Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Blood Tears


With an insanly fast speed, Joe's leg appeared next to Roy's head, while thick lightnings swirled around his feet.

Roy saw the incoming kick and just casually raised his hand up to to the side to defend against the attack.



In an instant the stage below Roy's feet turned to debris, while the small rocks, which flew up high into the air, turned into ash by the lightnings that appeared around Joe from time to time.

Roy watched Joe through his armor and said,"No matter if you are strong or if you have a white Soul Stone, in the end a low ranked fighter like you will never be able to beat someone like me, who is above you."


Without waiting to receive an answer, Roy's raised hand suddenly moved and with a fast move he grabbed Joe's leg and threw him away, making his body to fly away in an instant.

But it was just the beginning his counter. The moment Joe's body left his hand, his body appeared next to his flying body and raised his hand.

In an instant, a huge hammer from the sky flew into his hand and the moment he hold a good grab on the handle he chopped at Joe's chest.

Feeling the danger, Joe's body instantly got filled up with electricity and with a sudden burst his body dissapeared into thin air and appeared in the next second above Roy's head with a raised leg.

Looking up, Roy saw the incoming kick and instantly knew that it was too late to dodge. The hammer in his hand was too heavy, so unluckily he couldn't stop the previous attack and start a new one, while also the speed of that kick was too fast to do anything.

Knowing all of these, Roy sighed and said ,"One."

In an instant, the dragon scales on his right hand suddenly moved and like some sort of little personified rockets, each of them started to fly out with insane speed at Joe one by one.

Seeing this, Joe stayed calm and again with a sudden burst his body dissapeared and appeared on the side, but this time instead of a kick, it was his right arm, which tried to hit Roy.

But unfortunately, he couldn't finish his punch, because the scales, which were where he was a moment ago, suddenly changed trajectory and came at him again.

However this time it wasn't just those scales that came at him, but also a short sword, which flew at him from above.


Each and every of them exploded onto where Joe was standing, resulting in creating a small dust-storm on the stage.

Knowing that an attack like that wouldn't injure someone like Joe, so Roy waited for the dust to settle, but a few seconds later, when it started to get visible what happened before him, his face stiffened.

Before him, Joe was standing calmy, while around him, the scales and the short sword was gently floating in a rain of lightning, without the slightest sign that they could get any closer to their target than a few inches.

Watching the metal scales and the sword before him, Joe looked a bit curious and said, while he raised up his fingers,"So these things came from the so called Object Creation. Interesting, but if you ask my opinion..."

Before he finished the sentence, his fingers, which was covered in thunder, touched one of the scales in front of him.


In an instant, the scale which was touched by Joe, turned into nothing more than ash and dust.

Seeing what happened, Joe smiled and looked at Roy.

"They are nothing special at all."

Hearing what Joe just said, suddenly small green veins appeared on Roy's head, but in the next second, he calmed himself down and looked at Joe with an ice cold expression, while opening his mouth.


The moment he said that the scales on his left shoulder flew up.


In an instant the metal spikes on his left leg fell down and pointed their sharp end at Joe.


Small and tiny saw discs from around his waist started to float up into the air, while they started to spin slowly around Roy's body.


The hair thin looking needles at the back of his armor melted down, while their sharp side turned toward Joe.

Scales, saws, needles, spikes and other sharp parts of the armor, which were on Roy a moment ago, suddenly started to fall down or fly up high into the air one by one.

In the end, hundreds of sharp looking objects appeared around Roy, while on him only a metal armor with a perfectly smooth surface could be seen.

Joe saw this and with a mocking smile he said,"Oh, how scary~."

Not letting to be provoked, Roy smiled coldly and said,"Let's see how cocky you will be after a few minutes."

And with those challenging words, each and every sharp objects around Roy burst forward Joe with terrifying speed.

Joe watching this happening just smiled and raised his hand, while saying,"Yeah, we shoud see it."

