Chapter 140 Back-Up (Part 2)

Chapter 140 Back-Up (Part 2)

[Common tier monster killed ×2]

[50 000 XP]josei


[New quest]

[Save squad 3]

Leo's attack had killed half of the wind wolves

in the monsters group, leaving two wind wolves and three ice horses left.

After seeing the strength of his attack the monsters turned their attention to Leo, acknowledging him as the biggest threat.

'I bought these a few weeks ago but wasn't able to use them for what I intended. Now that I'm able to infuse objects with Energy, I should put their effectiveness to the test.' Leo thought to himself as a small bag appeared in his hand as his ring glowed.

He pulled out one of the small metal balls he always uses to replenish his Energy and holds it in his right hand.

' I can only put about five Energy into these balls if I want them to be usable afterwards, ten if I'm fine with destroying them in impact. Anything higher will destroy them before they leave my hand.'

He decided on ten Energy since he didn't plan on retrieving this one and placed it inside the ball, the metal began to glow a dull blue once he was finished.

He lifted his hand and threw the metal ball at the nearest wind wolf. The monsters had been cautiously watching Leo, seemingly startled by his sudden appearance, so they had yet to move.

The ball moved through the air with immense speed and impacted the wolf in its ribs. There was a loud thumping sound and then a stream of blood poured out from the point of impact.

The ball had gone through the skin, muscle and bones of the creature. Leo could feel the Energy he had placed inside the ball and knew that the ball itself was still inside the wind wolf even now.

The wind wolf snarled at Leo and charged towards him on its own. The rest of the monsters still seemed cautious, which was uncharacteristic for them since they were just low level monsters without much intelligence.

As the wind wolf approached him, Leo released the Energy still stored within the metal ball. Rather than letting the Energy be expended to increase the speed and power of the ball itself, he chose to try this instead.

As the Energy was released the wolf's body bloated and blue light escaped from the wound the ball had created. In the next moment the wolfs torso exploded with guts and blood flying all over, a blue flash of Energy appearing from within its body for a moment.

[Common tier monster killed]

[25 000 XP]

'That was more powerful than I thought it would be. Killing a common monster with just ten of my Energy is a massive improvement from the last time I fought one and had to use almost everything I had.'

'Well I know that works so let's test the other way of doing it and see which is better.' Leo reached into the small bag and pulled out another metal ball.

He placed ten Energy into it once again and threw it at the last remaining wind wolf. He released the Energy behind the ball as it moved through the air, drastically increasing its speed.

The metal ball was almost too fast for the human eye to follow as it hit the wolf in the ribcage again.

This time the ball instantly went right through the wolf as though there was nothing there, like a bullet fired from a gun.

The wolf's body started to tremble as it took one step forward before falling to the ground. Blood lured out the wound that had been created as well as its mouth.

The wind wolf continued to shake and twitch on the ground for about another thirty seconds before it finally died.

[Common tier monster killed]

[25 000 XP]

'They both killed it relatively quickly, though I do think the first method was more effective. This would be better used in situations where speed is more important than power but otherwise it's less effective.' Leo analyzed his attacks as the three ice horses finally decided to do something.

One of the horses stayed in front of Leo while the other two started running around him to the sides.

' Trying to surround me? I'm not just going to watch it happen.' Leo thought as looked at the ice horse on his left side.


He suddenly charged towards the ice horse with incredible speed and was too fast for the monster to react in time. He filled his fist with Energy and punched towards the monsters head.

As his fist made contact and the Energy released, there was a flash of blue light around his fist as the monster was thrown ten meters away with its body spinning from the force of the punch.

It rolled several times as it's body hit the floor, a trail of blood following it. As the ice horse finally came to a stop, it tried to stand back to its feet but wobbled and fell over.

Leo ran towards the monster as it fell over for the second time and delivered a second punch to its already damaged and bloody head.

Its head exploded with blood and brain matter spraying over the ground nearby.

[Uncommon tier monster killed]

[50 000 XP]

The other two ice horse had come up behind Leo as he finished off the one on the ground. The both stomped their front legs and sent several spears of ice towards Leo.

The spears stayed connected to the ground and grew longer in an attempt to pierce their targets, making Absorb and Redirect useless in hindering their movement.

Since the damage isn't brute force, decreasing the force behind it upon impact would do little to minimize the damage, meaning Leo would still get stabbed regardless.

He only noticed the attack thanks to his battle Aura being active, but that meant that the attack was already withing ten meters of him.

There was no time to dodge or jump out of the way so he turned to face the attack, placed Energy into both of his hands and slammed them into each other.

The Energy rebounded off each other and a loud thunderous sound erupted as a blast of wind blew in a straight line away from Leo.

The ice was blown apart by the sudden burst of air that tore through it. The ice horses were unharmed but were pushed back from the force of the wind.


[Wind Blade + Fire Bolt]

A blade of fire appeared and with swift movement it decapitated one of ice horses.

[Uncommon tier monster killed]

[50 000 XP]

With only one monster remaining Leo wa able to handle it quickly by charging it and punching it to death, receiving the same XP reward once again.

Leo walked over to Connor and the rest of his squad to check how they were doing. Apart from Connor and his Lieutenant, most of the squad was severely injured, with at least half of them currently unconscious.

"Thank you for coming to help us. We weren't expecting such a large number of monsters to suddenly appear and were unable to respond quick enough. By the time we were adjusting to the situation, too many of us had been injured." Connor said, his tone showing his gratitude but also his own frustration.

​ "There's no way you could have adjusted any faster given the circumstances, all you can do now is make sure you are prepared for a situation like this in advance so that you can respond faster next time."

"Squad one was also attacked by a large number of monsters. Colonel Zogarth went to assist them while I came to you. You did well to keep your squad from losing any lives. Let's focus on getting everyone the treatment they need to recover." Leo explained the situation and praised Connor for his performance.

'I couldn't have done any better than him in a situation like this if the circumstances were the same. If I had his power and the same people around me as he had then i doubt I could have done much better.'

As Leo was thinking this, he heard a sound coming from the forest on the other side of the clearing. The trees and bushes were rustling as though something was moving inside them.

Leo switched from Battle Aura to Aura so that the range was increased. He was now able to see what was beyond the trees.

"Connor, you need to get your squad out of here." Leo said with serious.

"Why, is something wrong?"

"Something is watching us. Its more powerful than the monsters we just fought. Those who aren't injured must carry the others, whatever you have to do, just get out of here quickly." Leo said with an intense glare aimed towards the forest on the other side of the clearing.

'I can feel it. That Energy coming off the monster hiding in those bushes and trees... It's definitely lightning.'

'It's at least a rare tier monster'

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