Chapter 138 Monster Extermination (Part 2)

Chapter 138 Monster Extermination (Part 2)

Leonard's squad was on of the two that had been assigned to the North of Drom, the other squad belonged to Cain.

Cain and his squad had already encountered a monster, it was a large wolf type creature that was capable of using wind to increase its speed slightly.

His squad was able to take it down relatively easily in the end and even obtained a crystal from its corpse.

It was impossible to tell what tier a monster was just by looking at it, the only way to know is to evaluate its capabilities or to examine its crystal. If a creature is using wind, which is a trait only common tier monsters use, then it's a common tier monster.

Cain and his squad continued to search through the forest, hoping to find something more to fight. He had somehow managed to find all the Infernai that were just as battle hungry as he was.


"Squad one and two have both defeated a monster, Sir. Squad one defeated a common tier and squad two defeated an uncommon tier." Elaine said.

"An uncommon tier? That's good to hear. If they aren't struggling with an uncommon tier then it means they're stronger than I thought and there's nothing to worry about." Leo replied with a tone of satisfaction.

"What about squad three?" Nila asked.

"I haven't heard anything from them yet. I'll ask for a report." Elaine replied and then closed her eyes to focus.

The telpaths wouldn't be able to use their power at such a distance under normal circumstances. By having each telepath connect to the nearest telepaths to them, they create a chain link between all of them.

Even the telepath on the furthest end would be able to communicate with the one furthest from them, all they needed to do was follow the link until they found their target.

"If they didn't say it then it means there weren't any injuries sustained during their battles with the monsters, that's a good sign." Rene said, her feelings of nervousness calming down.

"That's true, if they did get hurt then it means their healers are capable of healing their injuries and it's not worth reporting." Leo said.


"Sir, our telepath has been knocked out! What do we do!? We can't call for back up from the General!" One of the members of squad three said in a panic.

"Do what you can to wake him up! I don't know how long we can hold them off so one of you needs to go ask for help in person!" Connor ordered as he controlled his Golems.

An entire group of monsters was attacking them, with about 7 of them appearing in total. They were a mixture of 4 wind wolves and 3 ice using horse monsters.

'Fuck. I can't lower their numbers because I'm forced to focus on defense. What's worse is that some of my squad were injured right at the beginning of the fight when we were surprised by their numbers.' Connor thought to himself.

He was down to only half his squad and they were all using their ranged attacks on the monsters while the Golems handled the defense in front of them.

A member of the squad with super speed had chosen to run for help since his ability was perfect for it.

'We can't hold on for much longer, if I run out of Energy and can't keep my Golems up then... we'll all die.'


"Part of me is disappointed that I'm not able to join the fighting." Nila suddenly said while staring out into the forest.

"Yeah I know what you mean. Unfortunately, we need to improve our overall strength to prepare for whatever the cult is planning. They won't stay quiet for long so we need to do everything we can to prepare the Infernai for a war." Leo replied.

A few minutes went by where nobody said anything and they all just stood silently while Elaine was establishing a connection to the other telepaths.josei

Even though the link allowed them to communicate over longer distances, it wasn't instant. It took time to find the right person and connect with them.

"Whats the name of the village you come from." Leo suddenly asked Rene.

"It's called Rowa." Rene replied.

"Are your parents still living there?"

Rene nodded "When I first told them about my ability they were scared, which is understandable. They thought that if other people found out then I might get attacked by the other villagers."

"Why would they attack you?" Leo asked with a confused tone.

"Fear, jealousy...My parents believed it would be impossible for me to live there safely so they planned to take me away. But then we heard the royal decree and realized I wasn't the only one with an ability."

"My parents were still afraid, thinking it might be a trick to get us all gathered in one place so we could be captured or killed... But I insisted on going anyway. It turned out to be a good thing in the end, I got to meet all of you as well." Rene said with a cheerful smile.

"Yeah, that's definitely a good thing." Leo smiled back.

"Sir, I wasn't able to reach squad three at all and I've been told that squad 1 has encountered a problem. There are four monsters attacking them and they need help, one of the monsters is an uncommon while the rest are common." Elaine said urgently.

"Alright, it's time to go. Let's make sure they have all the help they..." In the middle of his sentence, Leo was interrupted by an Infernai running out from the forest at super speed.

Leo saw that the he had the number 3 on his uniform. The Infernai seemed ecstatic when he saw Leo and the others.

"General, Squad three is being attacked by seven monsters, half of which are Uncommon tier. They can't hold on for much longer and need help immediately." The Infernai spoke so fast that it felt like he was speaking at super speed.

Leo turned and looked at Nila "You go help squad one, I'll handle squad three." Nila turned and started running towards the area that Cains squad should be in.

Leo looked at the Infernai from squad 3 "You stay here and protect these two, I'll go help your squad." Leo then started running into the forest.


He sent the pulse into the ground through his feet and instantly found the location of Connor and his squad. Even with all his speed and the use of dash, it would still take him a few minutes to reach them.


The situation was getting worse by the minute. Connor was down to only 3 Golems, with one of them being his more powerful one.

More of his squad members had gotten injured from fighting and he now only had one other person that was fighting with him to defend the rest.

Their injuries didn't look life threatening and their healer was helping where he could, but they wouldn't be able to rejoin the fight any time soon.

The dark Golem managed to defeat one of the Common monsters on its own, but this was when Connor lost some of his Golems.

When he put focus on the dark Golem so he could lower the number of monsters, some of the other Golems were destroyed.

They were now heavily outnumbered and without his Golems Connor couldn't even fight.

Another of his Golems was destroyed when three monsters attacked it at once. He was now down to only two.

He pulled his Golems back so they could work together and hopefully last slightly longer. The only Infernai still standing from his squad was his own Lieutenant that had the ability to create lightning.

The lightning was doing a decent amount of damage to the monsters and even stunned them for a moment when hit.

The problem was that even when the monster was injured, it would move to the back of the group and recover while the others fought.

The situation was starting to feel hopeless and neither Connor or his Lieutenant could think of a way to win.

One of the horse like monsters lifted its front legs and stomped them down into the ground, shooting spears of ice out and into the last regular Golem.

Just as it did that, two of the wind wolves jumped into the air in an attempt to bite at the dark Golems neck and shoulder area. Connor couldn't react in time and he knew that this would be the end.

Just as he started to lose hope, a blade made out of fire flew through the air and sliced right through the two wolves.

As their bodies fell to the floor in pieces, Connor looked to his left and saw Leo emerging from behind the trees.

Connor knew from experience how powerful Leo's attacks were. His Golems were destroyed faster in his fight against Leo than they were by these monsters.

He also barely managed to injure Leo whereas he killed a monster with just his dark Golem. 'If he's here then we should be alright...' Connor felt relieved.

"Looks like I made it just in time." Leo said as he watched all the monsters suddenly turn their attention towards him.

"Let's do some hunting."

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