Chapter 11 Invincible? (Part 1)

Chapter 11 Invincible? (Part 1)

The burnt bodies of the all the slaves sent a shiver down Leo's spine, although he did feel bad for them, he barely knew them and so he had no personal attachment.

Zack was a different story. Leo could feel several emotions clashing inside of him, guilt, anger, loss. "Why... Why did they do this... THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THIS!" Leo couldn't help himself and shouted the last part.

"Why? Because we could." The voice was heard coming from directly next to Leo on, his left. When Leo turned to look at the person who had spoke, he could see that it was the large man who had captured Zack.

The large man is 2.2 meters tall with no body hair to speak of. He has no shirt on so his bulging muscles are very prominent, he is wearing dark blue trousers and the same black shoes as Leo on his lower half. A giant scar beggining from the middle of his eyebrows runs under his left eye and down his neck.

The man was standing right next to Leo, and when turning to look at the man Leo received a swift hit to his left cheek. Somehow when Leo was hit, the man never moved, Leo didn't even see him so much as flinch.

The hit sent Leo back a about a meter before he caught his footing again. "What the... How did you do that? Who are you?"josei

The man smiled and looked at Leo, he didn't move from his position, standing with his arms hanging next to him. " You're going to have to figure out what I did for yourself, otherwise you won't survive this. HA, actually, you won't survive regardless. As for your second question, you can just call me Margrave, not that you'll be alive to..."

p Leo didn't wait for Margrave to finish. He placed some energy in his legs and fists and ran at speed towards Margrave. Leo ducked down when arriving in front of Margrave and then threw out a punch to his stomach.

Margrave doesn't seem to have noticed Leo's approach, as his eyes are still fixed on the spot Leo was standing in before.

Leo's punch connected with Margrave's stomach. No... it didn't. It passed right through him, as though nothing was there. When Leo's fist went through, the image of Margrave in front of him disappeared like a ghost fading away into nothingness.

Another punch landed on Leo, but there was nobody there. This time he was hit in the right side of his ribs. "AAAGGGH!" Leo let out a yelp of pain as this hit was harder than the first. Leo could feel one of his ribs had been damaged, he didn't know how bad.

Leo still had his some energy placed in his legs, so his body only slid across the ground a few centimeters before stopping, still standing on his feet. Leo threw a punch at the air to his right, where he believed the attack had come from but he hit nothing.

'What is Margrave doing... I can't see him and he keeps attacking me from nowhere.' Leo's eyes are constantly shifting around the area, trying to find some clue as to where Margrave is.

A kick strikes Leo in the back. Sending him tumbling forward, falling on his hands and knees. Immediately another kick lands on Leo's stomach, lifting him a few centimeters into the air. Followed by another punch to the back, sending Leo slamming into the ground.

Margraves voice can be heard coming from different places all around Leo at the same time. "It looks like you have an ability, just like I do. I'll give you a hint then kid, since you seem new at this whole fighting thing. Don't believe everything you see."

Leo had just managed to stand up when a kick slammed onto his chest, sending him stumbling backwards a few meters.

'Don't believe everything I see? What's that supposed to mean? Is he going invisible? No that can't be it, I punched right through him earlier and he just vanished, if he was invisible I would have seen nothing from the start. Is he making me see the wrong thing? Like some kind of illusion? "

A punch, the hardest one yet, connected with Leo on his right cheek, this time Leo can't do anything about the force and is thrown into one of the nearby buildings, crashing through the wooden walls.

'It can't be illusions... Illusions explain why I passed through him, but it wouldn't explain why I can't see him now. Come on damn it, what is he doing.' Leo's thoughts are happening quick and he isn't thinking like he normally would. He's panicking.

For Leo this was his first real challenge since escaping the tunnels. When learning to use his ability, he felt like he was invincible, that nobody would be able to stop him. 'It seems I'm not as tough as I thought...' Doubt started to fill Leo's mind.

Leo's confidence was vanishing and his will to fight was decreasing. He remained in the position he had landed in, pressed against a wall inside that was cracked and ready to break at any second. Leo had almost gone through the entire building.

'I can't beat him'

"Have you given up kid?"

'He's too strong'

"Come on, I was just starting to have SOME FUN!"

A kick impacted Leo's chest, sending him through the flimsy wall and onto the ground outside.

'What's the point...I can't even see him'

Leo had landed near where the burnt pile of corpses were. He was lying on his back looking up. Out the corner of his eye, he could see the pole Zack was hanging from, just a few meters to his right. He turned his head to look at Zack.

'I made you a promise that I would get you out of here... I failed. I promised I would come and get you when you got caught...i failed that too. I promised I'd kill everyone in this camp who was keeping us here... Looks like I'm going to fail that too.'

Leo's vision starts to darken, his consciousness fading.' I'm sorry Zack... Maybe in the next life I'll be able to... '

'HEY! Boy I gave the power to! Don't you dare die now! I know for a FACT you can win this fight, now get up and use the power you've been given!'

The voice that spoke to Leo when his power was obtained spoke to him again. It was speaking directly into his mind.

" How exactly do you expect me to beat someone I can't even see..."

'Do I have to do everything for you? Just think about all the things you can do and you'll come up with the answer, it's not rocket science.'

"What the fuck is rocket science?" Leo doesn't really know what's going on with this voice in his head but he decides to do what it says since the situation can't get any worse.

He thinks back to all the different tests he's run and the different skills he has, then it dawns on him. 'I really am an idiot sometimes.' Leo stands up and takes a few steps forward before speaking. "Given up!? Why would I do that when Im going to win."

"How exactly are you going to win kid? you can't even see me!" Margrave says, his voice coming from multiple directions at once.

"I don't need to see you." Leo smiles and activates his aura.

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