Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 273

Chapter 273: Last Temple

Under the eternal starry sky, heavy breaths and quiet growlings sounded continuously, disturbing the silent life of Skyfall Mountain.

"Let's... Let's take a rest for a bit..." with a 'paff' sound, Greg's body fell down onto the ground and started to pant heavily. His body has already been permeated by sweat as a few muscles on his body trembled and twitched in pain.

Russ and Wayne weren't in a better shape either and they too sat down to calm their breath down as they were on their limit too. From the moment they have started to modify and create the arrays, except for eating or drink, they didn't stop at all. They didn't even sleep or rest for almost over a week which was crazy!

Yet, even after such a long time filled with insane hard work, they were only able to achieve around 40% of their plan. They have modified, created, and fused arrays after arrays to the point where they almost felt like robots just from the repeated work. However, they were not robots nor machines and they had limits too just like any human being, so no matter if they were above the God rank or not.

Although exhausted both their physical and mental strength, but Russ and Wayne still felt a tingle of surprise toward Greg. From the very beginning, he was the one who had the hardest job out of all of them. Pouring your power into arrays from time to time without rest puts a greater burden on one's body than anything else! It could even end up in one's death if one wasn't careful enough!

Yet even after they have almost reached the 7 digits, he didn't complain nor give up. He endured until this very moment like a man would and this made them respect him even more than before.

"Yeah, the best choice would to rest for a while. If we continue with our current shape, especially with yours." said Russ as he looked at Greg, "We can get into a very dire situation."

Maybe Greg did not know, but creating and modifying arrays took a lot of energy from one. Every array that existed was formed from one's inner energy. By continuously using your energy without rest, one could easily end up depleting their energy and die in miserable death. 

No question, the reason why Russ and Wayne agreed on to take rest was not only to save Greg from getting killed but to save themselves too. 

The energy inside one's body was just like their power. If one exhausted it, but not completely, the energy will automatically replenish itself after a bit of rest.

Time ticked by in silence, and as their breathing finally started to calm down, their complexion too started to get better. 

After another 30 minutes, Russ and Wayne stood up and started to move around, while Greg just sat in one place his eyes tightly closed.

"Can we continue it?" asked Russ after an entire hour later and as he stared at Greg calmly. He knew that Greg was on the God rank, so the time he needed to replenish his power needed more than them so that's why he asked him instead of ordering him.

Also, if he ordered him he was quite sure Greg wouldn't move an inch. He hated when someone ordered him let it be his friend or strangers.

Upon hearing Russ's question, Greg opened his eyes revealing a pair of diamond-like eyes, and stood up.

"I feel much better, yeah, let's proceed with it!" nodded Greg, but not even half a step later, two figures flashed above the sky and appeared before the three.

"This fast?"

Greg could clearly remember that the last time Eliana and Zane came to find him was around 2 weeks ago! To be able to find the last Temple in such a short time... It seems Eliana's title as the Mistress of Fortune wasn't for fun.

"Alice said the Temple of Void is in a place where people could hardly find it. To think they found it only after 2 weeks..." as Greg thought about this smiled at the two before him and asked, "So did you locate the last Temple?"

"Yes." nodded Eliana calmly, but before saying anything more she squinted her eyes and examined Greg's body.

"You... broke into the God rank?"

As she could remember, Greg was only 16 or 17 years old who got his Soul Stone around more than a year ago. And to top it off, his Guardian was from a black Soul Stone, giving it a potential equal to trash! Yet, right before her, Greg was standing in one place with a presence of an expert, who cultivated and refined his power onto the God rank for years of hard work! If she wouldn't know him, she would have belived he was a terrifying expert who disguised himself as 17 years old boy.

"Yeah, I successfully broke into the God rank about a week ago." said Greg with a nonchalant face, like he was talking about something trivial that was normal!

Zane's eyebrows and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly upon hearing this but didn't say a word. He had his own pride so he won't lower himself onto a level someone like Greg who was in fact several years younger than him!

Eliana on the other hand smiled while a mysterious light flashed deep inside her eyes. She knew what this meant and even though deep inside she was jealous, she was happy too. Anyone who were able to reach the God rank under more than a year was definitely not trash. No matter if that individual had black or white Soul Stone, in her eyes they were geniuses without a question.

"Even I was unable to reach the God rank under a year with my Soul Stone, yet this boy could. Interesting." smiled Eliana as she started at Greg in silence.

But it was only natural for her and Zane to be surprised about things like this. They knew that Greg had a strange Guardian that in fact had the Creator's Blessing, but they didn't know it was an Ancient God who served as the right hand for the Creator himself. Not even white Soul Stone Guardians had what it took to compete with Alice when it came to pure power and talent let alone red Soul Stones.

Right now, if Greg wanted to, he could easily take on Zane and Eliana at the same time and didn't sustain any damage at all. There was even the chance he would win, especially with the help of his Soul Creatures and his Shapeless body.

But naturally, Greg was not stupid nor arrogant. He didn't want to cause unwanted problems let alone undesirable enemies like Zane and Eliana. Or at least not until he had a reason to do so.

"When will we go?" asked Greg calmly from Eliana, but not because he wanted to set off right away, but because he wanted to help Russ finish making these arrays.josei

But of course, that question was a foolish one and Greg already knew the answer.

"Right away, so stop asking questions and let's go." replied Zane with a bit of an annoyed face, and started to move toward Greg, ready to teleport him and Eliana away.

However, just as he took a step forward, a scary presence broke forth from Greg's body making both Zane and Eliana to froze up.


"What? You want to fight?" asked Zane with an ice-cold expression and let his God rank aura out, causing a chaotic turmoil to appear in the air in an instant as the two presence collided.

Russ, Wayne, and Eliana watched this sight with expressionless faces from the side, while Greg and Zane looked deeply into each other's eyes like fierce wolves ready to jump at each other at any given moment.

Greg has already disliked Zane from the very first moment he saw him. Those eyes that looked at him like trash made him feel indescribable disgust. And this feeling became even greater the moment he stepped forward to take him away.

He wouldn't have any problem if Eliana and Zane asked him to leave with them, but Zane's tone of voice and act step over a line that Greg couldn't tolerate anymore. Every time they went to obtain a key, Zane always looked at him like a disposable item that was only good until it did its job. Once it didn't provide him any value, he would throw it away like a piece of junk and never use it.

And Zane looked at him with those kinds of eyes ever since this first time they started this journey. In the beginning, he was unable to do anything about it, but now that he reached the God rank he could. He was no longer weak and had everything he needed to fight against him.

Pushing his presence a bit more out, making himself to be on the dominating side, Greg crossed his arms before his chest and sneered.

"And what if I want to?"

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