Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Jade Ice

"Was this really not what I was looking for?"

Greg was quite surprised and confused at the same time too. It was stunning because while the other two elements had only one role and were relatively easy to activate their flow, until then this element was insanely tricky.

It not only had two aspects that were different from each other but they could be also used in different ways.

He could control the water in the air and around his surroundings, he could make it to freeze it to use it for both combat and defense.

Thinking about this, Greg looked at the air before him and waved his hand. Watching as those tiny water drops started to move in the air, Greg thought, "Maybe the key here is not to use this element individually like the other two, but to use it physically? If yes, then that would explain why I can't freeze water without contact. But if this really is the solution then what should I do?"

What Greg was thinking right at the moment was what if he used this element from the beginning in a wrong way, and it was not for freezing others, but to help him in a totally different way.

Looking at the water drops before him Greg thought about something and sat down.

"Let's see if this will work.", said Greg and with a wave of his hand, he started to cover his whole body with water.

One drop of water after another, slowly Greg's whole figure started to get covered with a thin layer of water. His appearance currently was very similar to that moment when he used his fire element to protect himself from the immense heat, but this time it wasn't for that purpose.

Closing his eyes, Greg took a deep breath, and with a determined expression, he started to cover his whole face with water too.

Because humans couldn't breathe underwater without special means, that was why Greg took a deep breath, however, because of this, he had a very limited time to achive what he wanted.

"Let's start."

With that thought in mind, Greg changed from water control to ice, and without hesitation, he started to freeze himself.

And just like he wanted, the layer of water around his skin started to freeze, turning him and his skin into a shiny ice sculpture.

Even after feeling the blood freezing temperature on his skin, Greg stayed calm and thought, "If I'm right, now the flow should be doing something."

And just a second later he said this, suddenly the thick ice that built up his flow inside his body, started to turn even thicker, while making the temperature he could feel even colder than before.

Feeling as with each second the flow turned thicker Greg started to get happy, but just as he wanted to celebrate, suddenly a totally unexpected sight happened.

"What the..."

Because his sight was blocked by the ice Greg couldn't see anything, but he could definitely feel that something outside was touching the ice on his skin from time to time, making the temperature fell down even more.

Maybe he didn't see it, but what he felt was right. All around his figure in the proximity of five meters small droplets of water could be seen appearing one after another from the air and flying toward him.

And what was even more shocking that even though more ice appeared on him, the layer of it didn't grow but instead it started to shrink, while its color started to turn from sky blue color into a whitish-blue, jade-like appearance.

Greg knew that he was on the right track, but even like this, he felt quite nervous. It wasn't because of the low temperature, but because he felt that he started to suffocate slowly.

Because there was no hole on the ice from where he could breathe in, and also the temperature was insanely cold, Greg felt that he could die if he doesn't stop the process right now.

"Come on just a bit more!"

Greg's body was so cold that if someone could see through the layer of ice, then that person would be completely stunned. Right at the moment, his skin was as white as a sheet of paper because of both the temperature and the lack of oxygen.josei

But even like this, Greg's expression was just as determined as at the beginning. He knew really well that if he stops now, he wouldn't be able to start this process again in the future.

Just like people who can't bring themselves to swim in an ocean because they almost died in water in the past, it was also true for Greg. He wouldn't have the courage to try this dangerous method ever again if he fails know.

"Just... A... Bit... More!!", thought Greg with clenched teeth while feeling as the flow inside his body started to turn much shinier than it was before.

Each second was hell in itself. After 20 more seconds, Greg shook his head helplessly because he knew he would just only die in vain if he continues, but just as he was about to halt the method, suddenly the ice on his skin tightened in an instant, trapping him inside without stopping the process.

"Not good!", thought Greg nervously as he looked at his body, but the next second suddenly his expression turned shocked.

"Wait, what? I can see?", asked Greg with surprise, and the next second his eyes widened even more.

"I can... Breathe? But... How?"

Touching his face, Greg was 100% sure that the layer of ice was still on his face, blocking both his sight and his breathing, but for some reason, he was able to see and breathe just as easily as before.

As he was stunned by this unexpected fact, suddenly the flow inside his body shook, and just like the last two times, it started to pulsate while releasing a dim whitish-blue light with each throb.

As this happened, a fourth cycle started to appear inside his body, while the Third Flow started to look a bit similar to that of a jade, but somehow it flowed just as smoothly as water. It was quite a confusing sight.


"I know.", said Greg, cutting Alice's sentence into two.

Knowing what he should do, Greg took out the water crystal and started to consume it, creating a small layer around the Third Flow.

After a few minutes, when he consumed the crystal fully, the ice on his skin suddenly melted onto his skin, making his whole body to look like jade itself.


The moment the new cycle formed inside his body and the Third Flow was created, Greg felt that his whole body was just insanely calm. Maybe it was because of the low temperature around his body or because of something else, but it was quite a good feeling.

"Cool!", said Greg and with a strong force, he punched the ground.




Looking at the small hole with a wide crack around it that he just created only by a simple punch, Greg was pleasantly surprised.

"And can I do the same things as before even like this?", asked Greg from himself and waved his hand, and just as he expected the water in the lake moved.

"It seems the two aspects mixed, so I can control both water and ice.", said Greg with a smile and wanted to deactivate his Third Flow, but suddenly he noticed that the water that he controlled a moment ago started to freeze slowly.


Watching as the water turned to ice under a few minutes, Greg was quite startled and thought, "So I can freeze from a distance?"

Raising his hand he pointed at the ground before him and concentrated. However, even after a whole minute, nothing happened.

Seeing this Greg turned toward the lake and waved his hand, making the water to freeze after a small while he controlled it.

"So I can freeze only water and only after controlling it. This can be used in a lot of ways."

Thinking about this Greg deactivated his Third Flow and looked around.

"It will be almost a month since I am here. I wonder the others are doing well.", thought Greg a bit sadly and was about to turn around when he noticed something strange.


Looking at the tree where he always practiced, Greg frowned slightly. 

On the tree's trunk, a small amount of frost could be seen, which was obviously there just because of him, but this wasn't what made Greg confused. No, what was confusing that the frost, started to flow inside the tree's trunk, while jade leaves started to sprout on the tree one by one.

"What is happening here?", asked Greg and stepped closer to the tree.

Touching its surface with his hand, Greg started to examine it from even closer, but no matter how hard he looked at it, it looked just as normal as any other tree.

"Now that I think about it, this tree is not natural at all. It was also doing okay back when I used my golden flames. Did it consume my flames just as it did with my ice?"

Thinking about this Greg stepped further away a bit and after activating his Second Flow through normal activation he fired a fireball at the tree.


With a strong and loud bang, the fireball hit the tree, however instead of making it start to burn, the fire just simply disappeared before the tree and a second later red leaves started to appear on the tree.

Seeing this Greg frowned and asked, "What is this tree?"

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