Chapter 10 Return To Camp

Chapter 10 Return To Camp

'There should be at least 100 people inside, so why am I only sensing 10? Even though I'm only able to sense whats happening in half of the camp, there should still be more people than that.'

Leaving his aura active, Leo sneaks around the entire camp from the outside, keeping close to the wall. This allowed him to sense everything within the camp.

'There's a total of 15 people inside. That's roughly all the soldiers that used to patrol around the camp. But if all the soldiers are here then where are the slaves?'

Leo decided to head to the west side of the camp as it has the least amount of soldiers, numbering at 3.

Getting close to the wall Leo channels a small amount of energy into his legs and jumps upwards, going right over the wall and landing on the other side. The jump was a little higher than Leo wanted, but since it was much better than the first time he tried to use his legs and energy together, he considered it to be a good result.

When landing on the other side Leo had made a small thumping sound. Through his aura, Leo could tell that one of the nearby soldiers had heard him and was coming this way to investigate.

Leo quickly hid behind a barrel situated between 2 buildings nearby that the soldier would pass on his way to where Leo had landed.

When walking past the alley Leo was hiding in, the soldier had his whip in his right hand. He only stopped to look down the alley for a few seconds before continuing on to where the sound came from.

Once the soldier had passed the alley, Leo came out from behind the barrel and walked up to the corner leading in the same direction as the soldier.

Leo followed from a distance so that he wouldn't alert the soldier of his presence, but slowly... Leo was getting closer.

When the soldier reached the wall he stopped to look around. His back facing Leo. When Leo was only a few meters away from the soldier. He channeled his power into right fist and charged at the soldier. Even without any energy being put into his legs Leo was faster than an average human, so it wasn't necessary.

The soldier hearing someone running behind him, turned and raised his whip to strike at whoever was behind him. At that moment Leo's fist was only a few centimeters from the soldiers nose, and Leo could see the soldiers eyes goes wide.

Leo's fist made contact, the energy transfered to the soldiers head and it exploded. His body thumped to the ground like a puppet who's strings had been cut.

Not a drop of blood had landed on Leo, as the force of his punch pushed everything away from himself.

Leo bent down and picked up the whip the soldier was holding. 'This could be useful later.' Leo took the holster the soldier used for his whip and attached it to his own pants on his right hip, he then rolled the whip up and placed it on the holster.

Then Leo noticed something else the soldier had on his waist, it looked like a small pouch. Reaching down and grabbing it, Leo was surprised by the weight. Looking inside, Leo could see a collection of small metal plates in a rectangular shape. Most of them were bronze in colour while occasionally there was a silver one mixed in.

'This is a bag of Ven... If all of these guys have money on them like this guy, then Ill be able to live for a short while when I get to a town or city.' Leo's eyes light up as the thought of sleeping in a comfortable bed appeared in his mind .

Leo hangs the pouch of Ven on his left hip. With that done Leo moves on to finding the next soldier to kill. He can sense that the other 2 in this area are both in the same place.

Leo gets closer so he can judge the situation with his own eyes. When finally finding a position where he's able to clearly see the two soldiers, he was surprised at what he saw.

Both of the soldiers were both fast asleep. The first was sitting down and leaning against the front door of one of the buildings. While the second was sitting in a chair a few meters to the left of the first, with his chin on his chest snoring away.

'They're seriously sleeping on duty? I can't believe I used to be scared of these idiots...' Slowly, Leo creeps up behind the one on the chair. It takes a minute because Leo was being careful not to wake them.

Leo collects his energy is his right hand and then condenses it to the tip of his finger. Pressing his finger against the back of the soldiers head, a hole the size of Leo's finger appears in the soldiers head in an instant, going all the way through.

The sound of blood and brain matter falling into the now dead soldiers lap can be heard, but it wasnt very loud and didn't seem to wake the other soldier. Within a minute Leo had repeated the process and killed the other soldier as well.

Leo then searched them both to see if they had any Ven on them, which they both did. Taking their pouches, Leo poured their contents into his own pouch which was completely full after doing so.

He was planning on counting it all later once he had collected as much as he could from the rest of the soldiers.

It didn't take too long for Leo to clear out all the soldiers in camp apart from 1. The reason Leo had ignored this one was because he was at the furtherst point away from where Leo entered the camp.

At this point Leo had 2 full pouches of Ven that he had collected from the soldiers around camp, some of them had nothing on them, and most only had a few plates.

When walking towards the area where the last soldier was, Leo decided to let his Aura subside, since he didn't want to waste any more energy.josei

Aura would slowly use up Leo's energy, normally it's not a problem, but he had been using his energy to kill the soldiers as well. He has used a little over half of it already and wanted to conserve his strength.

Leo knew the soldier was inside a building at the end of camp. It was the largest building in the camp, meant for highest ranking soldier present to reside in. Upon approaching the building the soldier was in , Leo could see a horrific sight in front of him.

A massive pile of human bodies, all burnt to a crisp. At the center of the pile was a thick metal pole sticking out of the ground, it was about 3 meters tall. A rope was attached to the top of the pole, and hanging from the rope by his wrists, with his lower half burnt black, was Zack.

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