Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Suffocating Bloodlust

[30 minutes before]


Screaming toward the sky, while blood flowed down on his face from the corner of his eyes, Greg's presence didn't look sane anymore.

"What is happening here? Hey, Greg are you okay?", asked Gerald as he stepped forward a few steps.

Not caring about his question, Greg continued to scream angrily, while he looked more and more insane.

Just as Gerald was about to step forward again, suddenly Greg stopped screaming and looked at him coldly.

His eyes were unfocused, while his expression showed incredible hate and wrath. If someone could kill with just a look, Gerald would have been dead a very long time ago.

Not knowing what to do, Gerald wanted to ask something, but in the next second his eyes widened with shock.





Under a mere second or even under a millisecond, Greg appeared before Gerald, with his palm covering his full face and with a powerful push, he slapped Gerald head down into the floor below.

The impact was so huge, that the stage's surface below Gerald's head broke into several parts, while a small cracking sound came from somewhere Gerald's body.

But like it was not enough for him, Greg jumped to the top of Gerald with raised  hand and started to punch him on the face repeatedly.

One punch after another, Gerald's head was sinking deeper and deeper into the stage, while blood flowed out from his nose and mouth.

The sight was so disturbing and shocking, that the spectators in the Arena stopped cheering and looked utterly dumbstruck.

A boy in the third rank, who was not using any of his power was beating his opponent who was on the Creator rank to the point where he couldn't fight back at all.

If it happened in a way, where the two fought against each other fair and square, then no one would deny that it was a blood boiling fight, however like this...

Sarah and Sandra watched this happening with fear in their eyes, while Juan's and Jonathan's face looked incredibly serious.

"Something is not right here. That's not him at all."

Hearing what her brother said, Laura gulped a huge and asked, while her face looked a bit pale,"What do you mean that's not him? What I see is definitely him beating that guy to the brink of death."

Just shaking his head, Jonathan couldn't answer and continued to watch the happening below.

On the stage, Greg continued to punch Gerald with tremendous power, making his face look almost unrecognizable with blood flowing all over his face.

Roy seeing this happening got shocked, but after a second he shouted angrily,"What the f*ck do you think you are doing?!"

In an instant, all the metal objects, which were fired at Joe not long ago, pointed at Greg and flew toward him with insane speed. Even a few weapons from above started to fall toward him in the hope to stop him from punching Gerald again.

Needles, saw discs, scales and spikes with all kinds of shaped and sized weapons with incredible sharpness flew at Greg in an instant.

As Greg was punching Gerald below him, he suddenly stopped and looked up only to see several metal object flying at his way.

After realizing what came at him, Greg didn't dodge, but just simply stood up and let them hit his body.





One after another, several attacks hit Greg's body, making his skin and flesh to be cut wide open almost everywhere. 

The side of his neck, leg, arm, cheeks, chest and other parts of his body was full of wide open wounds, while blood flowed out of them slowly.

Not knowing why Greg wasn't doing anything, Mistress of Fortune and the other experts on the estrade frowned even deeper.

Joe, Mila and Emma looked at this sight with shock, but just as Joe wanted to stop Roy, suddenly Greg shouted toward the sky again and as he did an incredible sight appeared again.

His body, which was full of wounds started to heal with visible speed, while his presence grew to the point where it was more than bearable. It was suffocating.

"What a scary bloodlust."

Stopping his scream, Greg's body burst forward and almost in an instant, he appeared before Roy with his leg above his head, ready to chop his head off.

Roy feeling the immense danger, jumped to the side and after a second later he did...


The platform which people could only crack before with their attacks or with raw physical strength, this time it cracked fully into two parts, showing the ground below it.

Noticing that if he doesn't help right now, things could end badly, Cloud kneeled down and touched the ground below his feet.

In an instant, the cracked part on the stage started to glue together and started to form new parts, while also the stage started to descend to the ground below slowly, making it much easier to help the platform's rebuilding.

While Cloud tried to stop the stage to fall into several parts, like a mad lion, Greg after appearing before Roy he grabbed his neck and with a strong throw, he threw him into the shield in the distance.


Because of the fight between Roy and Joe, Cloud put several more layers of shields around the stage, to make sure nothing will happen, but the moment Roy's figure exploded onto the shield, two layers of the shield instantly broke down, only leaving a few more.

Cloud knew that it was not a good sign, so he raised his other hand and with a swing with his staff, several of his clones appeared outside all around the stage.

Putting their hands on the surface of the half transparent substance, they started to cast a strange power, making the shiled to vibrate slightly, but only that.

As this happened, Greg appeared before Roy and like a rhinoceros, he hit him, making the stage below them to broke into uncountable amount of stone, while the shield behind Roy started to shake crazily.


Seeing that the shield could bear the impact, Cloud sighed in relief and continued to concentrate on the platform's reforming.

However as this happened, Roy was getting beaten into a pulp by Greg's repeated punches, but after a while, when Greg raised his hand and was about to smash Roy's head, he grabbed the opportunity and rolled to the side.



Hitting the shiled instead of  Roy, Greg looked incredibly angry and wanted to chase after him, but suddenly lightning hit the stage before his feet, making him to stop moving.

Looking at where the attack came from with anger in his eyes, Greg saw as Joe was pointing at him with a calm face.

"Greg I know you, so please stop what you are doing! You are not yourself!"

Like not hearing Joe's shout at all, Greg looked even angrier than before, and in an instant he started to run toward Joe.

Seeing that he didn't respond at all to him, Joe knew that it was useless to talk to him.

"Then I will bring you back to your past self myself."

As he said that, thunder rolled around his body, making the vicinity around him to be filled with electricity in an instant.

And as that happened, Greg already appeared before him, but like thunder in itself, Joe appeared in an instant behind him with raised hand.

However just as he appeared behind Greg, for unknown reasons Greg's eyes were already looking deep into his.

Those eyes filled with hatred and wrath with the blood tears flowing continuously from the corner of his eyes, gave him a kind of scary and spooky feeling.josei

However not having the time to think about these feelings anymore, Joe burst to the side, while letting Greg's punch to pass by where he was a moment ago.

Punching, kicking and slapping. Joe dodged each and every attack of Greg, but still sustained a few injuries here and there even though he was the fastest.

Maybe Greg wasn't as fast as him, but somehow even though he looked like a madman, he was adapting to the fight with frightening speed. And because of this, he could predict the position where he should attack next, making Joe to get a few wounds.

As the two were fighting, Roy was kneeling before Gerald's body and looked at him calmly.

Gerald was deeply buried in the stage's surface especially his head. It was a scary sight to look at.

Broken nose, deformed chin and visible cracks on his head, while blood could be seen everywhere.

Roy put his fingers on Gerald's neck to find a pulse and a few seconds later he sighed up in relief.

"Thank God. It's very small, but he is still breathing."

As he calmed down by the fact that Gerald wasn't dead, Roy stood up and looked at Greg in the distance with an ice cold expression.

"You will pay for what you did.", said Roy with clenched teeth and raised his hand high up into the air.

The moment he did that, every weapon up in the sky started to move slowly.

Shortswords, longswords, machetes, knifes, daggers, hammers, spears, arrows, and a lot of different kinds of weapons started to move and a while later all of their ends pointed at Greg, who was fighting against Joe.

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