Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Mutated Razor Seal

"Don't tell me..."

Looking at the insanely huge head, which had full of razor-sharp bones coming out of its skin, Greg started to sweat in an instant and didn't dare to move.

"A mutated creature on the Calamity rank...", said Greg and activated his Prey Sense ability to see how strong this creature was, but the moment he did, he deactivated instantly.

The blue light that came from the creature was so strong that it was almost blinding, indicating that this creature not only was insanely strong, but it had a terrifying control over the element of water.

"If it looks so strong, I don't dare to imagine just how strong its Core Territory could be."

Thinking about this, Greg activated his First Flow in an instant and started to walk away without giving out a single sound.

However, even like this that he wasn't giving out a single sound, the creature suddenly turned its massive head toward his direction and roared at him angrily.


Knowing that he was busted, Greg turned around and started to run, but just as he stepped forward, suddenly huge drops of water appeared around his body and got fired at him like a bullet.

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*

Seeing this, Greg used the vortexes around his body to boost his speed, but even like this, some of the attacks cut his skin, making blood to flow out in an instant.


With clenched teeth, Greg didn't stop moving and run toward the forest in the distance, while trying to avoid as much rain bullets as he could.


Seeing as its prey was about to run away, the Mutated Seal roared angrily and in an instant, it opened its maw.

As this happened Greg felt as the Silver Wolf's sixth sense ability turned on automatically making his whole body to feel kind of numb in an instant.

"Not good!", thought Greg and without further hesitation, he accelerated the vortexes around his body, making his whole body to burst forth.



With a huge explosion, a blinding light broke out from the monster's maw, flying toward Greg with insane speed.

Looking behind to see what was happening, Greg saw that he can't escape in time, so without any hesitation, he used his darkness element.



Just a second after his body sinks into his shadow, a massive eruption occurred just where he disappeared, creating several miles deep crater.

Seeing that his attack reached its target and there was no sign that its prey survived, the Mutated Seal exhaled a huge amount of air, and with a slow motion, it sunk back into the water.


Back before the house, Greg was slowly walking over the bridge and after arriving before the house he walked in.

Russ was before the table and reading a book, but the moment he heard the door opening, he put it down and asked, "How did it we-, oh... What happened?"

Seeing that Greg was full of injuries and cuts, while blood flowed down his body slowly, Russ stood up and wanted to help, but Greg just shook his hand and said, "Nothing. It was just a small accident."

As he said this he turned around and walked out again while saying, "I just wanted to say I'm back. I will be practicing outside again, so if you need anything I will be here."

Russ watching as Greg walked out and sat back under the tree could only scratch his neck helplessly.

While Russ was watching Greg, suddenly Wayne walked down from the second floor, but the moment he saw the drops of blood on the floor he frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"The boy came back, but it seems he met with a strong creature so he got injured. He said he was okay, but those injuries don't seem okay for me at all. If I'm right those are from a creature's Core Territory attack and what is more, it's a very powerful one. He needs to heal it or it can affect his body in a very negative way."

Hearing this, Wayne frown and asked, "Should we go and help him?"

Thinking for a while, Russ shook his head and said, "No, not now. I have a hunch that he will find a way to solve that problem by himself, so don't worry."

As he said this, Russ turned around and sat back before the table and continued to read the book he was the moment before Greg came in.

While this happened, Greg walked before the tree he activated his Second Flow and sat down.

"Arghh... That was too close.", said Greg with a grunt as he looked at his injured body.

He had several cuts all over his skin, making his whole body with his clothing to be covered with blood.


While taking his lotus-like position Greg groaned again, but this time with a deeper frown.

"I should have used my darkness element from the get-go. I was stupid."

The reason why he used his wind element was that he thought the silence could help him to escape from there without turning the creature's attention on him.

However, just like always, it didn't go how he thought it should be.

The moment he moved everything turned to the worst. If he didn't have the darkness element he would have been dead long ago.

"Luckily I could switch to my darkness element just in time to escape. That was way too risky."

As he thought about this he closed his eyes and switched to his water element.

"But still... I luckily survived so let's start our cultivation."


While Greg was deep in his thought to think how he could activate his Third Flow, until then somewhere else on a huge mountain covered with ash black clouds, a young boy was sitting on a rock with closed eyes, while an old man was standing not far away from him.

"Remember, just concentrate on your heartbeat. Do not get distracted by anything else.", said the old man as he looked at the boy

Joe, who was sitting on the rock, hearing this nodded slightly and took in a deep breath, and just a second later a blinding light broke out from the clouds.





With a loud blast, a huge lightning bolt broke out from the clouds and in less than a second, it hit Joe's body.

However, even after the hit, Joe was just calmly sitting on the rock and looked totally unfazed.




One after another, Joe's body got hit by several thunderbolts making his whole body to be filled with electricity in an instant.

However, as this happened, his presence grew scarier with each hit, making his rank to reach the door of the Creator rank.

As Joe was calmly sitting on top of the rock, suddenly gigantic lighting appeared between the clouds, making the old man's eyes to brighten in an instant.

"Here it comes!"


With a powerful strike, the thunderbolt that was almost as wide as a human hit Joe's body making his presence break into the Creator rank in an instant.

"Finally!", said the old man happy, but the next second, suddenly his eyes widened in surprise.

"What... How is this possible!?"

As he looked at Joe, the man's eyes widened in shock not wanting to believe what he was seeing.

"Co... Core Territory Forming only at the Creator rank??!"


Somewhere else in another place, inside a huge volcano, on a small island which was surrounded with boiling lava, Mila was standing before a two person.

One was an old man with a huge white beard, while the other one was a woman in her thirties.

"Listen Mila. If you want to break through into the Creator rank with your power, you need to understand your power first. What it is specialized in and how you can utilize it. Only after that will you be able to become Creator ranked."

Listening to the old man before her, Mila nodded and without hesitation, she used her powers.

In an instant, a huge sphere appeared around the man and the woman, turning the air's temperature even hotter than before.

The woman felt the change around her, but even like this she shook her head and said, "This won't be enough. Your Purgatory ability is able to raise the temperature around your opponents, but still, it's too weak. Look."

With a wave of her hand, the sphere around the two adults instantly disappeared, making the temperature to drop down a few degrees in an instant.

Seeing this, Mila nodded and activated her power again, and said with determination in her eyes, "Please."


Standing outside a rigid house, Emma raised her hand and knocked on the door.


"Coming... Who is that crazy bastard that comes her-, Ah? Emma? Why are you here?"

An average looking man with smooth skin opened the door while talking to himself angrily, but the moment he saw Emma he stopped moving and was surprised.

Seeing the familiar face, Emma smiled wryly and said, "Hi dad... Long time no see you look just as fresh as ever."

Looking at Emma before him, the man stayed quiet for a whole minute, and only after that did he started to frown and asked, "Why are you here? I thought you and your mother don't want to see me ever again."

Listening to this Emma looked instantly sad and couldn't say anything for a while.

Only after a while later did she raise her head and said with sharp eyes, "Dad... I need your help."

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