Chapter 139 Back-Up (Part 1)

Chapter 139 Back-Up (Part 1)

Having just arrived to assist squad one, Nila saw that the situation was far worse than they had been told.

Rather than four monsters, there was now eight of them. Six of them were wind wolves while the other two were ice horses.

Additionally, there were three wind wolf corpses nearby, meaning there was once a total of eleven monsters here.

Squad one only had two thirds of their members fighting while the rest were injured. The defensive supporter assigned to this squad had the ability to summon glowing chains that would strap a target to the ground.

There was two monsters that were being trapped by the chains and they were situated at the back of the monster group.

Nila jumped into the fray instantly, firing Energy beams from both her hands right into the head of the nearest wind wolf.

The monster was thrown backwards into its own allies but managed to survive the attack and moved to the back of the monsters group to recover.

"Nila! I can't even begin say how happy I am to see you. Is Leo with you?" Cain said with urgency as he swung his hammer at a wind wolf that attempted to bite into his neck.

"No, squad three is having the same issue with a horde of monsters attacking them, we split up so we could help both of you." Nila replied while firing more Energy beams at one of the wind wolves.

"Everytime we hit these things they move to the back of the group and heal while the others are fighting. It only takes them a minute to heal most of the damage we do to them. We can't seem to kill any of these fuckers!" Cain shouted the last part as he slammed his hammer into the head of a wolf that promptly ran away again.

" I can see your defender is trapping them with those chains, why don't you have her trap the ones closer so you can finish them off?"

" We tried that earlier and almost half my squad got injured. She's holding down those ice horse things at the back so they can't get involved. If she let's them go so we can focus on the wolves then they will hit us with an immense amount of ice and more of us will get injured or killed." Cain replied.

"Then let me handle one of the ice horses. I might not be able to defeat it on my own but if I can distract it for long enough then you can lessen the number of wolves with the help of those chains." Nila confidently suggested.

Cain went quiet and was clearly thinking about Nilas suggestion. "Fine. If you think you'll be alright then let's do it."

Nila ran off to the side in an attempt to circle around the group of monsters. She had attempted to fire her Energy beams at the chained monsters before but the wind solved would periodically jump in front of them and take the hit.

Her hope was that by releasing one of them the wolves would focus on protecting the one still pinned to the ground, allowing her to fight the other one without any interfering.

"Frey! Release one of the two at the back and help us pin down the injured wolves so we can finish them off!" Cain shouted his order to make sure that it was heard over the sound of battle.

Without questioning the order the defender known as 'Frey' released one of the ice horses and started assisting in lowering the number of wolves.

As soon as the ice horse was released the wolves that were protecting it rushed into battle, just as Nila hoped they would.

It took a few seconds for the ice horse to stand up and in that time it had been left completely alone about 20 meters away from the nearest monster.

Nila took this opportunity to attack the ice horse, both to draw its attention and to deal some damage before it could retaliate.

Two beams of Energy slammed into the ice horse, one in the head and the other along its neck. Nila noticed the shell like defense on its back and knew it would be better to avoid hitting it there.

The ice horse turned its focus to Nila and charged towards her. "frrreeiigghhh" It made a high pitched neigh/shrieking sound as it closed the distance.

Nila fired multiple beams at the monster with some of them hitting it in the head, neck or chest areas. The others were dodged, showing that, although not perfectly, the ice horse had some agility while running.

The ice horse jumped into the air, taking some Energy beams as it did, and slammed its legs into the ground. Spears of ice erupted outwards from its legs and the ground surrounding them.

Nila junked into the air, placing her in a position to avoid the lower spears. However the ones going upward at an angle were still set to hit her.

She turned hands facing down and fired two steady streams of Energy at the ground below her, pushing her body upwards faster and further.

Every ice spear passed under Nila as he body was flung into the air. She wasn't able to fire a constant beam for long, meaning that although she couldn't fly using this method, she could still get some decent height with it.

While in the air she fired multiple Energy blasts at the ice horse, causing her body to be pushed away at the same time.

She was forced to fire another steady beam at the ground to slow her fall and allow herself to land safely. She was now a good distance away from the creature again and had done some viable damage to its body.

There was clear damage to its skin and blood was pouring out of some open wounds that had been created.josei

While this was happening, Cain and his squad had been fighting off a group of six wind wolves. Through the help of the chains they were able to trap two of the wolves and finish them off.

With only four of them left to battle with, the fight was becoming far more manageable for the remaining squad members.

A woman that was wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant was doing an exceptional job of distracting the monsters and allowing her allies to get some powerful attacks in.

She had the ability to run at superspeed and was using it to attract the monsters and then dodge their attacks. Her squad members would then attack the monster immediately after it failed to hit her.

Although she would be useful if she directly attacked the monsters, she chose to play a supporting role for the sake of efficiency.

This was the reason Cain had chosen her to be his Lieutenant. She had the power to attack but had the control to make decisions that would benefit the squad.

She was currently recorded as being the fastest speed user in Platoon one, making her an incredible talent and role model among other speed users.

Everyone looked up to the most powerful person with the same ability as themselves. They saw that person as a goal to achieve or overcome, giving them the drive to work harder.

On the other side of the battlefield, Nila had been dodging and attack for a few minutes now. Seeing that the number of wolves was decreasing at a steady rate, she knew that the plan was working.

'If I can kill this one on my own, then the others can use all their strength on the remaining ice horse rather than helping me. There's only two wolves left now, I need to finish this.' Nila thought to herself.

She began charging up a new attack that she had recently created, one that she considered to be the most powerful at her disposal.

The Energy would be collected and condensed in front of her hands. She would then shape the Energy into a blade, similar to Leo's Wind Blade which was her inspiration for this attack.

Once she had collected the Energy, she saw that the ice horse was lifting its legs for another stomp. 'Now! Before it creates more ice spears!' Nila shouted in her head and fired her attack.

The Energy Blade flew towards the monster quickly, heading for its belly as it stood on its back legs.

The blade sliced through the ice horse, causing its guts to spill out from its belly. The Energy Blade was unable to cut through the monster completely, only managing to go as far as it did thanks to the soft skin on its belly.

Nila was surprised at how much Energy she still had left after the fight. Currently, she still had one third of her Energy left over. Although that sounds like a small amount, to her that was an improvement upon her previous fights.

'I'm glad. I'll be able to help with the remaining ice horse as well with this much.' She thought to herself with satisfaction at her performance.

Looking over, she saw that the last wolf had just been killed as well. She then looked over to the ice horse, still trapped by the chains.

' Now that I think about it... A fight won't be necessary. With those chains wrapped around it, it won't be able to fight back.' Nila thought, her body relaxing slightly.

'I wonder if Leo managed to help squad three in time...'

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