your body could feel kind of strange. After resting for a while it will go away in an instant."

A small while later when the headache turned slightly bearable, Greg looked at Alice and asked, "What is this Special Activation?"

"Special Activation is a method with which you can turn on the Flow inside your body. It is like a shortcut, however, what the requirements are unknown even for me, but one thing is sure. If you attempt one, the result will be this. Falling unconscious for an unknown period of time and waking up with intense pain. But the process itself is not dangerous at all, that is why I didn't stop you. And also look, you felt it too. Your fire element became even stronger than before.", said Alice with a shrug.

"That is true."

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