Chapter 146 Military Leaders

Chapter 146 Military Leaders

After explaining the potential science behind Cain's ability, Leo was walking back to his own room with the hopes of turning in for the night when he was stopped by his assistant.

"Sorry to bother you, General. The Commander would like to speak with you." Kelly said with a professional tone.

"Right now?"

"Yes, Sir."

Without further conversation, Leo changed his course and walked towards Commander Anders' office.

The door to the office was already open and Commander Anders' assistant was standing inside the room at the door, seemingly waiting for Leo's arrival.

Upon entering the room Anders immediately asked him to sit. "I'm sorry to suddenly ask for you so late but I've just received word that the King wants you to be part of a meeting that's being held tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Leo asked in a surprised voice. "It's a two day trip to get back to the capital..."

"Typically it would be impossible, but since you are now a high ranking member of the kingdoms fighting forces, you are able to use a Gate to travel there instantly." Commander Anders explained.

A moment of relief washed over Leo. "I see. Do you know why the King has asked for me?"

"I don't know the specifics. Only that it's in relation to the Cult."

"Shouldn't you also be part of such a meeting?" Leo asked.

"Normally, yes, but I can't leave right now. With the sudden monster issue and several other duties that need handling, I'm unavailable. Regardless of that, you're the one who knows the most and will be most important during the meeting, I would only be there so I could stay in the information loop. All you need to do is inform me of the details when you return." Commander Anders explained.

"I understand." Leo replied.

"The nearest Gate isn't too far from here, I'll organize a carriage to take you there in the morning."

Leo nodded in acknowledgement, stood up and turned to leave the room. "Before you go."

Leo paused his steps and turned to face Anders again.

"I know you have your suspicions about Snythe. I'm not going to just let him do whatever he wants because he's a General. I'll be keeping an eye on him as well."

Leo turned away and left the room without replying. He didn't know what to say to that but was glad that Anders was willing to keep an eye out just incase.

He returned to his room and took his usual hour long bath, having a conversation with Dreifus as he did.

'I wonder how much growth the others are experiencing by using Core improvement. I barely felt anything when using it myself, so it can't be very efficient.'

'I doubt their experience with it will be the same as yours. It's obvious some Infernai have grown considerably, like Connor, while others are still relatively the same, like Clay. Perhaps it's different because of the system or because you're not human.' Dreifus replied.

' Not human... I wish I was given something more than just the word hybrid. Without the context of what I'm a mixture of, it just gave me more questions.'

Why were the Cult after him, what kind of being was he, who were his parents. These were the types of questions he couldn't get off his mind.

'Perhaps your origins are the reason the Cult wants you? Continuing on this path might help you find some answers.' Dreifus suggested.

'I've thought about that possibility already. I'll be sure to ask the next 'Imperium' I fight. They're apparently not human anymore either... That's another thing I'd like to know more about.' Leo let out a deep sigh.


Morning arrived and Leo was taken via carriage to a building about 20 minutes away from the headquarters. It was located in an open field, just like the other Gate was.

He was directed through the Gate quickly and without any questions being asked of him once his uniform was seen.

The guards protecting the Gate were from the military but they still seemed to recognize his rank and treated him with respect.

Using the Gate he arrived within the capital instantly and was quickly taken to the castle.

He was directed to a room within the castle that looked exactly like the War Room at the Infernai headquarters.

The table had many seats surrounding it, with only a few being full. Based on their uniforms, Leo was able to see that they were all high ranking members of the military.

The King was sitting at the head of the table and everyone was seemingly waiting for Leo's arrival. Leo was directed to a seat on the opposite side of the table from the King, the foot of the table.

He could feel the disdain in they eyes of the military personnel present at the meeting, each one of them looking down on him in their own way.

"Now that everyone is here, we will be able to begin. Before that, I'd like you all to introduce yourselves, starting with the military." King Randall said as he gestured to the nearest person on his right.

There were a total of three people from the military. The man gestured to stood up and began his introduction.


"I am Commander Jeziah Colt. Across from me is General John Trune and General Sloan Lewis."

