Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: Thousand World Tree

Watching as the fire got consumed by the tree and a few seconds later crimson leaves started to appear on the tree, made Greg confused.

"What is this tree?", asked Greg and wanted to tear down a leaf, but suddenly a voice sounded behind his back.

"If I were you I wouldn't do something so stupid like that."

Turning around Greg saw as Russ was leaning against the house's wall and looked at Greg with a slight smile.


Standing up Russ walked next to Greg and while looking at the tree he explained, "This tree is one of the legendary Thousand World Tree."

"Thousand World Tree?"

"Yes", said Russ with a nod and touched the trunk of the tree.

"Legends say that from this tree there are millions more all across the universe and they existed way before other lifeforms were born."

"What can it do?"

Turning his gaze toward the leaves above Russ smiled and said, "No one really knows what it can really do, but one thing is for sure. Those leaves can consume any power and refine it to create a sealed world in the shape of a leaf."

"What?", asked Greg with surprise and looked at the crimson leaf that just appeared because of his power.

"Yes, you heard it right. Those leaves are all different worlds filled with immense powers that were consumed by the tree. If you touch even just one of them you will get trapped there for all eternity. Or at least until you don't die in there."

Hearing this, Greg pulled back his hand instantly and was a bit nervous. Thinking about that he was practically all the time under this tree without a single clue what danger lurked around him, made him start to sweat a bit.

"The world is truly filled with strange and unknown things."

As Greg thought about this Russ looked at Greg and said, "I saw you were successful in breaking through with another of your element. You are really something else kid. You are the very first one in existence to have three Core Territories even though you have only one Soul Stone. And if I'm right, there will be three more, yeah?"

Scratching the back of his head slowly, Greg smiled wryly and said, "Yeah, but the harder ones are still back."

Hearing this Russ laughed and said, "I can't believe with such power you only have a black Soul Stone. Anyway what is most important that you can get stronger and stronger, so keep up the good work."

With that said, Russ patted Greg on the shoulder and walked away slowly, but a few steps later he stopped and said, "Oh, I almost forgot it, but after the next teleportation you are prohibited to go outside."

"Why?", asked Greg with confusion.

Russ turned around and with a dead-serious expression he said calmly, "Because it will be a Blood Moon soon."


Inside an old house which wall was full of cracks and holes, Emma was quietly sitting on a chair with a cup of water in hand, while visibly she was deep in thought.

While thinking about unknown things, suddenly the man who said that was Emma's dad walked in and sat down a few meters away from her.

"So? What do you need my help with?"

Hearing the voice, Emma flinched slightly. Slowly raising her head to meet her father's gaze she started to think and a while later she said, "Can you remember what you told me before you went away?"

"Yes. I said to you and also to your mother that no matter what comes in the future, you can always rely on me. Both of you."

With a nod, Emma looked at her father's face and said, "Yeah... At that time, I have never thought about that I would ask for your help after what you have done."

Listening to this, both Emma's and her father's face turned sad, but a second later she continued, "But now that I have grown up, I can say it with confidence that what you have done was for our own good. You had to do 'that' no matter what."

"I... I had to...", said the father with lowered head, while his hands trembled slightly.

"I... I had to do that... If not... They would have killed both you and your mother. I... I didn't want to see that, but... But..."

With that said, the man couldn't finish his words and suddenly started to cry quietly.

Emma seeing her father like that felt her throat tighten too, but instead of crying with him, she stood up and hugged him without hesitation.

Feeling the unexpected hug, the man was a bit surprised, but after a second he hugged her back and said quietly, "I missed you... Both you and your mother... There was not even a single day that I didn't think about you... I would do anything for the both of you."

"I know..."

After a small while, Emma stepped back a meter and after looking at the man she said, "And that is why I came to you. I need your help."

Looking at her daughter, the man wiped the tear away from his eyes and asked, "In what?"

Instead of answering, Emma put her hand out, and in an instant, her Soul Stone appeared above her palm.

Seeing the shiny blue crystal, the man looked confused and wanted to ask something, suddenly Emma talked.

"As you know, my Guardian is able to heal others, but unfortunately that is all. I have no combat powers except of my Soul Creatures."

"Yes I know that.", answered the man with a slight nod and asked, "That was not new for me at all so why do you say this now so suddenly?"

Looking at her father, Emma suddenly smiled and asked, "What do you think is the fastest way for me to rank up?"

"Of course through healing others.", answered the man with a slight frown.

"Exactly. However, if I go, and clear zones with total strangers and heal their small injuries, then that wouldn't be enough for me at all. So the only solution that is left for me is..."

Without finishing her sentence, Emma suddenly smiled at her father in a somehow creepy way.

Seeing that familiar expression, the man started to sweat slowly, knowing that nothing good could happen with him after seeing that smile.


Inside the wooden house, Greg was relaxing on the couch on the second floor, while the fairy was sleeping on top of his head soundlessly.

Watching the clock on the wall Greg counted each second, waiting for the teleportation to start.

"53... 54... 55.. 56... 57... 58... 59... 5 o'clock!"

Just as he said that suddenly the whole building started to shake like crazy and the familiar-looking black barrier started to form around the lake.

With the same process that he saw the very first moment, Greg watched as the whole lake around the house got teleported away to a completely whole new place.

After a small while later the barrier started to form cracks one after another and under a few seconds, the new scenery appeared outside the window.

Curious about where they have got transferred to, Greg abruptly stood up, making the sleeping fairy on his head to fall onto the couch.


The instant her little body hit the couch, the fairy woke up, and with a dizzy look, she flew up into the air and started to talk.

"That... Was... Not... Nice!"

Looking at the fairy as she flew here and there with a dizzy look, Greg smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry."

Seeing his smile, the fairy spouted and flew onto Greg's shoulder and said quietly, "Silly..."

Shaking his head Greg continued to smile and looked out the window.

What he could see outside was a dense forest filled with ash black trees with a rotten look. One tree had a height of a hundred meters making it look quite an amazing sight.

Only looking up to see it's top could make one's neck to be injured in an instant.


With a slightly open mouth, Greg looked at the amazing sight and thought, "This sight is really something else. But..."

Looking at the surroundings while his First Flow was active, Greg saw as the thin threads in the air were entirely motionless, indicating that there were no lifeforms in the vicinity.josei

"Strange... Shouldn't be around at least a few low ranked creatures? Why is it so quiet?"

Feeling that something was extremely weird here, Greg was about to go down and ask Russ and Wayne about this situation, when suddenly the sun high above in the sky vanished and what appeared in its place was a moon with a bloody color.

And what was even stranger that the moment that moon appeared, Greg felt as his power weakened by some unknown force, while the fairy's presence suddenly reached the top of the Creator rank.

"What is happening here?", asked Greg confusedly after noticing these sudden changes, but a second later his confusion turned into utter shock.

It was because in the air, suddenly the threads started to move like crazy and a while later several monsters with scary presences started to appear one after another in the woods.

"Why do I feel immense dread all of a sudden?"

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