Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Prey Sense

{Silver Wolf}

○ Rank: Soul Collector

○ Type: Enhance

○ Powers: Tracking, Sixth Sense, Prey Sense

• Energy Crystals: 0/1000

¤ Requirements for the next rank:

° Creator ranked Wolf blood

"Prey Sense and... What?"

Seeing the new pieces of information about his Silver Wolf's Soul Creature, Greg didn't know how to react.

It wasn't because of the newly gained ability, but instead because of the requirements for the next rank.

"Creator ranked wolf blood?", thought Greg with surprise as he looked at the sentence on the screen.

It was his very first time that he met something like this. Finding a wolf creature on the creator rank wasn't a very hard task, but to get its blood and make the Soul Creature consume it... It was quite a tricky job to do.

"Well, at least I found something new again.", said Greg with a shrug and looked at the new ability.

"Prey Sense... In what way can it help me?"

As he thought about this Greg activated the ability, but the next moment he suddenly felt a cold rush go through his eyes.

"What is happening?", thought Greg with a stunned expression as he looked around.

The surroundings all around him turned black and white just like it did when he activated the Tracking skill, but this time something completely new happened.

While the grass, trees, and another object in his proximity were black, white, and grey, until then in the lake dim blue light could be seen moving here and there.josei

"What is that?", asked Greg quietly and squinted his eyes to see what those lights really were, but the instant he saw his eyes widened.

"Creatures? But why are they giving out a dim blue light?", asked Greg with confusion, but the next second suddenly a loud shriek could be heard from above his head.

Raising his head he saw as a huge bird with a massive body flew in the sky, but for some reason, it gave out a blinding crimson light from its body. And it wasn't it's natural appearance, but it shone because of the Silver Wolf's Prey Sensing ability.

"Could it be that this ability can measure the creature's power and element affinity? The color indicates the element while the attitude of the light showed its power. Amazing! With this, it will be much better to find creatures! But..."

As he thought about this he looked back at the creatures in the lake and started to think.

"How should I go inside there?", thought Greg while scratching his neck slowly.

He could use his wind ability to create an air bubble around his body, but that would be only useful for a limited time. And because he couldn't kill 5th ranked creatures without his golden flames that would be a bad choice.


Thinking about solutions one after another, suddenly Greg thought about something.

"Maybe it's time for me to my water element. However..."

The only problem with his water element was that it wasn't really a water element, but instead ice.

Every time he used it, what happened was only freezing and not water control, so using it now should be quite tricky.

"Let's see if I can do something about this problem.", thought Greg and without hesitation, he walked closer to the lake and crouched down.

Touching the surface of the water, he activated his water element and in an instant, the third cycle inside his body changed.

The whole cycle inside him turned into a solid ice-like substance with a light blue color, making Greg's body to feel refreshed in an instant.

However just as he expected the moment he touched the water it suddenly started to freeze. Under a mere second, a small portion of the lake's surface turned into ice, and just like a virus, it didn't stop spreading.

"If I could activate my Third Flow with this element, it should be quite possible that I could freeze the whole lake in an instant. That would be completely stunning."

Watching as the ice started to spread without stopping, Greg frowned and concentrated on the cycle inside him even more.

"The key here should be about the flow inside me. If I can make it to flow and turn into a liquid-like substance then it is quite possible for me to control water no?"

Thinking about it, Greg closed his eyes and concentrated on the flow inside his body.

One second after another and one small breath after another Greg started to feel that the solidified ice in the Third Flow started to move.

"That's it!", thought Greg happily and continued to concentrate on it without stopping even for a second.



With slow-motion, the ice under Greg's hand started to stop spreading, making him know he was on the right track.

Under a few seconds, the whole solid ice on the water formed thousands of cracks, and suddenly the next second it all turned into water.

And just as this happened, the ice-like substance inside Greg's body turned totally water like and it flowed through the part of the Third Flow just like a calm river.

Feeling the refreshing feeling going through his whole body, Greg smiled and with a sudden wave of his arm, he swept to the left.


While creating a small wave, the water followed his arm's motion and moved to the side.

"Haha! Cool!", thought Greg and after a spin with his arm he raised his arm to the sky, making a huge amount of water to be raised to the air too.

Seeing this Greg smiled slightly and slashed down with his hand.



With an explosion-like sound, a huge wave broke toward the sky, making water to fall from the sky after a second.

"This feeling is much better than I thought!", said Greg with a wide smile and looked at his palm.

"Can I change back to controlling ice?", thought Greg with curiosity and concentrated on the Third Flow.

However to his surprise, just by thinking about what he wanted, the river-like flow froze in an instant, making him to be able to freeze water again.

"Interesting. Well then...", thought Greg and turned the Third Flow back.

"What should I do now? Should I control the water around those creatures to pull them to me?", thought Greg as he looked at the several moving dim blue lights deep inside the water.

"I don't think I can reach that deep with my current power, but it earns a try."

As he said this, Greg put out both of his arms toward the moving lights in the water, while trying to sense the water around the creature.

A few minutes went by like that, Greg put down his hands and with a sigh, he shook his head and said, "I can't. They are just too deep. If I have practiced with this element more in the past, then I shouldn't be this hopeless now."

Thinking about this, Greg switched to his Second Flow making golden flames to appear around his hand in an instant, and said, "Well... The only way that remained is to burn this whole place up."


With a slash of his hand, Greg fired a huge amount of fire onto the lake, evaporating a huge amount of the lake in a single second.

The heat was so great that the water level suddenly decreased several hundred meters, making Greg to see what those creatures were on the bottom.

"They are totally the same that I just killed not long ago.", thought Greg and without hesitation, he fired his golden flames onto the monsters in the water.


With an angry roar, the seal looked up at Greg, but because the water level decreased by him, it couldn't do anything but just look at Greg angrily.

Seeing this and knowing he can't kill it like that Greg smiled and said, "Come here."

Without hesitation, he switched to his water element and started to control the water around the creature.


Not understanding what was happening, the seal tried to escape, but unfortunately, the swirling water around it didn't let it. It was totally trapped without the slightest chance to escape.

Seeing that this time his attempt was successful, Greg raised his arm, making the trapped seal in the water to fly up into the air.


Watching as the creature was high up in the air Greg smiled and without hesitation, he switched to his Second Flow, making his whole arm to be lit up with golden flames instantly.



Just like a small firework, the moment the golden fire hit the creature in the air it exploded up and turned its whole being into nothing more but ash and burnt flesh.

Seeing as a shiny blue crystal with a kind of watery surface started to fell from the sky, Greg turned instantly happy.

"Finally! Energy crystal with the water affinity!", said Greg in an instant and instantly jumped up to catch the crystal.

Looking at it one more time to be sure it was really what he was looking for, Greg nodded and said, "It really is. I'm just too good!"

Thinking about Thai, Greg put the crustal away and was about to turn around to leave, when suddenly the water in the lake on his side suddenly started to shake like crazy.


And it wasn't just the water that shook, but also the ground around the lake, making Greg to raise his guard in an instant.

Just a second later as he did that, the water's surface suddenly exploded, revealing a massively huge head, similar to that of the creature he just killed a few seconds ago.

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