Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Mad Man

"You will pay for what you did."

In an instant, the hundreds of different kind of weapons moved and when all of their sharp end pointed at Greg, Roy lowered his hand.

Like dolls on a string, each and every weapon in the sky instantly started to fall toward Greg with rapid pace.

Feeling as something was not right, Joe looked up and in an instant his eyes widened in shock.

"Is he kidding? Does he try to kill us?", said quietly and not hesitating any further his body turned into lightning and with a sudden burst he appeared next to Mila.

Noticing Joe's behavior, Greg stopped chasing and looked high up into the sky, but what he saw when he did, was the tip of a spear, ready to pierce his chest below his neck


Like knife cutting through tofu, the spear easily pierced through Greg below his neck, making blood to flow out in an instant.

However that was just the beggining of everything.

Knifes, swords, needles and other sharp objects pierced, sliced and cut through Greg's body continually, leaving only his head and heart intact.

When there was no more space on his body, where he could be pierced more, the remaining weapons in the air suddenly stopped moving and hovered gently above his head.

Watching this sight, everyone felt a cold chill run down their spines.

Hundreds of sharp weapons went inside his body and came out somewhere else, making his body unable to move even an inch, while the places he got pierced at, blood started to flow out of them unstoppably.

Joe, Mila, the twins, Juan, Jonathan, Laura and every spectator in the Arena looked at this sight with horror visible on their faces.

"Is... Is he dead?"

"Did he just... killed him?"

People started to murmur amongst each other with shock, not believing the possible fact that Roy just killed Greg in front of everyone.

When Joe realized what just happened, suddenly his expression darkened and turned his head toward Roy. As he looked at him with an ice cold expression, suddenly on the side, Greg started to chuckle quietly.


Hearing the mad laugh which got louder and louder, everyone turned their gaze at Greg with a frown, only to see him to laugh like a lunatic.


Not knowing what was happening, Roy started to frown, but in the next second his eyes suddenly widened in suprise, while his face paled in an instant.




With brutal force, Greg freed his right hand and after grabbing the weapons on his left, which were pierced right into his flesh and bone, with a powerful grip he shattered them like glass one by one.

And as this happened, the broken bones and the split open flesh on his arm started to heal with visible speed just like it happened before.

When his right hand was freed and fully healed, he started to do all of this with his pierced body parts 

Under mere moments, the hundred or so weapons, which were created by a 4th rank fighter, broke into several small parts by Greg, while his body started to healed with frightening speed.

And as these things happened, Greg just smiled and laughed madly, like he was missing a few screws.

With dead silence, people watched Greg's crazy act like he was some kind of lunatic.

"He is done for sure. He turned into a mad man.", said Sandra quietly as she watched Greg's crazy act with a pale face.

When all of his limbs were freed from the weapons and only the spear remained pierced right into his chest, Greg stopped laughing and looked down.

After seeing the long metal spear he smiled and after grabbing the end of it, he started to pull the spear out of his chest slowly.

With a bone chilling sound, when the weapon finally came out of Greg, he looked at Roy and with a sudden clench with his palm, the spear broke into two in an instant.josei


And as this happened, Greg suddenly smiled.

"Oh sh*t!"

Knowing what that smile meant, Roy wanted to attack Greg again but it was too late.

Like thunder at a rainy night, Greg appeared before him and with a fast and smooth move he grabbed his neck powerfully.


Not waiting for Roy to react, Greg raised him high up into the air and with a powerful motion, he threw him down to the ground, turning the stage below Roy's body into debris in an instant.


Because the impact was so powerful, the stage started to shake like crazy, while the surface of it cracked into two parts.


While coughing up huge amount of blood, Roy struggled to stand up and get out of Greg's grab, but no matter how hard he tried it was futile. Even his armor showed visible cracks under his powerful grip, showing just how terrifying Greg's physical strength was.

If he didn't had his armor on, then it was highly possible that he would have been dead long ago.

