Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: True Power Of Thunder



Above the sky, ink dark clouds started to form out of nowhere, while thick lightnings flashed up inside of them from time to time.

Watching this scene, The Saint looked at Joe's body, which was starting to get more and more frightening as time went on.

"Oho~? Such a frightening presence only at the third rank. It's almost as scary as a special someone at the same age.", said the Saint with a slight smile and looked at the man next to Mistress of Fortune.

Noticing the changes that took place around the stage and Joe, more and more people started to turn their attention toward there, while the cheers and deafening screams all around the Arena got several times louder than ever.

On the stage, Joe's body started to get covered with more and more lightning particles, while his clothes and hair started float gently high up into the air.

Eric, Gerald, Greg, Emma and Mila looked at this sight with shock, but somehow Roy wasn't fazed at all by the sight.

Watching as Joe's power grew stronger with each second, Greg was suprised and thought,"So until now he just used a small portion of his power? White Soul Stone's with their Guardian's are really something else, I'm not gonna lie."

"Yes they are, but it doesn't mean you are any weaker than him or anyone else. The two of you take two different paths, so comparing one to another is a fool's choice."

Hearing Alice's voice, Greg smiled and said,"I know, but seeing him like that, I'm not sure I can beat him, if it's a 1 on 1 fight."

"Well, maybe you can't now, but don't forget that you are still only training your body and you didn't even begin the real cultivation part. That's why I said, there is a very long road before you, so first..."

"I know, I know. Go and reach the last level of the Body Grade. And that's what I will do.", said Greg with a smile and looked at Gerald in front of him.

Feeling a gaze on him, Gerald turned his head back and looked back at Greg.

Seeing the metallic appearance of his opponent, Greg looked at the staff in his hand and after thinking for a while he decided to put it away.

"With this, I can't really achieve what I want, so for the time being let's put it away."

When there was nothing else, but simply him, Greg nodded started to run toward Gerald.

Seeing him acting like that, it wasn't just Gerald who was confused, but everyone else too.

Sandra looked at him with distain and said as she crossed her arms before her body,"Now what is that idiot trying to do?"


"What?", asked Sandra a bit angrily, but after seeing her sister's eyes she sighed and said,"Okay, yeah. What happened with him is sad, but this doesn't change the fact that he is an idiot. Who in their right mind, goes at their opponent, who is at the fourth rank, unarmed? But really, who?"

Knowing that her sister was somewhere right, Sarah sighed and turned her head back to the stage.

And it wasn't just Sandra, who thought like this. Somewhere else in the Arena Laura and Jonathan, while up on the estrade the experts thought too that what Greg was doing was not a wise choice.

It was a death wish to run at a 4th rank fighter without a weapon. Maybe if you have an undestroyable body, then maybe you can go and try, but Greg's opponent this time was Gerald, a guy who was a real freak at close combat.

And what followed was just what everyone thought.

The moment Greg appeared before Gerald and was about to punch him, Gerald easily kicked him in the waist, making his body to fly away into the distance an instant.


Hitting the shield on the side, Greg felt like every bone inside his body got broken in an instant, while a small amount of blood came out of his mouth.


But even after all of that, he stood up slowly and looked at Gerald with determination in his eyes.

"Damn! The power difference really is different this time."

As he thought about this, he felt as his body started to heal with visible speed, while feeling as his body got a bit stronger after that kick too.

"Luckily I have this aspect of mine.", thought Greg with a wry smile and started to run at Gerald again.

Watching this, Gerald was a bit suprised, but still, when Greg got close to him, he just simply hit or kicked him back from where he came at.

When Joe saw as Greg was used as a punching bag from time to time, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"This guy..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Joe looked at Roy and asked,"Won't you use your true power too? It won't be fun like this, not for you."

Roy hearing this smiled and he raised his hand up as a gesture to come, while saying,"Don't worry about me at all. Just do whatever you feel is right."

Knowing that more talking would be useless, Joe nodded and like someone just pushed a button on him, his whole body exploded with a scary presence, while from above the sky, a huge pillar like thunderbolt descended at him with insane speed, while piercing the shield in it's way like tofu.


In an instant, on Joe's body thick lightnings swirled, while on his leg and hand, a shoe and a glove, made out of pure thunder appeared.

The skinny guy up on the estrade seeing this instantly stood up with visible disbelief on his face and asked,"Object Creation at the rank of a Soul Collecter? But he isn't even at the Creator rank, so how???!"

It wasn't just him who looked confused and suprised at the same time, but everyone else too.

The Saint, Mistress of Fortune and strangly even the legendary man too looked at Joe with wide open mouths.

What they are watching at the moment, is something totally impossible. 

It was a common fact, that only by cultivating one's power, while consuming enough crystals can one reach the Creator rank and achieve it's uniqueness, which was the Object Creation.

Just like what Roy did, those thousands of weapons were all Object Creations. Except the amount, it wasn't such a suprising fact, because he was a 4th rank fighter.

But as for Joe, it was a whole different story.

He was only at the Soul Collecter rank, but still he was able to form object from his power. And it wasn't a fake imitating ability, but a true object made out of his very own power.

"But... How?"

Roy looked at Joe's hands and feet with a same suprised expression and wanted to say something, but before he could, suddenly Joe dissapeared from where he stood a moment ago and appeared behind him with a thunder like sound.


"I warned you."


With insane speed and a powerful punch, Joe's thunder glove got buried at the back of Roy, making his whole body to fly through the stage and explode onto the stage far away.

The hit was so strong that the shield started to vibrate, showing that only after that single hit, it was on the verge of breaking down.josei

Cloud seeing this happening clapped his hand and in an instant, a few more same looking shields appeared around the stage, while the previous one, which was about to collapse, turned stable again.

Gerald watched this happening was quite suprised and after punching Greg to the side he wanted to go help, but suddenly a fire ball came at his way.

Stepping back, he watched it passing his face by only a few inches and make the grounds surface into an ash black color.

Turning his face where the attack came, he saw as Mila looked at him with a mocking smile, while saying,"I'm still here."

Gerald looked unfazed and was about to continue his way toward Joe, when suddenly in the distance, Roy stood up with an angry look and said,"Let's fight then that way..."


In an instant, a small metal armor started to form on his body. Spikes, dragon scales and other sharp parts started to form on the armor, giving off a very strange feeling to the onlookers, who saw it.

"An armor, which primary use is not for defense, but for attack. This guy made a very interesting armor, that's fure sure."

The one who said this was an expert with a hammer on his back, while his clothes was similar to these craftsmen in the city.

Joe looked at Roy's appearance with a curious expression and said,"Finally you showed your true self."

The moment he said that, his whole body exploded with thunder, making everything around it to be filled with insane amount of electricity in an instant.

Every people in the Arena saw that an exciting fight was about to happen, so each of them turned their gaze toward Joe and Roy, while their shout and scream got a level louder.

And when the atmosphere around the stage reached it's climax...


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