Chapter 147 Sickness

Chapter 147 Sickness

Leo retracted his Energy and the translucent blue glow surrounding him faded away. The room was filled with shocked expressions, meanwhile Leo was completely calm.

~Ahem~ "Now that that's done, let's move on." King Randall said with a wry smile.

"You majesty! He cannot be allowed to get away with how he's treated my subordinate!" Commander Colt stood up from his seat and pointed at Leo.

"If I recall, your subordinate was the one who treated General Rune with disrespect first. He was simply defending his name. He even answered General Trune's question about the cults potential threat to us." King Randall replied, his expression becoming one of anger.

Commander Colt balled his hands and squeezed them tightly while glaring at Leo, who returned the glare with an emotionless stare.

Knowing that the king wasn't going to intervene on his behalf, Commander Colt sat down without saying another word.

"General Rune, I'd like for you to explain all your experiences with the cult so that we may better understand their potential." King Randall said, his expression having returned to a calm one.

Leo then went on to explain the battle at Grove Village, how each of the cultists had different abilities and how the one he faced had several.josei

He explained how the cult kidnapped an entire village and turned them into 'Beasts' as well as how Trent created them and the battle he and Trent had.

Although he didn't personally see these events, he told them of the abilities the other cultists had, the ones who fought with his friends. He admitted to only being able to relay what he had been told in this instance.

"In the end, I wasn't able to defeat Trent and he escaped after heavily burning my body. He is growing stronger just as I am and will be even more difficult to deal with in the future."

"When you said they had multiple abilities, I assumed the abilities would be weaker because there were more of them. That there would be some kind of balance. I see now that's not the case..." Commander Colt said with a concerned tone of voice.

"Each of their abilities is just as powerful as any other, the longer we take to deal with them, the more powerful they will become." Leo said.

"We have more people than them at the moment, more ability users. If we move quickly then we could take them out with our superior numbers." General Trune said.

"I agree but we have no way of finding them, at this moment all we can do is search for their whereabouts or wait until they make the first move." Commander Colt replied.

King Randall suddenly began coughing violently, raised his hand to his mouth as he did. It was another minute or two before he finally stopped.

As he pulled his hand away from his mouth it was covered in blood. A small amount of blood was still running down the side of his mouth as well.

Commander Colt was the first to act "Your majesty! Are you alright!?" He jumped to his feet and approached the King, handing him the white handkerchief he kept in his pocket.

"I... I am alright... I've just been a bit sick lately is all...I'm sure it will pass soon." King Randall replied, his breathing heavy and voice ragged and dry.

'This could be a serious disease, if he isn't treated quickly, he could die.' Dreifus said with concern inside Leo's head.

Hearing Dreifus speak so seriously about the King's condition, he felt obligated to offer any assistance he could.

Just as Leo stood up from his seat and was about to speak, King Randall collapsed to the floor with another coughing fit.

"Guards! The King needs help!" Commander Colt shouted as loud as he could. Several guards came rushing into the room and immediately went to assist the king.

They picked up the long and took off, saying they would take him to his chambers to get medical treatment.

One of the guards stayed behind and was now standing in the room with Leo and the military leaders "What happened to the king?" He asked.

"He suddenly started coughing violently and admitted to being sick recently, he then collapsed and we called for help. We don't know anything more than that." Commander Colt answered.

Leo walked up to Commander Colt and the guard "I'll going to return to my headquarters now, I'll send someone with a healing ability as soon as I can. They should be able to help the king recover."

"Thats a good idea. We will be in touch about our future plans for the cult." Commander Colt said.

Leo turned around and left the castle quickly, he rushed back to the Gate, went through it, then continued to rush until he reached the Infernum headquarters again.

He burst into Snythes office after ignoring everyone who attempted to interact with him until that point. The doors broke from their hinges and fell to the ground as he pushed into the room.

"Snythe! We need to send someone with a healing ability to the capital right now!" He said with urgency in his voice.

"A healing ability? Why?" Snythe calmly asked.

"The king is sick... I don't have any healers left because they all went to Drom, so I need you to send one of yours." Leo replied, still with a tone of urgency.

"Hmm... alright, alright, I'll send someone." Snythe said with an exasperated tone. He then let out a deep sigh "Make sure you have someone repair my door as well. I don't want the commoners looking at me whenever they want."

Leo took a deep breath, turned around and left the room without saying another word. He wanted to comment on Snythes lack of urgency, his disrespect towards other people due to their status, but he knew he shouldn't given the current situation so he made sure to leave quickly before changing his mind.


Two figured were standing within a forest, one was a woman with long emerald green hair and the other was Trent Zemor.

"They've reacted exactly like the master wanted." Trent said with a smile.

"Thanks to me. Without my ability none of this would be possible." The woman said with an arrogant tone.

She turned to face Trent and he was forced to calm himself when seeing her face. She was perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, her skin was pristine, her yellow eyes almost glowed in the sunlight and her figure was perfect.

She was 1.7 meters tall and around 16 years old, just like Trent. She had tanned skin and wore a black dress.

Taking a deep breath and regaining his focus, Trent continued "This is all meant to achieve a greater goal, once the masters plan is completed, you'll recieve your reward. You'll have more than you'll ever need."

"If you fuck me over I'll send my pets to kill you and all your weird friends. Make sure your master knows that." As the woman said this, two panthers with purple lightning streaking off their bodies appeared.

They began circling Trent while growling, their lightning lightly hitting him every few seconds and sending a shock through his body. " You can go now." She said.

The panthers stopped moving and Trent walked away from the woman and into the forest. He had his hands balled up into fists and was clenching his teeth in frustration.

'I swear I'm gonna kill that woman! Who does she think she's talking to! No, better yet, why kill her when there are far better uses for such beauty.' A sadistic smile appeared on his face.

'Just to you wait, once we no longer need you, I'll make you my personal toy.'


"All our people have been set up along the city walls. We also have some people patrolling the outside of the city." Connor said.

"That's good. I honestly don't know much about fighting and tactics. I don't even know why I was chosen to receive this position." Rene replied.

Connor and Rene were alone, standing on top of the city walls and looking out into the forest. The sun had already gone down and the moon was lighting up the night sky.

" You're close with Leo, I don't think he chose you because he wanted you to be some great leader. He needed people he could trust by his side." Connor replied with is honest opinion.

It hurt Rene to hear that she might have only received the position because Leo trusted her, but it also gave her some comfort.

"I'll do my best regardless of the reason. If monsters attack us then all we have to do is fight them off. Easy enough, right?" Rene replied with a sarcastic tone and over the top confidence.

"Yeah, sure, it will be a piece of cake." Connor replied with a light chuckle. 'I just hope we have enough people... At least we're better prepared now. I don't want to have to rely on Leo to save me again.'

'Ill win with my own strength.'

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