In an instant, his body dissapeared like thunder, while only leaving zigzagging lightnings, which flashed up here and there one after another among the rapid attacks.

Not far away from the two, Gerald kicked Greg's body to the side again, while he dodge another fire attack from Mila.


Greg's body exploded onto the shield, while his clothes were ragged and his left leg was distorted.

Seeing that he wasn't standing up again, Gerald sighed up and murmured quietly,"Who knew I needed to hit him almost a hundred times, just to knock him out. I also needed to brake his leg, just to avoid him standing up again."josei

Among the spectators, Sandra looked at Greg's pathetic look and clicked her tongue displeasedly.

"Look at him. Can you imagine it? He has so many cool powers, but still decided not to use them. No, instead he went and tried to beat a guy on the 4th rank only by using raw strength. If you don't say that he is stupid after this, than I don't know after what you will.", said Sandra angrily and looked at Juan and her sister on the side.

Not knowing what to response, Juan and Sarah were also confused by what they just witnessed under the last few minutes.

Because of something, Greg decided not to use any of his powers or his Soul Creatures. Even his fairy and that staff got summoned back the moment he started to run at Gerald, so everything was just too strange.

Under 5 minutes, he was kicked, punched, slapped and hit in several ways and times, resulting him to sustain unimaginable injuries.

Even after the last kick, his left leg was broken and distorted, which showed just how pathetic he was at the moment, even though he wasn't like this previously.

Laura and Jonathan thought too that what Greg was doing currently is nothing more, but something ridiculously stupid.

Up on the estrade, even the skinny guy started to chuckle slightly because of the funny sight.

Mistress of Fortune however on the other hand didn't look at this with pity or enjoyment, but instead she tried to figure out the cause of all of this.

"Everything he does, doesn't makes sense at all. Why would he go so far just to get himself all beaten up?"

As she thought about different solutions, on the stage, Gerald turned to look at Mila, but after seeing her angry like that, he sighed.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you, so pl-", started to talk Gerald, but before he could finish his sentence, a sudden chill run down his spine.

It wasn't just him, who felt a sudden chill, but even Roy and Joe stopped moving after feeling that.

The moment Gerald turned around, his eyes widened in shock and saw something, which was hardly possible.

Greg who was lying in the distance, suddenly started to move, while his distorted leg started to heal and move back to it's natural position.

Even the small scars and injuries, which were visible with naked eyes, started to suddenly regenerate, shocking every people, especially those with healing abilities.

Even one of the experts, who was specialized in healing, looked at this sight with wide opened mouth, because what was happening before him wasn't just something as simple as healing, but true body regeneration in itself.

If someone used healing powers on a body part, then it wouldn't make it heal instantly, but just make the pain lessen, while making it bearable to move it.

Only very professional healers at the top ranks could make something like to heal a broken bone in an instant, but even that would take a few minutes.

And this is why it was shocking, because regeneration could only happen, when ones Guardian is associated with healing, but Greg's Guardian wasn't. 

Mistress of Fortune looked at Greg's body, but suddenly she grimaced and said,"This disgusting feeling again... It's like... Bloodlust? But how? It's too suffocating. What is happening here?"

It wasn't just her, but the Saint and the legendary man too. All of them frowned slightly as they watched Greg slowly stand up.

Gerald looked at Greg's figure and instantly knew that if he doesn't stop him right now, something very bad will happen for sure.

But the moment he wanted to step forward, suddenly his leg froze in place, while fat sweat drops formed on his face.

And it wasn't just him, but even Cloud and the two guys in the distance frowned, because of the strange behavior and presence of Greg.

Not long after, Greg finally raised his head, but the moment he did, everyone's eyes widened in suprise.

Blood. Thin line of blood started to flow out of the side of Greg's unfocused eyes like tears, while his expression looked sad and angry at the same time.

Not knowing what was happening, everyone was confused, but before they could think any further, suddenly Greg clenched his head and with a loud scream he shouted toward the sky angrily.


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