Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Jay's Power

"The path... Has vanished...", said Joe with shock, not believe what he was seeing at the moment.

Just a few moments ago, they met with a terrifying creature on the God rank, and now as they wanted to retreat their only way back has disappeared completely.

If it weren't for the rope which got engulfed by the wall, Greg wouldn't have noticed the change at all. Not even his First Flow noticed as the walls moved and blocked their way, which was quite frightening.

"Is this place... Changes on its own?", thought Greg with shock, not believe if something like this could happen.

This whole area's walls were made out of thousands of massive carcasses, so it was logical that they couldn't move.

They were not iron walls part of a machine, which was able to move freely by cogwheels, but dead bodies. But even if they were moved by an unknown power, it was still impossible to make it change positions without any signs.

Or at least under Greg's First Flow was insanely hard, almost unthinkable. Even if it was moved in silence or insanely fast speed which couldn't be noticed by mere eyes, Greg's wind threads around him should warn him about the changes.

Just like when the creature appeared. If it wasn't because of this power of his, they would have died without realizing what happened with them.

While Greg looked at the wall before him, Joe on the side looked where the creature came from and said, "We should go where the creature came from. If this place is truly changing paths, it will be much likely that we won't meet with things sooner. But if we are about to follow it, and we are unlucky, we can get trapped by the maze and die."

Greg heard what Joe said nodded and looked at Shapeless in his hand.

Now that it turned out that the only plan which could have helped them go back vanished, Greg sighed and said, "It became useless. Now it's is totally up to us to find the exit."

With that sentence, Greg pulled Shapeless. In an instant, Shapeless's size started to shrink with insane speed, and after a full minute, it reached a meter in length.

Seeing this Greg nodded and after turning Shapeless back into a staff he turned around and looked at Joe.

"From now on we won't run. We need to move with as much care fullness as we can. Who knows what other things does this place hides from us."

"And what about the others? They are waiting for us, while the enemy could attack them any given moment.", asked Joe calmly, but he knew too that in this place the slightest mistake could lead to their demise.

"They will be fine.", said Greg with a determined expression.

"How can you be so sure about that? Just because Jay is with them?", asked Joe with a from, not understanding why Greg was so confident about that man.

Yes, Joe knew that Jaw was on the God rank, but Greg saw too that in that place because of the carvings, it was hard to use their powers.

And for Jay and Mila, that place was particularly a huge restriction zone. If the enemy has physical powers or abilities which do not require the surroundings, they will be put in an insanely hard position.

"Yes, because of him. I can tell that he has a few more aces in his sleeve and also he is much more terrifying than he truly looks. I don't know why he hides his true power, but I'm quite sure about that."


Back inside the prison, Jay, Mila, and Emma were watching the exit in silence when suddenly several footsteps started to echo from the stairs.

"Here they come!"

Reacting in an instant the three jumped up and raised their guards, ready to fight any given moment.

One step after another, the footsteps started to come closer and after almost a minute, 9 figures got revealed from the darkness one by one.

"Haha! Look at this place. What a sight!"

A creature that represented a humanoid tiger, looked around with awe.

His appearance looked just like Netherclaw, but with the only difference that its fur was not white, but crimson red. But except that, the ancient robe and body looked exactly like the previous creature's.

"This scenery, this place, this smell... I love it!", said the humanoid tiger with a satisfying smile and opened his arm wide.

While the creature looked incredibly satisfied, a person in a robe slowly walked forward and pointed at Jay and the others.

"Sir... They are there."

Hearing this, the creature lowered his arms and turned his glare toward Jay and the two girls. Seeing as Greg and Joe were not there, he frowned and asked loudly.


Instantly as this sentence echoed through the place, on several cell doors which were made out of iron started to form cracks, while the ground and the walls shook like crazy.

However, at the same time as this happened, the carvings lit up, making the whole prison to turn back to normal immediately.


The creature and the other 8 figures, seeing this looked incredibly surprised and looked at the carvings with much curiosity.

While they were so busy with those, Jay stepped forward and with a wide smile, he asked, "My dear friend! What brought you here?"


The humanoid tiger seeing Jay act so casually raised his eyebrow and crossed his muscular arms before his chest.

"Haven't you been taught ethic? Before asking a question from someone, first, introduce yourself."

Jay hearing this started to scratch his left cheek with his left index finger and with a wry smile he said, "Ah, how could have I forgot that. My bad... My name is Jay Moore. It's a pleasure to meet y-"

"Jay, stay silent!"


Instantly as the humanoid tiger said Jay's name, an unknown power appeared around, or to be more specific inside Jay's jaw, and like a lock, his mouth got closed under a single second.


Jay, Emma, and Mila seeing this looked incredibly surprised, not knowing what just happened.

"Now kneel!"


Just like before, Jay's whole body got engulfed with unknown power and started to make his whole body to descend into a kneeling position.

"Both of you there also. Kneel!"


Both Emma and Mila hearing the creature's voice felt as their body got under a spell and without hesitation, they started to kneel down too.

Seeing as all three were kneeling before him, the humanoid tiger smiled with satisfaction and started to talk.

"From now on you are only allowed to move or talk when I allowed it. Now then... Tell me where did the two of your friends g-, huh?"

Just before the creature could have asked his question, suddenly Jay stood up slowly and started to massage his neck.

"Ahh... Didn't expect that someone who was an expert with the legendary Voice Manipulation still existed."


All 8 people and the humanoid tiger seeing that Jay was acting freely under the power, which they thought was absolute, looked incredibly shocked.

"Who are you?", asked the creature instantly, knowing that the man before him was no ordinary person.

Only two kinds of people were able to move under his Voice Manipulation freely. 

The first one was those who have learned that skill and reached the summit in its learning. Those could not only resist the power but could turn its effect back at the enemy two times as powerful as it normally was.josei

The second one however was impossible to exist. Their Clan which skill was the pure nemesis of this power has already vanished from existence about a hundred years ago. 

But the man before him was visibly not from that Clan and either did learn Voice Manipulation. Yet he clearly knew about the skill and could resist against it. To think someone like him existed...

"I need to find out how he can suppress my power.", said the creature quietly and turned his glare at Jay.

" I asked you something! Who are you and how do you know about my Clan's secret art?"

Hearing the loud voice and the strange power that wanted to make him speak, Jay frowned and looked at the creature.

"Why are you so noisy? I can clearly hear you even if you talk normally."

"YOU!!", shouted the humanoid creature angrily and wanted to teach Jay a lesson by beating him into a pulp, but suddenly Jay's expression turned ice cold.

"Sorry, but there are way are too many of you here. I need to reduce your numbers.", said Jay and waved his hand slightly.


Instantly as he said this, out of nowhere, several blood-red threads which represented a huge and complex spiderweb appeared around the 9 figures, and with insane speed, they started to shrink.

The humanoid tiger and the other 8 figures behind him seeing as they were completely trapped without any way of escaping, immediately widened their eyes with shock.



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