Chapter 151 Planned Attack

Chapter 151 Planned Attack

The Infernai that Connor had sent to deliver their request for help was running down the path that led to the Infernum headquarters as fast as she could.

The path led through the forest and although it was relatively safe, the chances of running into a monster or some bandits wasn't unheard of.

Luckily that didn't happen as she sped down the path at maximum speed. She took a 90 degree turn to the left and exited the forest with the headquarters right ahead of her.

She wasn't prepared for the sight ahead of her. Plumes of smoke were rising from different places within the base, one of the walls had a massive hole in it and one of the buildings looked like it was on fire at one point.

Without slowing down she continued to speed through the damaged areas and passed the dead bodies that littered the area, all in an attempt to find Leo.


"Do you think Cain will be able to handle a mission on his own?" Clay asked with a concerned expression on his face.

"I do. He's actually a surprisingly quick learner." Leo replied.

Leo and Clay were seated on opposing couches within Leo's office and were having some tea as they spoke.

"I worry about him... He's always been a bit slower than most people..." Clay took a sip of his tea and then let out a deep sigh.

"It's not the same anymore though. I'm sure you've noticed it but everyone who's received an ability claims to have received a boost in intelligence as well. Some only improved slightly while others, like me, had a large increase." Leo took a sip from his tea and then continued.

"I can remember things more clearly than before, my capability to understand new topics is better as well. It's why the Infernai learned so much about military procedure in just a few weeks."

Clay's concern seemed to lessen slightly and he became less tense " You're right, I have noticed it. Like you, I received a bigger increase than most. I just... I can't help but worry. After what happened with John..."

"I understand, Clay. I'm worried about him too but I'm aware that my concern is pointless. I know he will be alright because he has the skills to take care of himself." Leo went to take another sip of tea.

Has he reached for his cup, he noticed something. Every few seconds a ripple would appear within the teacup. It was slight and if not for his increased perception, he most likely wouldn't have seen it.

The ground suddenly shook violently as a loud explosion occurred just outside Leo's office window.

Both clay and Leo jumped to their feet and looked outside to see what was happening. The wall surrounding their headquarters had a massive hole in it and several people were rushing through it and into the base.

When looking closer, Leo recognized their outfits. "It's the cult..."

"Shit... Most of our Platoon isn't even here and Snythe has half his Platoon on missions as well." A look of realization flashed across Clay's face. "They are behind it... the monsters attacking Drom are the cults doing! They wanted us to split up our forces so they could deal more damage to us."

"Let's get out there and help, we can worry about their plans later." Leo said. He opened the window and jumped, using his skills to slow his fall.

Clay followed suit and increased his size as he fell, allowing him the strength needed to land without injury.

The cultists had begun to attack the Infernai the second they entered the base and already there were several corpses spread around the damaged wall.


[Quest - Defend your headquarters]

[Reward is dependant on participation]

'I don't need a quest to tell me to get involved!' Leo shouted internally as he picked his first target and charged forwards.

The cultist was brandishing a shortsword and had just stabbed an Infernai in the back when she had her attention focused elsewhere.


Using all his speed, Leo charged at the cultist from behind and delivered a powerful punch to the lower back. He placed 5 Energy into his fist and allowed it flow out naturally rather than compressing or spreading it on impact.

The force from the punch ripped the cultist body in two as the entire mid section of his body was blown away. His upper body flung through the air and landed only a few meters away and his lower body collapsed to the floor.

Leo looked at the cultist laying on the floor and watched as he gurgled on his own blood and the life drained from his eyes.

[1×Human Killed]

[1 000 XP]

Without waiting, Leo continued on to the next cultist that crossed his path. He went from one to the next, ripping them apart without hesitation.

'Normal humans can't do this much damage. Where are the Imperiums!' An immense amount of rage driving his actions.

He didn't know where it came from but he didn't care to find out. Right now the anger was a tool that was helping him achieve his goal.

After killing atleast a dozen of the regular human cultists, he finally found an Imperium. A cultist that was controlling a creature made of shadows.

There were several dead Infernai surrounding the cultist, with one of them having just been killed by the shadow as it crushed the man's head with one of its hands.

Leo charged towards the cultist with more fury than he had felt before. The shadow noticed his approach and instantly moved between him and the cultist.

'Nila told me all about these shadows. How they can always move between you and their master. That's not a trick that will help you this time.'

[Force Strike]

Leo punched at the air in front of him and the force carried through his Battle Aura and slammed into the cultists face.

He was flung back several meters, slamming into the ground hard. The shadow disappeared for a moment and Leo took this as a chance to finish things quickly.


He ran towards the cultist that was lying on the ground with his maximum speed, doing his best to arrive before the shadow was brought back.

When he was only a few meters away, the shadow began to reform in front of him and it was obvious he wouldn't make it in time.


[Wind Blade + Force Strike]

The Wind Blade appeared just behind the shadow creature rather than shooting out from Leo's extended hand. It cut through the cultists head and left a deep cut right down the middle of his face.josei

The Wind Blade didn't go all the way through his head but it was deep enough to kill the cultist. This was a combination Leo had thought of just a few days ago and when trying it he noticed that there was a slight difference compared to a regular force strike.

A Force strike can appear anywhere within Battle Aura but when combining it with Wind Blade, the effect only reaches around half that distance at best.

[1×Imperium Killed]

[250 000 XP]

[1×Skill point]

[1×Source Material acquired]

[Level Up]

[2×Stat Point]

The rage inside him started to fade and Leo began to question why he felt so angry in the first place. He looked around and noticed that he hadn't seen Clay since he began fighting.

An ear piercing scream suddenly cut through the air and Leo ran towards the sound and even made use of dash. When rounding a corner, he saw an Infernai that was covered in flames and so was the building behind him.

The screams of this man as he burnt alive were bone chilling. Leo watched as the man's flesh melted off his body and he eventually stopped moving.

Standing a few meters away from the now deceased Infernai was a man with dark red skin. There was no need for leo to question who this man was... It was plainly obvious.

"John!? What are you doing!?" Leo shouted as he walked towards him.

"I'm doing what's necessary. Why can't you see that?" John replied. Although his voice was monotonous, he had tears streaming down his cheeks.

"How is killing random Infernai necessary for anything!?" Leo shouted, a subtle rage exuding from his voice.

"Your people are the ones who are getting in our way! We are trying to help this world and all you're doing is opposing us! If you're not going to help save the world then clearly it means that you want it to be destroyed..."

"The cult is lying to you, can't you... !"

"Just SHUT UP! I've seen what will happen to this world, what you're going to do to it... I won't allow you to get away with it. I'll stop you even if I have to kill you myself."

John lifted his hand and a large line of red Energy fired out towards Leo. He wasn't expecting the attack but was still quick enough to dodge it by jumping to the side.

"You're lucky they want you alive. I'll have to catch you instead of killing you...for now. If it were up to me I'd kill you and save the world right now."

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