Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Lifeblood Lance


Just as Jay's power was about to slice up the 9, suddenly on the side a loud bang could be heard.

Jay turning his gaze toward that direction to see what happened saw as the iron bar which he tied at Greg's Soul Creature suddenly got broken and the rope started to move toward the maze with insane speed.

Watching this Jay looked surprised and instantly knew something must have happened, but before he could have done anything, suddenly a claw appeared inches away from his face.




With an inhuman reaction, Jay was able to avoid the assault and jump to the side, but even like 4 deep scars appeared on his left cheek, just a few centimeters below his left eye.

Touching the wounds on his face, Jay looked at the humanoid tiger which was standing a few meters away from him.

The creature was standing with a maddened expression, while the fur in his body turned metallic, while each metallic fur was covered with crimson fire.

Behind him, a half-transparent creature that represented an ancient dragon, but with a demon head could be seen floating in the air.josei

"Who would have thought someone could cut through my body.", said the humanoid tiger with great shock as he looked at his body and arms.

All over his body, several deep bleeding splits could be discovered, revealing his flesh and even a few bones.

Just how scary the sight was, at the same time it was just as extraordinary. Just thinking about what kind of pain that creature was currently feeling, while his whole body was covered with almost fatal injuries, made Jay know this creature was nothing regular at all.

Any normal being after receiving such blows would have collapsed if not ended up dead. This creature was insanely terrifying.

The humanoid tiger after inspecting his body for a few more seconds turned to look at his men behind him if they were fine.

Or at least he thought they were fine. However, the moment he turned around what he could only see was numerous corpses cut in several parts. There was not a single body part or limb which remained intact.

The humanoid tiger seeing this looked even more stunned and said quietly, "To hold such terrifying power even though he is just a human... How is this even possible?"

However, just as he thought about this, suddenly he remembered his brother who ended up dead because he failed to kill and capture mere humans.

"Wasn't it basic knowledge that the Human race was weak? How are they able to hold so much power?"

While the humanoid tiger was mesmerized by Jay's power, Jay crouched down next to Mila and Emma and touched their backs.

Instantly as his hand got in contact with them, suddenly a drop of blood melted into their skin, making their body to tremble for a second then to return normal.

"Now you should be able to stand up.", said Jay as he helped the two girls up slowly.

"What... How?", asked Emma with surprise as she felt as the strange power slowly vanished from her body, making her able to move freely again.

Mila was also surprised by Jay's power which unfreed them, but she didn't ask any questions, but simply looked at the creature before her.

Immediately as she noticed that the creature was not paying any attention to them, she waved her hand and fired several purplish flames at it.



One explosion after another, purplish flames exploded onto the creature's body, making his whole being be engulfed with purplish flames.

Emma and Jay didn't know just how scary those flames truly were, but Mila was completely clear about it. If those flames touched something, it was impossible to put them out. Those flames won't stop until they burnt and ate up everything in their wake, that's just how terrifying these flames were.

"Got him!", said Mila happily, but the next second her eyes widened in shock. And it wasn't just her, but Emma and Jay too.

Before them, the creature looked at the flames on his body and grunted.

"How weak flames... Pathetic.", said the creature calmly and opened his mouth wide.

Instantly as he did this, he started to breathe air in, making the fire on his body slowly got sucked in.

"What the..."

Mila seeing this sight turned completely dumbfounded. She knew just how powerful her flames could be, but before that creature, they were nothing more but mere air. It didn't even flinch as he ate her flames!

As she and the others looked at the creature with shock, the humanoid tiger finally inhaled all the flames from his body and turned toward the three.

Jay squinted his eyes slightly, however, after a single second his eyes shot wide open and picked up the two girls by their waist.



Before Emma and Mila could have reacted to what happened, what they could only see was as a massive fire pillar with a purplish and crimson color burst toward them with crazy speed.

Jay while running all the way toward the Maze's entrance escaping, looked behind.

Noticing as the carvings on the ground lit up, but didn't make it vanish but just weakened it, he looked surprised.

"Just how powerful is that thing? He is just on the God rank!"

Turning his head to only see he has already run inside the maze with several paths all around him, Jay didn't know what to do.

"What should I do? If I go in there, we will be trapped inside the maze with not only this tiger following us but with that unknown thing. But if I stay, even if I defend against his attack, seeing that creature's power, I won't be able to defend these two.", said Jay and looked down at Mila and Emma in his arm.

Looking back to only see the fire pillar was about to explode into them, Jay clenched his teeth and decided what he will do.

"I have no choice. I will do that then..."

Putting down both girls, Jay turned around and walked toward the approaching fire pillar.

Emma seeing her father act strange wanted to ask him something, but before she could, a suffocating presence broke out from Jay.


Instantly as this happened, Mila and Emma needed to step back several steps and looked at Jay with shock.

Behind Jay's back, a half-transparent figure that represented him, but with the difference that it was made out of pure swirling blood appeared floating in the air.

While the two girls watched Jay's God rank power with a stunned expression, Jay started to raise his hand slowly.

In his palm, a long spear made out of solidified blood appeared. However, what was strange that on that spear, white carvings could be seen, very similar to those which were on Greg's Soul Creature, on Shapeless's surface.

Taking up an attacking stance, Jay watched calmly the approaching fire and started to talk in a strange language.

"Kapr furts sqert shkilin..."

Instantly as those 'words' left his mouth, Jay shoved the spear forward, while the cravings on top of his blood weapon started to move too.

And just as he did that, the fire pillar reached him and like a missile, it exploded onto the tip of his spear, creating an insanely huge shockwave.

Or at least it would have, but didn't...

The reason why not was because the moment the impact happened, the fire got sucked into the carvings on the spear and after swirling for a while it spit out the fire from where it came from.


The humanoid tiger seeing this with the carvings widened his eyes and shouted, "Lifeblood Lance?! How do you have th-."

However, the creature couldn't finish his sentence, because the purplish and crimson fire appeared before him out of thin air.



The explosion was so huge and massive that it made the ground and the walls to broke down and turn to dust no matter if they had the carvings on them or not.

Jay after using that powerful attack fell down onto his knees with an exhausted expression, while the blood spear in his head vanished.

Looking at the total destruction and the huge debris that he made, Jay cleaned the huge drops of sweat from his face and wanted to say something, when suddenly a loud roar sounded from before him.



"Don't tell me...", said Jay with a shocked expression and watched as the humanoid tiger's figure broke to the surface from below the huge stones.

His body was covered with deep open wounds, while almost his whole body and skin were burnt to crips. There were even parts where the flesh was so burnt that the bones under them could be clearly seen.


After roaring angrily toward the huge hole above his head, the humanoid tiger shouted with a maddened expression.


And just as he said this, he wanted to burst forward to Jay, but before he could, suddenly his whole body froze up.

Jay seeing as the humanoid tiger was not moving and was watching something behind him turned his head back slowly, but when he did his eyes widened and paled with fear instantly.

*KRR... KRR... KRR...*

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