Chapter 136 Responsibilities

Chapter 136 Responsibilities

As the meeting continued Commander Anders went on to explain some more details about the monster extermination mission.

Each Platoon was going to handle two directions around Drom. Leo's Platoon would be situated at the North and East sides, while Snythes Platoon would handle the South and West.

Each Platoon was going to have four squads, each lead by one of the captains. The exception being the squad all the support type abilities are placed in.

In Platoon one that squad is lead by Rene but every member of the squad is split up amongst the other squads, meaning they don't function like a regular squad.

Support abilities vary from healing someone to flying. Any ability that isn't capable of directly injuring an opponent is considered a support ability.

Supporters are designated into the other three squads depending on the type of supporters required for that specific mission. This means that supporters function like an external force that temporarily follows a different Captains orders.

Supporters are further split into four categories.

- Healers

- Defenders

- Utility

- Mobility

Healers are exactly what the name suggest, being capable of healing injuries.

Defenders would be someone who's ability allows them to prevent their sqaud from taking damage. Creating barriers or preventing an opponents movement for a short duration in the middle of an attack are examples of defenders.

Utility is the most diverse category ranging from craftsmanship to strengthening squad members. Anyone who doesn't fit in the other categories is placed in this one.

Mobility is where those who are capable of extreme movement are placed, such as flight or teleportation.

There are some abilities that would technically place them in a supporting role, such as super speed. Typically they would be placed in the mobility category but since they are capable of dealing immense damage while running at super speed, they have been placed in a combat role.

It was Rene who created these categories and the system for deciding which supporters should be placed where.

After the meeting with Anders, Leo went back to his office and told Kelly to call all his Captains so they could discuss what was going to happen.

"Leo, what's up man, why did you call us?" Cain blurted out as he opened the door without knocking.

A look of complete shock appeared on Connors and he couldn't help but say something "What are you doing!? How could you talk to the General like that!"

"It's alright, Connor. I appreciate the enthusiasm but when it's just us here you can all speak less formally. Cain and I are close friends as well." Leo said quickly said before anyone got worked up over a misunderstanding.

"Oh, so how should I... Do I still call you General or..." Connor was at a loss. He expected a rigid military like hierarchy but he was now being told that they could just act however they wanted when they weren't around others. It confused him.

"Just call me Leo like the others do."

"Alright, Leo..." Connor awkwardly said, causing everyone to cringe slightly. "It will take some getting used to." He added, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

Leo went on to explain to them how everything was going to work the following day and that they were going to be split into 3 squads with supporters supplied to each squad.

" Cain, you will lead squad one. Leonard, squad two. Connor, squad three. After watching the duels that were meant to help us select a new captain, all of you should have noticed some promising fighters amongst everyone."

"Each of you needs to go and select five members for your squads from those promising fighters. They will be part of your squad going forward and it will be your responsibilities to lead them in training and other areas required for them to improve."

"You each have full control over your squads and can change out its members when you see the need. All members of your squads will recieve the rank of officer and their uniforms will display a number that corresponds with their squad."

"If you remove someone from your squad, they will be demoted back to the rank of private. You will all need to select one Lieutenant within your squads, if something happens to you or you are not able to give commands, they will temporarily take over leadership of the squad."

"Rene, you don't need to select members for your squad since all support abilities are automatically part of your squad by default, but I do need you to select the 10 that you classify as the best within your squad."

"There needs to be at least two of them from each category so that they can be assigned to the more difficult missions in the future."

Leo finished explaining everything that he needed them to do and it was obvious that the others were already thinking of the people they would like to place into their squads.

"Everyone who isn't selected to be part of your squads will be spread throughout the city to keep the peace or left within the headquarters for defense and other purposes. Drom is completely under our jurisdiction so it's out job to protect it at all costs."

"If you don't have any questions to ask then you can all start gathering your squads together." Leo said after a minute of silence.

The others all left the room promptly and Kelly came in after to ask if he needed anything else, to which he asked for Clay and Nila to be brought to his office.

​ After a few minutes both of them walked into his office and Leo told them about his meeting with Anders and the others.

"The reason I called for you seperatly from the others is because you have different responsibilities and I'd like to speak with you about them."

"I need one of you to run the logistical side of our Platoon. Our finances, which Infernai are stationed where, working times, lodgings for Infernai stationed in the Drom etc..."

"And one of you will need to run the political and law enforcement side of our Platoon. Communicating with nobles, deciding punishments when laws are broken, corresponding with the military etc."

"I believe I already know which of you fits best into which position but I thought it would be best to allow you to discuss with each other and decide for yourselves." Leo explained at length.

Nila and Clay looked at each other for a moment before turning back to Leo.

" Logistics for me." Clay said.

" Political and Law enforcement for me." Nila said.

Leo smiled "Looks like I was right. It was pretty obvious which one you would each choose but I wanted to ask anyways."

"We appreciate the options but to be fair, I know nothing about politics and nobles definitely wouldn't speak to a commoner. Nila could do the logistics side, but I can't do hers. This is the only option." Clay said matter of factly.

"That's true." Leo nodded. "Alright, both of you are going to receive assistants to help you with your duties going forward."

"Clay, when we go on the monster hunt tomorrow, I need you to stay here. If something happens while we are gone then you're in charge. Nila, you and I will be near all the squads in case one of them runs into danger. We are going to be the emergency back up."

Both Clay and Nila agreed and with that the meeting was over and they both left. Leo was now alone in a silent room with nothing to do.

After a few minutes of silence with Leo staring at a wall and thinking, Dreifus suddenly spoke 'You figured out how to use fire abilities pretty quickly, do you have any other ideas?'

' I have three ideas actually. Two of them I'm pretty sure will work and the other I'm not so sure about.' Leo replied, still staring at the wall with a blank expression.josei

'Then why haven't you tried them out yet?'

'I don't have the capabilities for the two that I think will work. The other one is because I wanted to think about what might happen if I'm wrong about it. I haven't thought of anything yet that might happen so I think I'll try it out soon.' Leo explained.

' So the one that you don't think will work, what is it?'

' Ice. Think about it, if adding Energy to a particle makes it heat up, then removing Energy should make it cool down. The problem is that to burn something you only need oxygen to keep the fire alive, but you can't create ice without something to freeze and I don't think I can freeze the air.'

' Hmm, well there's water vapor in the air right? You could freeze that.' Dreifus suggested.

' Damn... You're right. I'll try it out once we finish the monster hunt.' Leo said with more enthusiasm than he's shown the entire conversation.

' What about the two that you think will work, what are they?' Dreifus asked with curious tone.

'Sound and Lightning.' Leo replied.

'Both of those are powerful and useful to have. What's stopping you from using them?'

'I have the method, but I can't influence the Energy with enough control yet. I need to increase the Authority skill but it requires several skill points to level up.' Leo explained.

'You have two skill points right now, is that not enough?'

'Not even close.' Leo replied.

'How many do you need?'

~Sigh~ 'Ten.'

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