Chapter 154 The End Of A Siege

Chapter 154 The End Of A Siege


Blue energy erupted from Leo's body and began to swirl around him, creating a hurricane of energy that enveloped his entire being.

His skin became a pale white as glowing red lines appeared all over his body from the neck down, leaving his face untouched. It looked as though every vein in his body had been traced by glowing red ink.

His body increased in height to around 2.5 meters, the red and gold tips on his hair suddenly intensified, turning all of his hair into a complete mixture of gold and red strands without any black remaining.

The whites of his eyes began to turn black as a golden glow was emitted from his pupils. A second set of eyes appeared above his original set, the whites of these eyes were also black but instead of gold the pupils were glowing purple.

The energy surrounding him split into two different colours, one remaining blue while the other was red. The energy started to retreat into Leo, creating a soft purple glow around him as they did.

[Transformation Complete]

[Beginning timer]





[Use your transformation to defeat your enemies]



Leo turned his attention towards the woman and the Elite tier panther. The lightning that the panther had been gathering was released, heading directly for Leo.

The purple lightning arced across the sky with immense speed, arriving in front of Leo almost instantly.josei

Just as it was about to slam into Leo's chest, the lightning changed directions and smashed into a tree to the side of Leo.

The tree exploded from the force and caught fire from the heat. Leo looked at the tree and then back to the woman, his eyes void of all emotions.

He lifted his hand and aimed it towards the panther, purple energy began to gather around his hand and in the next moment a bolt of purple lightning was sent towards the panther.

The panthers body turned into a ball of lighting as it dodged out of the way just before being hit. The lightning that Leo created continued forwards while the panther was moving around as a ball of lightning.

As the panther reappeared in its regular form and began to charge an attack of its own, Leo's lightning bolt suddenly changed directions and slammed into the panther from behind.

There was a bright flash of purple light and the panther fell to the ground with it's body convulsing from the foreign electricity flowing through it.

[Elite tier monster killed]

[200 000 XP]

The woman backed away from Leo instinctively, her eyes filled with fear. Leo began walking towards the woman, the fear inside her intensified and she tried to turn and run away.

Her legs felt weak and shaky and after taking a single step she suddenly felt like she was trying to run through water.

Every step felt like it took ten times as much effort and although she was trying to run, she was slower than her regular walking speed.

Leo continued to walk at a regular pace, which was faster than she was moving. As he got closer with every step, she could feel her heart beat increasing.

She put every ounce of effort she had into trying to move but it was pointless. Leo arrived beside her and reach out, grabbing her by the throat and lifting her off her feet, bringing her up to his eye level.

As she stared into his glowing eyes, their empty voids, she realized that this was the end. Tears began to flow out from her eyes and down her cheeks.

"Please don't... I... I can stop the..." She started to plead with Leo, saying anything she thought could save her life.

Without giving her a chance to even finish her sentence, Leo squeezed his hand around her throat and pulled his arm back with speed.

His clenched hand now holding onto a piece of her throat. With nobody holding onto anymore, she fell to the ground and landed on her knees.

With a chunk of her throat now missing she struggled desperately to breath as her own blood started to fill her lungs.

Blood poured out of her throat and mouth, covering herself and the floor around her in crimson liquid. Her tears intensified as she looked up Leo with pleading eyes, begging to be spared.

Leo lifted his hand, facing the palm towards the woman's body. A constant stream of purple fire poured out from his hand, setting the woman alight.

As she was being burned alive and the sounds of the gurgling created by her attempts to scream started to fade, Leo turned towards the city and leapt into the air.

His body began to move through the air in a constant line, never once losing speed or changing direction.


Within a section of the city that functioned like a sort of crossroads, Connor and what was left of Renes group were engaged in battle.

Two Elite tier lightning panthers were currently within perimeter like circle that their combined forces had created.

Connor had only one Golem left, it's body beginning to crumble from the damage it had taken so far. His Energy was completely drained now, meaning he wasn't able to repair the Golem or create new ones.

Several cuts and burn marks were spread over Connors body. Even though he tried to avoid being attacked directly while allowing his Golems to do the fighting, he still received some injuries here and there.

Rene was completely unharmed thanks to one of the supporters in her group. A man who's ability allowed himself and whatever he was touching to become Intangibile.

Each time a bolt of lighting was directed towards himself and Rene, he would activate his ability and allow the attack to pass through them harmlessly.

In total there were six fighters surrounding the monsters, as well as the Golem. Then there were three supporters assisting in the battle, excluding healers and the Intangibility man.

There were a total of three other healers, each of them making use of the Intangibility along with Rene.

One of the panthers was currently injured with black blood pouring down the side of its body, orginitaing from a cut across its neck and shoulder area.

There were at least ten deceased Infernai on the ground around them and dozens of civilian corpses mixed in with them.

The sound sof fighting and screams still echoed in the distance as they focused on the monsters on front of them.

The Golem charged towards the injured panther, trying to finish it off with a strong blow to the head from its fist.

At the same time, two Infernai charged in from other directions towards the same monster. They were using the Golem as a distraction to get close.

The injured monster fired a lightning bolt at the Golem causing its left arm and a chunk of its chest to get blown away, pushing the Golem a few meters back.

The two Infernai that were rushing in attempted to perform their individual attacks on the monster. One using a glowing sword, which was the cause of the monsters previous injury. The other using a strength ability to punch.

Before their attacks could land, a bolt of lightning was arcing towards them from the healthy panther in an attempt to protect its partner.

There was no way for them to dodge the attack and from what they had seen earlier it was an instant death when hit by it.

They accepted their deaths and continued their attacks, hoping to at least kill the injured monster before they died.

Just as the lightning was about to hit them, an orange ring appeared in the air between them and the attack, a black mist filling the slave within the circle.

The lightning was seemingly absorbed into the circle, disappearing from all sight. At the same time a different orange circle, that had been placed about twenty meters in the air, had a bolt of purple lightning shoot out of it and into the sky.

The orange rings were Portals created by an Infernai supporter. She had tried to throw the lightning back at the panthers once before but it's passed right through them and did no damage.

Since the others were so close to the panther right now, it would do nothing but kill her own allies to attempt it again.

The two that rushed in finished their attacks and killed the injured panther, causing the healthy one to snarl at them with intense fury.

It's body began to gather more lightning than they had ever seen it do, seemingly preparing for a massive attack.

Just as it seemed like the lightning was going to be released, the panther suddenly stopped gathering the energy.

It let out a pained screech and collapsed onto the floor, unmoving. All sounds of fighting within the city seemingly stopping all at once.

Although nobody could confirm it yet, Connor could feel it. Something had changed...the monsters had all somehow died.

He didn't know who was responsible if anyone, or how it happened. With the threat seemingly gone, he felt a sense of piece and relief wash over him.

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