Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: The Element Of Variegation

Under the colorful tree, Greg was calmly breathing the fresh air in while thinking about the Third Flow.

"Now that I can control water and also make it to solidify into ice, the only thing I need to do is to find out in what way I can utilize it."

As he thought about this, started to think. The very first time he used this element was way back in the past when he asked Joe from those two kidnappers.

He turned one of them into an ice sculpture while burning the other one almost into nothing more but ash.

"If I think about it now, I can only use my ice powers if I have physical contact. If not, no matter how hard I try I can't freeze anyone. And also that would be just too overpowered."

Thinking about this, Greg opened his eyes and looked at the ground before him.

After activating the cycle inside his body and making it to turn solid with an ice like substance, Greg raised his hand and started to concentrate.


However, even after looking at the ground for more than a few minutes, Greg put down his arm and sighed.

"This won't do. I really can't freeze objects just by looking at them, so this is not what I'm looking for."

Tapping on his thigh gently Greg thought for a very long time and said quietly, "Ice for attacking, so water should be for defense or control. This element has way too many variations."

Raising his hand, Greg pointed at the lake on his side, and with a pulling motion, he started to control the water.

Under a second a floating water sphere appeared before his face, making Greg to examine it from closer.

While looking at the water before his eyes Greg waved his hand and in an instant, a small water wall appeared before him.

As he looked at this, Greg picked up a small stone, and with a fast move, he threw it onto the water wall.


Without any resistance, the stone passed through it, making Greg to frown in an instant.

"It is not for the defense it is quite obvious. However, if I do this..."

As he said this, Greg switched to his ice control and instantly made the water to be frozen.

"If I have enough water around me, I should be able to create an ice barrier for defense. So how could I utilize the water element if it isn't for combat and defense? Battle control should be a definite no, cause it does not have such a crucial area presence, so I definitely miss something very important."

Looking at the ice wall before his face Greg touched it and made it turn back into a water sphere just like a second ago.


Looking at the water with an intense gaze, Greg tried to figure out what he was missing out.

"Water... Is it really useless in combat?", asked Greg with a frown.

He knew that there were tons of people out there who had water powers, but almost all of them were healers. Unfortunately, his water element didn't have such an aspect, because he has already tried it.

The very first thing he thought about was this. Because he knew almost all the healers in the world were water users, he thought maybe he should be able to heal his injuries, but he was totally wrong.

The moment he put a small amount of water onto his cuts, the only thing it did was to wash the blood away from his skin and nothing more. Not even a small healing process could be seen. 

"This will be much harder than I thought.", said Greg and continued to think for solutions.

Hours after hours and days after days went by.

Just like he did when he was looking for solutions for his Second Flow, this time to Greg just only moved away from the tree when he was hungry or he needed something very important things to do. However, out of these, he almost spent all of his time in one single spot.

Russ and Wayne were so used to this, that they didn't bother him at all. They only talked at him when they went away or came back from the hunt, but except for that, they were totally okay with what he was doing.

After the third day, Greg opened his eyes and sighed with a kind of angry expression.

"It's ridiculous. I believed it will be much easier, but no matter how I look at it, water can't be useful in no other ways except of healing, but my water element has no healing aspect."

As he said this Greg rubbed his head powerfully and said, "Argh! I think I'm going crazy. Maybe I should go and relax for a bit."

As he said this Greg stood up, but the moment he moved, a sudden sharp pain appeared throughout his whole body.

"Aghh... F*ck... What the hell?"

Straightening his back, Greg clenched his teeth and looked at his arms and chest.

Seeing the numerous cuts that were still visible from that Mutated Seal, Greg frowned and thought, "What is going on."

Concentrating on his body, Greg felt that something was pushing slightly against his flesh inside his body with each time he moved.

"Something is definitely inside me and there is almost a hundred.", thought Greg with widened eyes and looked at one of the cuts on his arm.

Squinting his eyes he looked into the cut and saw as a small orb like a thing that was made out of pure water was inside him without him realizing it until now.

"This is from that creature's Core Territory. These were the small things that it fired at me right?", thought Greg and with his water control he took out the small orb.

Making it to float before his eyes, Greg inspected it from closer, but a second later it started to evaporate into the air, without leaving anything left for Greg to watch.

Seeing this Greg was a bit surprised, but not expecting anything more from a power that was used days before he just shook his head and started to take the remaining orbs out of the cuts on his body.

One small orb after another, after close to 30 minutes Greg took out almost a hundred of them, making all of them to vanish into the air without a single exception.

"Hmm... Much better.", said Greg with a slight smile as he moved his body here and there.

"Well then... Let's rest for a bit", said Greg and started to walk toward the house, but the moment he stepped forward a step he frowned and touched his cheeks.



Looking at his wet fingers Greg was surprised and thought, "This should be because of those orbs. When they evaporated int-, wait... Evaporation..." 

Thinking about something Greg looked at the air before him and squinted his eyes.

"It's very small, but it's visible.", said Greg quietly, while he looked at the air.josei

Maybe it wasn't totally visible, but Greg could definitely see them.

Right in the air, several water drops were floating gently. They were the water droplets from the orbs that he took out from his body, but with the only difference, they were one with the air this time.

They were so small that they were almost invisible from sight. If Greg would have not passed through that place, he wouldn't he noticed them for sure.

"Should this be a clue for me?", asked Greg the question from himself, and without any hesitation, he activated his water element.

In an instant, he pulled a small amount of water before him from the lake, and with the wave of his hand, he made it to multiply into several tiny water droplets.

Just like the creature did, around Greg could see almost thousands of small water drops. However, after he did this, Greg was completely clueless about what he should do next.

"No this is not right. It is just a weak imitation of that creature and also what if I have no water in the vicinity? Then I can't do th..."

As he thought about something, Greg stopped thinking and in an instant, he looked around him and said with surprise, "Wait... Vicinity... If I'm right..."

Without hesitation, he raised his hand and waved his hand. And just as he did that, the air before him moved a little, making Greg to smile suddenly.

"Just as I thought."

Waving his hand around, Greg saw as one by one, small water drops appeared before him, forming a small water orb, very similar to those he took out from his injuries.

"How could I forget something very basic like this. Water is everywhere and this also goes for the air. It is there too."

As he thought about this, Greg waited for the Third Flow to activate on its own, but strangle nothing happened even after a whole minute.

"Was this really not what I was looking for?", asked Greg with a slight frown, not believing that this wasn't the key for the Third Flow's activation.

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