Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 179

Chapter 179: The Mask Returns


The immediate explosion shook the whole passage, making Greg and Joe before the entrance to seen nothing more but a huge dust cloud.

"Do you think it was enough?", asked Joe calmly as he slowly fused his thunder power in his sword again.

Greg by using his Fourth Flow's vibration ability inspected the creature if he was dead or not, but after a second he just smiled and said, "He is dead."

Instantly as he said that the dust cloud dissipated, showing Joe what Greg was talking about.

In the passage, the humanoid tiger's body was hanging down from that disgusting creature's mouth, while its muscular body was slowly becoming dragged creased.

Watching as the creature was drinking the tiger's blood right through the headless body while below the skin it was visible as its tongue was moving here and there, Joe's expression paled slightly.

Even Greg felt disgusted by the sight he was seeing, but after a small, while he relaxed his body and said calmly, "Let's attack it while it's too busy dealing with its meal."

Instantly as he said that Greg raised Shapeless above his head, making it to be covered with golden flames at once.

Exhaling the air from his lungs, Greg made his body relaxed and after a second he inhaled a huge amount of air and with a powerful motion, he swung his weapon.



Joe seeing that Greg acted, instantly summoned his Ascension Ring below his feet.

Immediately, a robe made out of thunder appeared around his body, while his presence skyrocketed into the God rank. As this happened Joe fused his thunder power into his sword and just like Greg, he swung his weapon.


Just like a roaring golden dragon and a trembling thunder hawk, Greg's and Joe's attacks fused together in the air, making their power to become even scarier than before.

The walls and stairs which were made out of insanely durable materials, this time turned into nothing more but broken and melted debris under their assault.


The Echo Spirit which was feeding on the humanoid tiger's body, suddenly felt something was wrong, so raised its blood-filled face.

Turning its head here and there, it heard the approaching attack, so as a result it dropped the carcass in its hand to the ground and screamed toward the assault.

Instantly as that happened, the fused attack halted in mid-air, and after a few seconds it started to move, but this time not toward the creature, but back toward Greg and Joe.

However, it was not like Greg's darkness element, which only reflected the attack. No, it was much more frightening than that.

Not only the attack's strength got stronger, but its speed became even faster by several times. If Greg's attack was a missile ready to blow a house away, this was a nuke ready to blow the whole mountain away.


Seeing the crazy, Joe couldn't react at all. Just as he thought this will be the end sudden white light appeared around him, making his expression to become confused.josei

"What the..."

Turning his head to the side, Joe stopped talking and watched as on Greg's face a black mask representing a smiling demon appeared, while the white crystal on its forehead let out white light.


Instantly as he saw that, their attacks arrived back to them, and like a launched nuke exploded on their body.

However, instead of killing them, the white light around them protected them from the scary attack.

Unfortunately, it was only them who remained intact, while the surrounding around them changed dramatically.

The ground in a hundred miles turned melting debris, a huge portion of the mountain vanished while the sky above got crammed with crimson black clouds and dust, filled with trembling golden thunder.

"What the..."

Joe who thought he will die a few moments ago looked at the shocking changes around him, and a while later looked at Greg.

However what he didn't expect to see that Greg was kneeling on the ground while his breathing was ragged and quick.

"Are you okay?", asked Joe a bit worriedly.

Greg however instead of answering took out one healing potion that Russ made from him and instantly started to drink it.


With one single swallow, Greg drank all the liquid in the bottle.

"Argh... That was close...", said Greg calmly as he stood up, while the pain in his body started to vanish.

Naturally, it was close to him. First, he used his Special Respiration Technique, and after that, he used his mask to defend against an attack that was on the summit of the God rank.

To defend against something like that, the mask used his body and power as fuel, so it was only natural that he was extremely exhausted. If he didn't have reached the Soul Grade and had Russ's healing potion, he would have fainted because of the pain by now that was sure.

Joe before asking from Greg another question, suddenly a flash came at him from the entrance, making his expression turn dead serious instantly.



With a reaction that was insanely fast, Joe and Greg jumped backward immediately, avoiding a fatal strike from the Echo Spirit only by a hair's margin.


Jumping away into the distance, Greg and Joe raised their guards up instantly and watched as the Echo Spirit widened its enormous jaw and licked the blood off from around his mouth.

In the middle of the melted and burnt ground and the ash black sky, the creature looked like some personified horror creature from an apocalyptic film. Just its appearance alone could make anyone feel fear instantly.

"What is your plan?", asked Joe calmly from Greg as he fused his power into his sword bit by bit.



Hearing their voice, the Echo Spirit turned its head toward them, and without hesitation, it jumped toward their direction. In the air, it opened its jaw and screamed at them with a deafening cry.


Instantly, a strange power broke out from its body and appeared around Greg and Joe, but unfortunately, it was useless.

The moment it wanted to trap their body in one place like it tried with the humanoid tiger before, suddenly the crystal in the mask's forehead on Greg's face lit up and released light again.

Immediately, the power which wanted to imprison the two vibrated around the white light, and after a few seconds later it vanished into thin air.

Greg seeing this was satisfied, but his happiness couldn't last long because he saw as the creature's claw appeared before his face inches away from his eyes.

"Its ability to hide its presence with this kind of insane speed... Frightening!", thought Greg and jumped to the side to avoid the attack.

However, he didn't plan only to watch, so as a result he activated his Third Flow and waved Shapless in his hand.

Instantly, the black staff in his hand started to let out frozen mist, and with the swinging motion, several sharp ice spikes flew toward the creature with frightening speed.





However, nothing like what Greg thought would happen has occurred. Instead of piercing the creature's skin or at least leaving small wounds, what Greg saw was as his ice spikes broke into several small pieces after the impact on the creature's body.

Not even a small wound could be seen, showing that not only the creature's attack, speed, and tracking skill was frighteningly high, but its defense too.


With an angered snarl, the creature turned its facial expressionless face toward Greg and was about to burst toward him, when suddenly a flash appeared above its head.

Like thunder itself, Joe's figure appeared above the creature, and with his jade white sword in his hand which was filled with lightning power, he slashed at the Echo Spirit's neck powerfully.



However, yet again, something very frightening happened.

Joe's sword exploded on the side of the creature's neck, creating a massive shockwave instantly. If it was any other creature, its head would be up in the air a long time ago, yet this time it was different.

Instead of instant death, the sword just only left a small scar on the creature's skin, leaving both Greg and Joe shocked at the same time.


The Echo Spirit feeling as it was hit on the neck and was 'injured' too, turned incredibly angry and swung its razor-sharp claws at Joe in the air.

Seeing the approaching death, Joe however didn't look panicked at all. Instead, his expression looked incredibly calm.

Just before the claw would have pierced right through his chest, the thunder robe around his body flickered, and with a speed that not even Greg was able to see, he appeared at the other side of the creature.


And just like before, Joe swung his sword and hit the creature in the neck, creating a massive shockwave, which was 2 time bigger than the last one a few seconds ago.

Greg on the side seeing this widened his eyes instantly and thought with shock, "That sword... It's accumulating his power!"

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