Commander Colt was an older gentlemen. He had no hair on his head but had grey bushy eyebrows and a slender frame.

General Trune was a middle aged man with a plump figure. His hair and beard, both being long and bushy, were dark orange in colour.

General Lewis was a middle aged muscular woman with short brown hair that was starting to grey on the sides. She has a scar running across her nose and left eye at a diagonal angle.

Seeing as the military had concluded their introductions, Leo knew it was his turn. He stood up from his seat, just like Commander Colt, and spoke.

"I am General Leofalor Rune."

As Leo finished his introduction, he could see that each of the three military personnel had a different expression on their faces.

Commander Colt had an unsure and judgemental expression that gave Leo the impression he was trying to decide his worth.

General Trune seemed amused by Leo's introduction, a large smile appearing on his face as he scoffed and then chuckled lightly. It was very obvious that he was laughing 'at' Leo.

General Lewis had a scornful expression that suggested she had already evaluated Leo's worth and had decided it was lacking.

Unfazed by their clear dislike for him, Leo took his seat after introducing himself and calmly waited for the King to speak again.

"The reason we are holding this meeting is to..." the king was forced to stop speaking mid sentence as an intense coughing fit suddenly overcame him.

For a solid two minutes the King did not stop coughing. Once the coughing had ended, his breathing was heavy and his voice ragged.

"The reason we are here... is to discuss our war with the Cult of Umbra." King Randall said with a very dry voice.

He took a sip of water before speaking but it apparently had little effect on his throats condition.

"We have not seen or heard anything regarding the cult for several days now. I believe they are building their strength and/or numbers in preparation of our intent to go to war with them." Commander Colt said.

"Does the cult really warrant us declaring war on them? All our information suggests they are a small group with little to no fighting power." General Trune said, his deep voice emerging from beneath his beard with seemingly no movement from his mouth.

"I assure you, that information is wrong." Leo said with a confident tone, causing everyone to look at him.

"Tch! Why should we take your word for it? You're basically still a child yet you claim to know more than us?" General Lewis rolled her eyes as she spoke with disdain in her voice.

Leo glanced at the King to see if he was going to say something but instead he received a nod. 'He wants me to sort this out myself? Alright then.'

"Have you personally seen the capabilities of an ability, General?" Leo asked while looking directly at General Lewis.

"I haven't, but what's that got..."

"Then let me educate you." Leo cut her off as he stood up and walked over to the wall on the side of the room opposite her.

"Using just a small amount of my power, I can achieve an attack that could kill a person with ease."

Lifting his hand, Leo's finger was encased in a translucent blue Energy. Although the King seemed interested in what he was trying to do, the others seemed both confused and cautious.

He pressed his finger against the wall and the Energy released. A thumping sound was heard and cracks spread across the stone wall as dust fell to the floor.

Having chosen to spread the energy on impact rather than condense it, an indent the size of a basketball was pressed into the wall about twenty centimeters deep.

Everyone had looks of astonishment on their faces. They had heard what some abilities were capable of but they hadn't seen it for themselves before.

"I can do this with just my finger, so I'm sure you can imagine my potential for combat." Leo allowed his Energy to surround his body, creating a layer of translucent Energy over his entire frame.

'If a finger can damage a wall so intensely then... What could his entire body accomplish!?' Commander Colt thought with both amazement and concern.

"Yet even with all this power, I still have to fight for my life when up against just a single cultist. Why?" Leo walked around the table and got right up in General Lewis' face.

She felt an immense amount of pressure on her body as Leo stood over her, making her feel like a child next to a mammoth.

"Because they have abilities too, several abilities at that. They can give them to anyone among their ranks, making them a force to be reckoned with. Yet I'm still here and so are the rest of my people who've already faced the cult. So if that doesn't show you why the cult is so dangerous and why we are the best choice to fight them, then you're not qualified to lead."

General Lewis had a look of fear on her face and was slightly trembling as Leo went back to his seat and stopped using his Energy.

"Now that you all understand why I'm in this position and why the cult is so dangerous, we can continue the meeting."

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