Chapter 135 Fire Skills

Chapter 135 Fire Skills

Cheers of congratulations erupted in celebration of Connor. Part of why Leo had this duel was to showcase Connors power as well, so that nobody would question his promotion.


'Oh that's right, I had forgotten about the quest.' Leo opened the system, keen to see what rewards he may have received.

[Quest - Impress your subordinates] (Complete)


- Skill point × 2

[Quest - Win the duel] (Complete)


- Health +10

- Energy + 10

'Not bad considering the quest difficulties. More importantly, I got the chance to test my new skills.' Leo thought with excitement.

'They performed well, especially Combine and Fire Ball. I'm surprised you found such an easy way to use fire attacks.' Dreifus replied.

'Once I had all that knowledge given to me, I was able to figure it out after some thought. It's really all thanks to the system, it gives me the tools needed to create my skills.'


[The previous day]

'So you said you were coming out here to see if you could create fire based skills, right?'

'Yes. Thanks to the knowledge I was given, I think I've figured it out enough to at least attempt it and I've got some spare time right now. It's the best time to try.' Leo replied.

'So what are you going to do?' Dreifus asked.

'Well, initially I was planning on using friction to generate heat. By forcing the particles to rub against each other and create friction, they would create heat and eventually catch fire.'

'Okay yeah, that makes sense.' Dreifus said with a satisfied tone.

'Except I've found a better way, an easier way. I don't have the control to move particles in any direction I want and force them to collide so they can create friction.'

'I had to find another way and I think I have. If you had two particles side by side, one was incredibly hot while the other was a normal temperature.'

'The particle thats hot will give off more Energy as it moves, at least that's what the information I have says.' Leo explained.

'What you're saying sounds correct based on what we know.' Dreifus said, intrigued to hear the rest of Leo's explanation.

'Well, if more heat equals more Energy, then wouldn't more Energy equal more heat?'

'Are you really saying it's that simple?' Dreifus asked with sceptical tone.

'I don't now, that's why I came out here to test my theory.' Leo said.

He held out his hand with the palm facing up and created a bubble of Energy just above his hand like he does when using Wind Blade, except he left it in the shape of a circle.

'Ever since I received the skill Authority I've been able to place Energy inside of objects. The problem is that every object is only able to hold so much before it gets destroyed by the Energy.'

'The metal balls I carry around are a good example, they turn into liquid metal after only 10 Energy is placed inside of it. That could be because of its size, or maybe it's because of the material, I don't really know.'

'But if adding Energy to the metal balls is what makes them heat up, then surely the same would apply to other things as well. All of this is why Im inclined to believe this will work.'

He felt the individual particles within the bubble he created and began placing Energy into them.


A flickering orange flame appeared inside the bubble 'Looks like I was right.' Leo smiled excitedly.

He pointed his hand forward and using the same pinching method as he does with wind skills, he shot the bubble forward with the flame inside it.

The bubble of Energy isn't something tangible, it doesn't create an impact when it's meant to touch something. Instead it just passes through it.

The function of the bubble is to help Leo control his Energy with more accuracy and to contain an attack created by him. The fire within is incapable of escaping the bubble.

When the bubble 'hits' something it actually passes through that object, but the attack inside of the bubble, the fire in this case, still hits the object.

As the attack makes contact with an object, the bubble around it dissappears and the attack is released, allowing the damage to occur as it should.

The fire was shot forwards and into the ground a few meters away. There was a small explosion that carried forwards in the direction the attack was moving.

[Skill unlocked - Fire Bolt]

Leo then repeated the process but this time he created a larger flame and condensed the bubble around it to the same size as the Fire Bolt.

Since the last one created an explosion, Leo decided to make this attack land a little further away just incase.

He fired the attack at the ground around 50 meters away. He was currently outside of the Infernum base in the woods nearby, so there was nobody around the witness his training.

Leo was glad he chose to send the attack further away this time. The explosion covered a much larger area and would have definitely hit him if he hit the same spot as the first attack.

[Skill unlocked - Fire Ball]

'After see how it exploded, I thought it might be called Fire Explosion or something like that.' Leo commented as the system prompt came up.

'I'm thankfull you aren't choosing the names for your skills, because that is a terrible name.' Dreifus began laughing hysterically.


[The present]

"Excuse me, General Rune."

Leo turned to face the person to his side and recognized him as being Commander Anders assistant.

"The Commander is requesting a meeting with yourself and General Wesley in his office, would please you follow me, Sir." The man said with a respectful tone.

It felt strange having people his own age call him 'Sir' and 'General' when he walked passed them or spoke with them, but this man was older than himself by at least 10 years... It felt several times worse hearing it from him.josei

The office that Commander Anders used was placed between the two buildings. Similar to the walkway that connected the two building, his office was connected to both buildings as well.

Entering from his buildings side, Leo was led into the room by Anders' assistant. Anders was behind his desk and opposite him were two comfortable looking single couches that faced his desk. Snythe was already seated in one of them.

"I'm surprised it took you so long, we're you busy with something?" Anders asked.

"I came as soon as I was told about the meeting, although I was having a duel with someone so your assistant was probably waiting for me to finish before he informed me." Leo replied while taking a seat.

"I see, and how would you judge his performance in the duel, Roderick?" Anders asked while looking at his assistant.

"It was spectacular, Sir. It appeared to me as though General Rune had several abilities with his use of physical strength, Wind and Fire attacks." Roderick answered with a respectful tone.

"That does sound like several abilities... How is that possible?" Anders asked Leo with a confused tone and expression.

"I only have one ability, it's just extremely versatile." Leo answered bluntly.

"Now that I think about, since you arrived at the academy late you're the only person who's ability hasn't been documented. Do you mind telling me what it is?" Anders asked.

"I don't mind telling you the basics but..." Leo looked at Snythe.

"Oh please, I already know what your ability is. I don't know how he found out but Trent told me what it is. You can manipulate Energy that involves movement right? That's such a ridiculous ability... Everything moves." Snythe had a sour expression on his face.

"That does sound amazing... I don't understand how you're able to generate something like fire using your ability but I suppose that's something only you would know." Anders said.

Leo was glaring at Snythe intensely 'How did Trent ever find out about my ability? Wait... Did John tell them? why would he have done that?'

'He did seem very interested in everyone's abilities when you were at the academy, maybe he was asking for Trent.' Dreifus added.

"Enough about that, let's get on with the actual meeting now. The reason I've called the two of you here is because we have a problem that needs to be dealt with and I've thought of the perfect way to do so.'

'You both need to distribute the Infernai under you into squads and determine their combat potential. Combat experience is important for all Infernai so this is actually good timing for us.'

'There has been a sudden increase in the appearance of low level monsters around the Great City Drom. You will each be taking your Platoons into the these areas and exterminating any monsters you encounter.'

'It's important that you both ensure that the members of your squads are able to experience real combat. Don't just use your strongest members and have them do everything, that will only weaken our overall power.'

'You will be leaving tomorrow at first light. Dismissed.'

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