Chapter 153 Defending Drom (Part 2)

Chapter 153 Defending Drom (Part 2)

All the remaining troops from around the city were ordered to reinforce the east walls where the monsters were focusing their attack.

Connor believed that if he brought all of their manpower to the east wall, a smaller force of monsters might attack an undefended side mid battle.

After the battle continued and it was clear that this was a full scale attack using all their numbers, he decided it was best to direct all their attention on the current problem rather than worry about a future one.

While the fighting continued at the top of the wall, Connor and a few other Infernai were gathered at the base of the wall. They were focused on the wall itself and were preparing to attack.

"As soon as you see something open fire immediately! We don't have the luxury to waste even a second." Connor ordered.

Rather than creating several Golems and splitting his Energy between them, he focused on quality over quantity. Two Golems made of some kind of dark grey/black material were all that he summoned.josei

Cracks started to spread along the surface of the wall and would spread each time there was a loud thumping sound followed by the wall shaking slightly.

The screams of the civilians echoed through the city as they were attacked by the monsters that managed to break through the Infernai defenses.

These were being engaged by a small number of Infernai that were moving from monster to monster within the city, trying to defend the people. There just wasn't enough Infernai to adequately handle the situation without the loss of innocent life.

The cracks suddenly doubled in size and pieces of the wall began to crumble away from the damaged area.

"This is it!" Connor shouted. With one final push the monster slammed through the wall and moved into the city.

While this group mostly consisted of the Ice Horse monsters, there were others among them as well. Deformed creatures that looked like mixtures of other animals, several heads on some, eyes running along the length of their bodies.

There wasn't time for anyone to pay any real attention to their appearance and as such they would scarcely be able to recall them later if asked.

Two large walls of erupted from the ground and went towards the damaged section of the east wall, creating a tunnel that led straight to Connor and his troops.

Although the two walls were not very strong and the monsters could easily break through them, they were still creatures of low intelligence.

With a pathway having been made for them, the monsters saw no reason to head in any other direction but forward.

Several abilities were thrown towards the monsters as they approached. Connors Golems charged in with their arms swinging down at the first monster they saw.

One ice horse had its head shoved into the ground due to a Golem, it's body rolling over itself from the sudden impact.

Although the constant barrage of abilities had managed to kill a few, most of the monsters ignored the Golems and charged through the pain they were being dealt.

They arrived in front of the Infernai in less than a minute after breaking through the wall, just over half their numbers still remaining.

Connor was forced to move away from the fighting as quick as he could since his ability was already 'used up' in a way.

If the Golems weren't right in front of him then he was defenseless. He called the Golems back and watched as they came running from behind the group of monsters.

One Golem started attacking them from behind while the other rushed to his side and fought the nearest monster while still staying close enough to defend.

The number of monsters at the base of the wall was down to seven now. 'We might be able to do this if we keep killing them at this speed.'

The Golem at the back of the monster group managed to kill one of the stranger looking creatures by slamming it into the ground and then crushing its head with a large stomp.

Connor suddenly felt extremely uneasy, it took a moment for him to figure out why and that only intensified the feeling.

'I don't hear anyone else fighting...' He looked around and saw that every Infernai that was fighting with him was dead.

They had been impaled by ice, ripped apart or crushed. Blood covered the stone floor, both monster and human, turning it a dark red colour as the red and black blood mixed together.

Two of the monsters began to fight with the Golems while the remaining six split up and ran into the city.

'At least we managed to defeat most of them...' Connor thought, trying to stay optimistic. Looking up, he saw blood pouring down the wall as monsters began to enter the city faster than before.

'There's barely anyone left up there. I can't hear much fighting either... Just the sound of people being torn apart while screaming.'

When looking back at his Golems, they had each just finished off the monsters they were fighting and were waiting for a new order.

Knowing there was barely anyone left fighting now, he knew he had to do everything in his power to help.

He ran into the city in search of someone to save or a monster to fight, the Golems following closely behind him.


Taking a group of healers and some fighters with her, Rene was running through the city helping wherever she could.

The Infernai with abilities would battle the monsters while being healed by half the group, the other half would help the injured civilians.

There were a few other supporters in the group, one of them who was able to boost his allies fighting power while weakening enemies at the same time.

His ability was making a huge difference in every fight allowing the group to make progress through the city.

Some of the fighters would still die during battle but the numbers were replaced by other Infernai that were moving through the city.

Although many were saved by Rene and her group, she still felt as though they weren't doing enough.

For every person she healed, five more corpses were surrounding them. Her spirit was broken and her heart was ripped to pieces.

But still she carried on, trying to focus on those she managed to save. She knew it was impossible to save everyone but still this was her wish anyway, no matter the odds.


Leo was close to reaching the city, with only two minutes of running at top speed remaining.

After it leveled up, the Battle Aura skill became more useful. It's range went up to a 50 meter radius, previously only being 10.

Since it was obvious that sudden attacks was the theme of the day, Leo chose to use his battle Aura the entire time while running, even though Aura had more reach.

'There's no point in knowing something is there if I'm not able to do something about it.' This was his reasoning.

The city was coming into sight and already Leo could see the destruction that had been caused by the fighting.

He didn't have much of a chance too look before something else grabbed his attention. There were two living things watching him from behind the nearby trees.

Although Battle Aura allowed him to sense all movement within it, he was moving so fast that he only noticed them when he was only ten meters away from them.

Suddenly, an Energy he had recently become familiar with was being generated from one of the living things.


He came to a sudden stop and instantly used Leap to jump backwards. A streak of purple lightning slammed into the ground where Leo was a moment ago with a thunder like sound emenating from its impact.



Leo slowed down while also getting some of his Energy back. He landed about twenty meters away from where the lightning struck and watched as a panther with purple lightning surrounding its body and a woman stepped out from behind the trees.

"It's such a shame you didn't arrive sooner, that way I would have had all three of my panthers with me." The woman said with a smirk as he stroked the panthers head.

"It doesn't really matter though, one is more than enough to kill you. Three would have been overkill." She continued.

"I thought the cult wanted me alive. It certainly doesn't feel that way given how so many of you try to kill instead of capture me." Leo said.

"What makes you think I'm part of the cult? I'm only helping them for something in return. They didn't say anything about you so I'm going to fight and win. If they wanted you alive they should have said something." The woman shrugged.

"Now then, let's see if you'll do better this time. Kill him." As she said this, the lightning began to charge around the panthers body.

"I'm not going to play around this time." Leo replied.


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