Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 272

Chapter 272: Restart


With a blinding white light, the two arrays formed by Wayne and Russ got connected to each other.

"Let's try it out." said Wayne and without hesitation waved his hand.


With a loud explosion, green mist broke forth from his hand and exploded onto the rock, but strangely, except that, nothing happened. The sight where the place turned into broken debris and dust didn't happen and instead the modified nullification array lit up and like a black hole sucked away Wayne's attack in a single instant.


As this happened, the channel Russ has created lit up with a gentle light then the next second dissipated, causing nothing to happen at all.

"Did I do something wrong?" furrowed his brows Russ, but the next second his eyes brightened up.


With a loud explosion, hundreds of wind blades burst out from the Element Array, cutting off tons of trees in their wake.

"It worked!" exclaimed Russ and Wayne with a delighted expression and glanced at Greg.

"Let's go to the next one."


While the three were producing Element Arrays outside Skyfall Mountain one by one, Joe, Mila and Emma were sitting inside the Energy Chamber with closed eyes.

Since the moment they saw that Greg has reached the God rank even before they could have, they realized just how behind they were. Not only did he reach the God rank before anyone with a black Soul Stone, but he also reached the top of the God rank in one go! Or at least, from his presence that's what they saw and believed.

And because of this, they were desperate to reach the Gods rank and catch up with Greg as soon as possible.

It was especially true for Joe, who felt ashamed of himself. Out of all of his friends, he was the only one with a legendary white Soul Stone, yet, he was still unable to reach the God rank before any of them! Let alone the fact that Greg had a black Soul Stone, but he had to also cultivate 6 different elements one by one to reach the next Rank! It was like having 6 different Soul Stones and cultivating each at the same time! It was insanely hard or at least from Joe's point of view.

Yet, even like this that he had such a hard time, he reached the top even before him, who had to cultivate only with one single power! It was ridiculous and unforgivable!

Thereupon, Joe decided not to joke around anymore and cultivate with 100% seriousness from this moment on. He wasted simply way too much time with useless things he shouldn't have had and forgot to become stronger.

"Once I reach the God rank, I need to use that. Only by that will I be able to become the strongest!" thought Joe and continued to consume the dense energy particles inside the Energy Chamber.

Mila and Emma were the same, but with the only difference that they had different aims deep in their hearts. While Emma was still on the Creator rank, because she was a healer, Mila was on the Calamity rank. Both of the girls realized that they too wasted too many precious times in their lives, so it was finally time to become serious.

All three of them were geniuses, who reached the creator rank at the age of 17, which in fact was quite rare. And it was even rarer, that both Mila and Joe skipped one rank after they surpassed the Soul Collector rank! In the whole world, there were only a few that were capable of such a thing, so it was 100% sure that they will reach the God rank in no time at all.

Cultivating in silence without moving even an inch for days, suddenly a gentle power broke out from the 12th floor, making the building to be engulfed with blue light.

"I did it!" with happy bumps into the air with her tiny fists, Emma stood up and beamed with happiness.

"I finally reached the Calamity rank!"



Just as she said that, a gentle tremor shook the building, making Emma to look up with a smile on her face.

"Ascender rank! I finally reached the Ascender rank!" with a happy sigh, Mila stood up and stretched her sour limbs.

She had been sitting on the 14th floor for days in a row, but luckily, she was finally able to reach the Ascender rank.

But this was only the start and both Mila and Emma knew this. Their aim was not to break into the next rank, but to reach the God rank, the highest rank that humans currently could reach.

"Let's take a break first before continuing." yawned Mila, but just as she was about to go away, the whole building shook once again.


"Oh? It seems he reached the Go-, huh?"

Feeling that something was not quite right, Mila's expression turned serious and without a second thought ran up to the 17th floor where Joe was cultivating.

"Uh?!" however, the moment she arrived on the 17th floor, her whole expression froze up, while not a single word could come out of her mouth.

"What... What happened with you?!"

Joe who was currently standing still in one place before Mila looked at his body and smiled.

"I did it. It truly worked!"

Right now, Joe's body was leaking a kind of aura that Mila never saw. Or at least did see, but that was way back then when she was still on the very first rank of her cultivation! 

An Awakened rank aura! Joe had a presence that only Awakened Rank cultivators had, meaning, Joe was on the very first rank once again!

"But... How?"

But it was only natural for Mila to be surprised. Except for Greg and Joe, there was not a single person who knew this secret of his. With the special ability that his white Soul Stone provided, once he reached the God rank, Joe will automatically fall back onto the first rank, and restart his cultivation from the very basics.

However, he doesn't have to start everything entirely from scratch, because maybe his presence seemed to be on the Awakened rank, but his power was definitely on par with those on the God rank! He has every ability and power he had and didn't lose a single thing.

This was the true power of his Soul Guardian and that is why his Soul Stone is white and not red. Just thinking about the fact that on each rank he reaches once again he becomes 5 or 6 times stronger than others was simply crazy! Once he enters the God rank again, his power will be equal to 10 people on the God rank!

Glancing at Mila who was surprised before him, Joe just smiled slightly and waved his hand.

"Don't care about it. It's only temporary, a few weeks and my rank will be back in no time at all."

As Mila listened to this she nodded subconsciously, but deep inside she was still surprised. The fact that he was able to fall back onto the first rank while holding his power was not something one could be calm about. 


"Where are Greg and the others?" asked a second later Joe, but instantly realized that they were outside Skyfall Mountain.

"Well, nevermind it then. I planned to fight with him to test out my strength, but he has more important things to do. I will ask him later." as he said that, Joe walked toward the stairs planning to go down the lower floors and continue his cultivation.

Mila watched Joe's departing figure and after taking a seep sigh started to follow him in silence.

"The gap between us is growing and growing... I fear that I won't be able to catch up with them." sighed Mila, yet even as she said that the determination never left her eyes. She looked at Joe's back like a huge mountain that was waiting for her to climb and reach its summit.

"I will definitely reach your level one day!" thought Mila and without thinking about anything else, followed Joe out of the Energy Chamber.

Days flew by slowly, and even after an entire week of continuous working, Greg, Russ, and Wayne were still forming Element Arrays one by one.

In fact, they were so far away from finishing their plan, that it was almost scary. Out of the many Element Arrays they have made, which was around in the 6 digits, they only made less than 1 quarter compared to the nullification Array on Skyfall Mountain.

"This will take longer than I have thought." said Russ as he wiped his sweat off from his forehead.

Wayne and Greg didn't look better either, because while Wayne needed to modify each and every array, until then Greg had to pour his power into each Element Array Russ made. And naturally, he had no infinite power storage because, at the end of the day, he was still just a human and not a machine.

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