Chapter 150 Defending Drom (Part 1)

Chapter 150 Defending Drom (Part 1)

"The monsters are here! Prepare for battle!" Connor shouted as loud as he could. "All Infernai currently patrolling outside the city walls are to return immediately! Get ready to attack from the city walls with ranged weapons and abilities!"

When Infernum was created and their headquarters were placed near Drom, the responsibility of protecting the city fell to the Infernai.

The military withdrew all their soldiers from Drom and the Infernai moved in on the same day. This meant that the entire city was relying on an army of super-powered teenagers with very little training.

Before leaving for Drom, Commander Anders explained to Connor the steps he needed to take to defend the walls from an attacking force. How to react to certain situations and such.

Of course, he could only explain the basic actions needed since no battle is ever the same. Still, the advice he passed on allowed Connor to understand the reasons behind certain defense tactics and to set up ahead of time for the monsters.

"Focus on the east walls, where the monsters are coming from, but don't leave the other walls defenseless!" Connor continued to shout several orders, things he had already had the Infernai practice in the previous days.

Infernai with ranged abilities lined up alone the East wall and prepared to attack. Behind them a row of Infernai with close combat abilities waited, ready to jump in should the monsters climb the walls.

Looking down, Connor was able to see that more monsters had appeared from the forest and they numbered close to 30 now. It was impossible to tell what tier they were without seeing their capabilities but that worried him even more.

'If they're mostly common tier monsters with some Uncommon tiers mixed in, it should be doable. The Elite Tier is a problem but we'll just have to do what we can.' Connor thought.

He then signaled an Infernai that was waiting near him "Its time. Their numbers are greater than we expected and we need help. Go back to the headquarters and straight to General Rune, tell him what's happening and that we need help."

The Infernai nodded and started running. She was the fastest among the super speed ability users, that's why she was chosen for this task.

Connor looked down at the monsters again and saw that their numbers hadn't increased since he last checked 'That must be all of them... Then let's begin.'

"Get ready!"

Each of the ranged Infernai began to collect or generate their attacks, swirling masses of energy, lightning bolts, spectral arrows... Etc. The assortment of different colours and attacks being prepared lit up the wall like a beacon.

As the wall was illuminated, and the monsters sensed the coming attacks, they charged towards the wall. Their growls, shrieks and footsteps echoing loudly.


The release of such a massive amount of Energy was like nothing anyone had seen before. The walls shook softly as the light from their attacks mixed into one quick flash of light that mimicked daylight.

Their attacks slammed into the line of monsters, creating a massive explosion of swirling colours and lights that made the ground shake once again.

Looking down as the light faded, Connor was able to see that many of the monsters had died from the attack, around half of them.

It was a completely unexpected result and Connor was shocked by the power of the Infernais combined attacks.

The surviving monsters continued to rush towards the wall and the Infernai began to attack again. With the monsters being more split up than before the attacks didn't combine and the timing of the release of their Energy wasn't simultaneous.

Lights flashed as Energy smashed into monsters and the ground alike. The monsters reached the bottom of the wall, dug in with their claws and began to climb.

As they climbed the wall, the monsters continued to get picked off one by one as the Infernai attacked relentlessly.

Connor was starting to feel like he had underestimated the power of his people and was feeling confident in their victory now.

As the monsters reached the top of the wall, only one fifth of their numbers remained. The close combat Infernai stepped up and attacked the monsters trying to climb onto the top of the wall.

Some were pushed off the wall completely, falling to their death. While others made it over and began attacking the Infernai.

Without the loss of any life, the monsters were all defeated. The Infernai only suffered some injuries, a more than optimal outcome in Connors eyes.

'The Ranged attackers look like they've all used up most of their Energy already but it was worth it when you think about the outcome.' Connor smiled as he watched his people celebrate their victory.

They cheered and high fived, congratulating each other on their performances. The ranged Infernai revived special treatment in this praise as they did most of the work.

Although they had won, Connor couldn't help but feel like something wasn't right. That's when he noticed something 'The monsters, all of them were Wind Wolves... All Common tier. Why are only the weakest of monsters attacking...?'

The sudden shrieking of multiple creatures interrupted the Infernai's celebration, causing them to look out over the wall once again.

At least a dozen flying monsters were approaching the city, each of them looking like some kind of reptile with wings.

Another thirty or so monsters appeared from the treeline while immediately charging towards the city walls at random.

"There's more of them! Attack!" Connor shouted.

The Infernai got back into position and began to attack the monsters again but Connor could instantly see the difference.

'They don't have enough Energy... They won't be able to stop them!'

A loud impact was heard from below and the all started to shake violently. Several more impacts happened and the wall shook with each one.

Looking down and using the light the abilities created, Connor saw that there were several Ice Horses among the attacking monsters that were ramming into the bottom of the wall over and over again.josei

He could see the cracks already starting to appear along the all and panic spread throughout his body.

"We...We need people at the bottom of the wall! They're trying to break through!" Connor shouted his order and looked to the Infernai around him.

The monsters climbing the all had already reached the top and were cresting over the top and attacking the Infernai.

He watched as several people were ripped apart by the overwhelming number of monsters that encroached the top of the wall.

The ranged Infernai had mostly run out of Energy at this point and were forced to pull away from the edge of the all, allowing the close combat Infernai to take the brunt of the monsters attacks.

The flying monsters swooped down from above and using their large claws or sharp teeth, they ripped into the ranged Infernai as they were basically helpless to defend themselves.

The supporters did their best to help defend by creating barriers, trapping monsters and healing the injured. They were the only reason the Infernai hadn't been completely overrun already.

"I... I don't..." Connors hands were shaking and his body froze. The words he was attempting say refused to leave his mouth as anxiety overcame him.

The world around him lost all its sound and felt as though it slowed down. He watched his subordinates being ripped apart, their blood and guts being sprayed all over as they cried out for help.

'We're not soldiers... We're just teenagers! How are supposed to be able to deal with something like this!' His thoughts exploded and tears rolled down his cheeks.

"...we do!?"


A hand slapped him across the face and after coming back to his sense, the sound returned and he could see Rene holding onto his shoulders and standing in front of him.

"Connor! What do we do now!?" She shouted. Tears were filling her eyes just as much as Connors, neither of them were prepared for this and their minds were cracking from the pressure.

"I don't... I..." He looked at the situation unfolding around him and had no idea what he needed to do.

"They're all dying and I have no idea what to do!" Connor shouted. "I'm not prepared for this! I can't... I can't do this...!"


Rene slapped her hand across Connors cheek again then grabbed his face with both her hands.

"Leo chose you for a reason, right!? It wasn't just because you're strong, it's because of who you are! None of us have any experience, we don't expect you to suddenly be an expert! Just do whatever you think is right and we will follow, that's all you need to do! Now what do you need us to do!?"

Renes commanding tone, as well as the words of encouragement, managed to break through Connors anxiety.

'I'm overthinking it... Just react to the situation as best I can... Alright...' Connor tried his best to hype himself up in his head and resolve himself.

He looked at Rene with a determined expression "Alright, this is what we need to do..."

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