As Roy struggled to breath and escape Greg's grip, Greg raised his other hand while holding something.

When the people saw what it was all of their faces turned to pale and it was also true to Roy.

Seeing the broken part of the spear in Greg's hand, his face turned to white, while he tried to escape even more, but unfortunately, Greg didn't let him.

As he was about to pierce Roy's chest, suddenly a fireball came at him from the side, exploding in his face.


With a bit tilted head, Greg turned his head toward where the attack came and looked at Mila with an angry look.

"Stop it! It's not you at all!", shouted Mila with a scared expression, but still her eyes looked determined.

Seeing that she was about to attack him again, Greg stood up slowly, but before he did anything, with a sudden throw he pierced Roy's stomach with the broken spear piece.


Mila and Joe seeing this were instantly flabbergasted and knowing it was only the two of them left they readied themselves to a fight.

"What should we do? Can we bring him back?", asked Mila as she watched Greg's unmoving body.

Not knowing the answer, Joe just stayed quiet and waited.

As the two looked at each other, after a moment of silence, Greg suddenly started to smile creepily.

"Not good!", thought Joe and with a fast move, he stepped before Mila, while pulling her back behind his back.

And just a millisecond as he did, with a flash, the other part of the broken spear pierced through his left shoulder making him to clench his teeth in pain.

As he put his hand on the hole to stop the bleeding, suddenly Greg appeared before him with a creepy smile  while his hand was raised high up in the air, ready to smash Joe's head.

Knowing that he if he jumps away now, Mila will be the one in danger, while also knowing that he couldn't defend against Greg's strength, left him with the only choice, which was to wait for the hit.

But after a few seconds when strangly nothing happened, Joe raised his head slowly.

Before him, Greg was standing motionlessly, while the scary presence around his body started to slowly fade away, giving Joe and the others a small hope that everything could finally end.

After a small amount of time, the suffocating aura dissapeared, while Greg's eyes and expression finally turned back to normal.

Feeling the changes, Cloud instantly stood up from the ground and with a fast move, which looked like teleportation, he appeared next to Greg and put his staff before his neck.

"If you move an inch, I have the right to kill you right here and now."


"And that's what happened until now. Still not remembering anything?"

In a spacious room, Greg was sitting before three people with a shocked expression on his face.

The three people before him were naturally were the three experts. The Saint, Mistress of Fortune and the who told him the whole story, Cloud.

After listening to the unbelievable story, which sounded almost ridiculous, Greg didn't know what to say.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Cloud and asked with worry filled voice,"What about the others? Are they..."

Instead of Cloud, the old man smiled and said,"They are fine. They are under professional hands, so they will be healed without problem. However the only problem is that out of the four you hurt, 2 cannot continue this tournament."

Knowing that the Saint talked about Gerald and Roy, Greg nodded and a bit later he asked quietly,"So this mean we are also disqualified from the tournament?"

Mistress of Fortune and the Saint looked at each other, but in the end the one who answered was Cloud.

"No you are not. You did not breake any rules, but because of your brutality you need to be punished. So from this moment on, if you ever do something similar to what happened today ever again, you not only will be disqualified from the tournament for the rest of your life, but will be under arrest too. It's not because you fought like that, but because of how you behaved. You were like a lunatic who lost his mind. If something like that happens again, only God will know if you try to kill or not."

Hearing this Greg nodded and thought,"Well he has a point. I don't even remember what I did. I was a totally different person."

Seeing him like that, the Saint smiled and asked,"So, are you sure you don't know what happened?"

Looking at the old man, Greg thought for a while and said,"No, I'm pretty sure I don't."

Of course he remembers faintly about the nightmare he went through, but still he didn't want to tell them. What if because of that they take him away and put him into a cell or something even worse? 

"No, that couldn't happen at all. I need to find out what judt happened all by myself.", thought Greg and determination appeared in his eyes.

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