Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 178

Chapter 178: Absolute Counter-Attack

"Damn! That was close..."josei

Inside the darkness, Greg summoned crimson flames around his palm, making the darkness in their surroundings to vanish instantly.

Joe who was slowly standing up from the ground with a bit of exhausted expression looked at Greg and said, "Let's go. We need to hurry."

"Sure.", said Greg and following Joe from behind, the two started to run up on the stairs with crazy speed.

*Tap, tap, tap, tap!*

Passing hundreds of steps in seconds, the two ran for close to 5 minutes when suddenly light appeared before their eyes.

"Eh? We already reached the surface?", thought Greg with confusion as he looked at the white light before them.

Joe was confused too, because, on the other passage where they walked down into the prison, they needed almost an hour.

Even with their current speed that distance would take them around 15 minutes, so under 5 minutes with this speed to reach the surface should logically be impossible.

However, after a few seconds, both of their eyes widened. The moment they thought about the fact that they shouldn't have reached the surface, suddenly the white light before them grew bigger, and before they could have realized anything, the light engulfed both of their body.


Instantly, both of them stopped running and protected their eyes from the blinding light, and only after a few seconds did the two start to lower their hands.

However, when they did, both of their expression turned to that of shock.

"What the..."

Joe and Greg watched as both of them appeared before the entrance which led down to the prison, while all around them, several hoodied men looked at them with surprise.

Each man had the presence of an Ascender rank, yet all of them were on the bottom. There was not a single one that was on the summit of that rank or on the God rank.


Watching each other for few seconds, suddenly one man came back to his senses and shouted, "It's them! Attack!"


Instantly, all person around the two activated their Ascension Ring, making their presence to grow into frightening heights.

After a few seconds when all of their presence grew close to the God rank, each of them activated their powers and attacked Greg and Joe at the same time.

Metallic swords and knives, toxic clouds, chains, powerful lights capable to weaken enemies, and other unique powers flew toward them at once, trapping the two in the middle.

Joe seeing this wanted to use his ace and kill all people at once, when suddenly Greg grabbed his shoulder and said calmly, "Let me try something."


Just before Joe could have reacted, suddenly Greg's skin got covered with darkness, making him look like a personified shadow creature. If he would have stood under a tree and disguised his presence, anyone would have easily missed that he was there.

While Joe looked at Greg with confusion, suddenly all the assaults arrived before Greg.

"No matter what he tries, without that artifact, he won't be able to defend against all of our att-, huh?"

Even before the man in the distance could have finished his sentence, suddenly his eyes widened with shock and surprise.

Before him, the several attacks reached Greg and should have killed him, but instead of that happening all of their attacks vanished into the shadow skin on Greg one by one.

"What the...?"

Everyone around him looked at Greg with shock, but their shock turned to fear instantly when another phenomenon happened.

When all the attacks disappeared into Greg's unknown power around his body, after a few seconds the attacks appeared again, but this time all of them flew back from where they came from at the same time.

Noticing as their own power targeted them, everyone wanted to move, but before they could have done so, they realized they couldn't.


Looking down, the man looked down, only to see as not only his, but everyone else's leg was stuck in the ground, trapping them in one place.



Before the man could have finished his question, the several metallic knives he fired at Greg a few moments ago, arrived before him and pierced into his body instantly.


Coughing up a huge amount of blood, the man looked down his chest to see as several weapons were pierced into his chest and arm.

With clenched teeth, the man raised his head only to realize that among his subordinates, he could call himself quite lucky.

There were some whose body was exploded into nothing more but broken bones and flesh, while others missed several limbs.

Naturally, those who only fired powers to weaken Greg and Joe sustained small injuries, but there were only 2. All the others were dead or on the brink of death. Others like the man, who survived with only that, there was none.

"You f*ck-."


Just as the man wanted to curse Greg and Joe, suddenly a cold flash appeared in his vision, and the only thing he could see his own headless body was stuck halfly in the ground.

"Are... You... Kiddin... Me..."

And just as his own sentence appeared in his mind with disbelief all over his face, the man's eyes turned hollow, while his head rolled away on the ground.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one who ended up like this.

anyone else who survived Greg's surprise counter-attack, Joe made sure to finish them off as fastly and smoothly as he possibly could.



By using his insane speed, Joe's figure flashed here and there like thunder and killed all the remained men on the spot.

While this happened, Greg looked at his palm and started to think.

"This power is great, but it seems I can't take anything I want. The more attacks it takes, the greater the pressure will become on my body. Also, the time limit on this is ridiculous. Only a few seconds and my body got exhausted."

However, it was only natural. After he broke into the Soul Grade, he obtained an almost absolute defensive power. No matter what came at him, until he had the darkness cloaking his skin, he was saved. He could even send the attacks back, which was insanely powerful because not everyone would wait for such a thing.

So even though the shortcomings were visible on this power, but it was insanely useful.

The other thing which was also quite visible after his breakthrough was the time when he switched from one element to another.

In the Body Grade he needed to wait a full second or even 2 to be able to use another element, but this time it was almost instant when he switched from darkness to earth.

Still, he couldn't use two or more elements at the same time, but with such fast element swapping power, he became stronger for sure.

"Let's go. Others are still waiting for u-.", started to say Joe, but suddenly he stopped talking and turned his gaze to the entrance.

*Tap, tap, tap!*

Hearing the rapid footsteps, Greg turned his head toward that direction, and a while later when he activated his earth element his eyes widened.

"It's that creature! It escaped from the maze?"

"Huh? What? Then the others are...", asked Joe with shock.

"I don't know, but it's not Jay, and the other's it's chasing. It's a creature. It looks like... Netherclaw? How? Didn't he escaped?", asked Greg with confusion.

"I don't care if he is or not, let's trap him and let that creature kill him. Maybe like that we will be able to kill that scary thing.", said Joe and walked toward the opening.

Knowing that Joe was not talking nonsense while it was truly a great opportunity to kill two birds with one hit, Greg nodded and walked to the entrance.

Standing on the stairs, both of them looked down into the darkness, only to see as a creature was running up with insane speed, while another creature that should only appear in horror films chased him from behind.

"Let's attack him.", said Greg as golden flames appeared around Shapeless in his hand.

"Sure.", said Joe and touched the sword in his hand.

Instantly, electricity engulfed the whole weapon, making Joe to be quite surprised.

It was because of his other sword which was cracked into several parts by Netherclaw we're specially made from Thunder Stone. 

It was a special stone that was capable of using thunder and lightning powers and boosting their strength by several times.

However, the sword in his hand was perfectly fine as he infused his power in it. But this wasn't the only surprise to Joe. The other shocking thing he noticed that the sword was in harmony with his power and as time went by, its power grew rapidly. It was quite shocking.

However, his shock couldn't last for long, because Greg's voice sounded from his side suddenly.

"Now!", said Greg and waved his staff which was covered in golden flames.

Immediately as he did this, Joe waved his weapons too, sending powerful and thick thunderbolts next to his golden flames down the passage right onto the creature down below.


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