Chapter 148 Importance Of Skill Names

Chapter 148 Importance Of Skill Names

A healer from the second Platoon was sent to help the king and arrived before the day was over. The following day had arrived and Leo had just received a report on the kings status.

"The helear says that he isn't able to cure the kings sickness but he can prevent it from getting any worse for the time being." Kelly read from a piece of paper she was holding.

"I see. If the healer can keep him from getting worse then perhaps the king can naturally overcome the sickness given time." Leo replied.

Kelly placed the page she was reading from at the bottom of the pile of papers she was holding. She then walked forwards and placed a closed file on Leo's desk.

"This is from the Commander." Kelly said. She turned and left the room after that, having confirmed that there was nothing else to give to Leo and he had no specific orders for her.

He picked up the file, opened it, and read through its contents. As he did, his eyes opened wide with surprise. "Interesting."


Cain had been spending his free time trying to figure out how to activate his 'second Energy' as he called it.

He hadn't achieved success in that department but he was able to better understand the information Leo gave him after some thought and a few more questions that Leo answered as best he could.

He was currently participating in a combat training session that he had been putting his squad through lately.

It was a two versus two fight in which the objective was to incapacitate your opponents or render them unable to continue fighting.

Cain's partner had just been knocked unconscious and he was now facing two opponents by himself.

One of his opponents was Frey, the girl who created the chains that would trap the monsters. The other was a man named Jensen who could use telekinesis.

Although Frey was a supporter and should have been sent to Drom with the others, Cain specifically requested for her to be allowed to stay behind.

Using his ability, Jensen lifted ripped three large rocks out of the ground and hurled them towards Cain. Each rock was around a cubic meter in size.

Making himself lighter, Cain jumped into the air and avoided two of the rocks as they harmlessly passed under him.

The first two rocks were already moving too quickly for Jensen to change their course but the last one was further back than the other two. He diverted the rock upwards and sent it straight at Cain, who was now helpless in the air.

Jensen was aware of Cain's ability to change the weight of things, it's the reason he didn't attempt to directly affect Cain with his ability.

Everytime he tried to lift Cain off the ground or push him back, Cain would just increase his weight to the point that Jensens ability wasn't strong enough to affect him anymore.

The rock was so close that when it changed directions it was already right in front of Cain. He increased his, and his hammers, weight to the maximum and swung both of them in an attack against the rock.

The hammers smashed through the rock and sent bits of it scattering all over. The two rocks that he had missed earlier had turned around and were heading for him again now.

He had just started falling to the ground and even though he would fall quickly due to his weight, the rocks would still hit him before that.

Knowing he couldn't do anything else, he relied on his typical solution of 'hit it really hard and hope for the best.'

He lifted his hammers and prepared to attack as the rocks approached him but before he could, a set of chains appeared in the air around him and clung to his body.

His arms and legs were both unable to move as he fell right into the path of the rocks. One hit him in the chest and face while the other slammed into his legs.

His body was flung about twenty meters through the air and crashed into the ground with a cloud of dust erupting at the point of impact.

"Quickly! Before the ten seconds are up!" Frey shouted.

Jensen quickly picked up some more rocks of similar size and sent them towards where Cain had landed.

Suddenly, Cain came running out from the cloud of dust with incredible speed. The rocks slammed into the ground behind him, creating yet another dust cloud that blinded Jensen and Frey.

Jensen frantically turned in every direction he heard a sound, trying to figure out where Cain was.

He heard the sound of a heavy footstep and turned around to face it while sending a telekinetic wave of force in that direction.

A familiar hammer swung towards him and slammed into his telekinetic attack. The hammer seemed to slow down from the opposing force but continued moving nonetheless, slamming into his face and knocking him out.

Frey was blinded by the dust as well and without any means of attack all she could do was wait. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Cain standing there with smile on his face.

"I win."

"How did you break out of my chains!? Even Uncommon tier monsters couldn't do that!" Frey blurted out.

"Im just really strong." Cain replied with a smug tone while shrugging.

'Even if I haven't figured out the gravity thing yet, I managed to learn some new tricks. Like lowering the density of the chains so they would be weaker.' Cain thought to himself with a proud tone.

"Captain! The General is here!" Someone shouted from around thirty meters behind Cain. He turned around and saw that Leo was in fact standing there waiting for him.

"Leo! I mean... General... What can I do for you?" Cain awkwardly said with a wry smile as he ran over to Leo.

"Your squad has been assigned a mission from the Commander." Leo said while handing him a file.

He opened the file and began reading while Leo continued to speak "Basically, you need to investigate the rumors of an ability user being among a group of bandits that's been harassing the villages in the area."

"It says we need to capture this person alive as well." Cain said. "That's going to be more difficult but it shouldn't be a problem, not for my squad." Cain confidently proclaimed.

"It's preferred that you bring the ability user back alive but if you have to then kill them. I don't want you to lose any of your squad members because you felt obligated to capture instead of kill."

Cain nodded "I understand. It says we should leave immediately so I'll get my squad ready and ask for some supporters from Platoon two."

"Good luck." Leo said as Cain walked way.

~Sigh~ 'I can't gain new skills using skill points because I'm keeping them to upgrade Authority, I also can't gain new skill points because I'm in too high a position to be sent out on missions. I know leaders aren't supposed to personally fight because they should be focusing on leading...but I can't just sit here and do nothing.' Leo thought in frustration.

'Maybe you should focus on improving what you have for the time being. Improve your wind, fire and force based skills or maybe come up with some new ones. You only have two wind and fire skills right now, having more wouldn't hurt.' Dreifus suggested.

'I was planning on doing that anyways. It's still frustrating that I can't improve faster because I'm unable to participate in any fighting.' ~Sigh~ 'I've been thinking of some new skills that I could create, some of them aren't particularly useful on their own but would be great when using Combine.' Leo said with a slightly more optomistic tone.

'Oh? Like what?' Dreifus asked.

'If I could create a small tornado like effect around something and then combine it with a Fire Ball, the fire would feed off the oxygen and the explosion would be much bigger.' Leo explained.

'If you combine it win Fire Bolt then it would just become a twirling mass of wind and flames. I can almost garuntee the system would call that one a Fire Tornado.' Dreifus confidently declared.

'Well no shit, what else would you call it?'josei

'I don't know! Firenado? Or maybe Twisting Fire!' Dreifus answered enthusiasticly.

'You know, I always thought you were an old and wise man, but now I think you might be a child.'

'Hey, I take offense to that! I'm definently not a child...I remember that much at least! If anything, you're the one who's being a buzzkill. Creating cool names for your attacks is the best part about having superpowers!' Dreifus replied, still enthusiastic and excited.

'Superpowers? Look, I don't care so much about the names. As long as the attack is able to kill whatever I'm fighting, I'll accept any name the system decides on.'

The two continued to bicker over the importance of skill names for quite some time, meanwhile Leo began his attempts to create some new skills from the ideas he currently had.

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