Chapter 195 Not Just A Healer

Chapter 195 Not Just A Healer

In the city of Drom, many soldiers and Infernai were carrying out their duties and ensuring the city and it's people were taken care of.

Rene was one of said Infernai, though her tasks were actually low in number. For the most part, her only responsibilities were managing the Infernai with support abilities.

Since the beginning of the war, it was decided that all refuges from all parts of the kingdom would be brought to Drom until the cult was dealt with.

The bulk of her duties revolved around choosing which of the supporters would be sent on which missions.

Keeping a balanced amount of supporters within the city, as well as ensuring there was enough variation between each of their abilities was important.

If the city was attacked and there wasn't enough defence supporters, the cult would be met with less resistance.

If there was a sudden influx of wounded civilians or soldiers and there wasn't enough healers, the injured could die.

Healers were the most difficult to allocate effeciently. Among all the support type abilities, healing was the least common.

Among the few healers the Infernai had, the majority of them weren't very powerful and were only capable of healing minor injuries.

The most capable healers were often sent on missions with soldiers and other Infernai since they were capable of healing effeciently during combat.

Because the number of competent healers was so low, Rene was often called by her subordinates when there was a large number of wounded or if someone arrived with a heavy injury they couldn't handle themselves.

Rene was currently walking out of a temporary hospital that was placed near one of the gates. She had just finished healing a civilian who had arrived with her arm hanging on with just a piece of skin.

The civilian said that her town had been attacked and that a cultist grabbed her arm and pulled on it so hard that it was nearly ripped off.

Luckily a Royal Army squad showed up and started a battle with the cult. She was so terrified that she ran away, heading straight for Drom.

When she arrived her arm was starting to turn black and she was extremely pale. She claimed she couldn't even feel the pain anymore and then collapsed.

One of the healers was preparing to amputate the woman's arm and heal the stub closed but Rene showed up before that and took over.

She was able to save the woman's arm, even if only just, by reataching it and pouring all her energy into the woman to stabilize her. The other healers took over from there as Rene walked out of the hospital exhausted.

'Why aren't there any healers that can do what I can... It's exhausting when there's nobody to help me with the severe injuries' She thought as she groggily walked through the streets of Drom.

~Sigh~ 'Who am I kidding, I'm just glad I'm able to help. If healing is all I can do then I should be glad I'm the best out of all the healers. I would feel so useless if I couldn't even do this much.'

She continued to stumble around until eventually she found her way into a restaurant she liked. It was a different restaurant from the one she and Clay had visited together but it was one she didn't mind being recognized in.

It didn't have the best food and the prices were a bit high but it was still worthwhile. She tried to limit the number of restaurants she visited with her uniform on in an attempt to have a normal dinner every once in a while.

She was immediately shown to a table and given the utmost respect by the staff and other patrons within.

The few soldiers and Infernai within greeted her as she walked passed them, to which she replied with a tired smile.

She ordered the same thing she always did from this restaurant and paid in advance for the food. She found that paying in advance with a little tip added on would always ensure her food arrived swiftly.

Her position as an Infernum Captain provided her with a high paying salary, coupled with her accommodation being payed for by the kingdom, she had plenty of Ven to spend.

With the time it spent to eat and the meal itself, her fatigue was starting to dissappear as her Energy returned to her.

She thanked the staff and left the restaurant with a much better attitude than she had entered it with.

Her mood was quickly ruined as she came across a disturbance in the street just a few minutes later.

Three men were harrasing a woman, claiming she owed them something because they helped her with something a few days prior.

It was hard to hear exactly what was being said but Rene was able to catch the gist of it. She quickly looked around for any soldiers or Infernai but saw none.

'There's supposed to be soldiers patrolling the city at all times... ~Sigh~ I'll have to let Captain Skutter know that his soldiers aren't doing their jobs.' Rene though as she approached the disturbance.

Quite a crowd had gathered to watch the commotion and Rene had to squeeze passed many people just to arrive at the front.

"We gave you a hand, now it's time for you to repay us!" One of the men shouted.

"I didn't ask for your help! You just started picking the boxes up and carrying them on your own, I even told you I didn't want any help!"  The woman shouted, refusing to back down.josei

"That doesn't matter, the point is that we helped you and we want something in return!" The same man shouted back.

"What exactly would you have me do? I don't have any money and there's nothing else I can provide!" The woman asked with a shaky voice as she shouted back.

"Oh I think you know exactly what we want." The man said with a smile on his face as he looked the woman up and down while licking his lips.

The woman took a step back upon realizing what the men were planning for her. She looked around, hoping that anyone would help her out if this situation.

Each time she locked eyes with someone they would instantly look away with a look of shame on their faces. Nobody was going to help her.

She changed her focus to the surroundings, trying to find a place she run towards and escape. That idea quickly vanished as she realized there was no way she could outrun these men.

All her hope was starting to fade as she resigned herself to the situation. Just then, a woman's voice spoke up.

"I think that's enough. It's clear you're just making up an excuse to harass this woman. You should leave while you still have the chance or things will escalate in a way you don't want." Rene said as she stepped into the circle the bystanders had created.

"I recognize you, aren't you that healer? What makes you think we'll listen to you? Just because someone with power stuck a badge on your arm and gave you a high rank doesn't mean shit if you can't back up your own words." The largest of the three men said with a look of annoyance on his face.

"You're welcome to find out for yourself if I'm able to back up my words, but if you do I promise it won't end well for you. This is your last chance, leave." Rene said with a stern expression.

"Hog." The largest man said.

"On it." The man to his side responded and started walking towards Rene. He strolled up to Rene and swung his hand towards her face in an attempt to slap her.

'I might not be a fighter but I can still handle regular humans, especially after the passed few months of training.' Rene thought.

In her eyes the slap felt like it was incredibly slow, giving her more than enough time to duck beneath it with ease.

Hogs arm swung over her, hitting nothing. Hog was visibly confused for a moment and then he felt a hand touch his chest.

Blue Energy pulsed from Renes hand into Hogs body. For a moment nothing seemed to happen as she casually stepped passed the large man.

Hog was motionless for several seconds before he suddenly collapsed to the ground. Snoring sounds could be heard coming from him as he peacefully slept on the street.

"It seems healing isn't the only thing you're capable of." The biggest of the three said with a smile on his face. "What else can you do?"

Rene shrugged her shoulders in reply, causing the largest man's expression to change into a frown.

"Get her, and don't fall for the same trick." The large man said.

"I'll make sure she pays for being such an annoying bitch!" The other man said as he rushed towards Rene.

Rene pointed at the man as she continued walking. Red energy suddenly pulsed over the man's body and he collapsed to the ground.

His skin turned pale and his body was shivering as he clutched at his chest and curled up into a ball.

The largest man grunted out of annoyance. He turned around and started running away from Rene, trying to avoid getting caught.

Unfortunately for him, a sudden red pulse of Energy hit his body, causing him to fall to the ground and curl up in a ball just like his companion.

"Soldiers will be here to pick these three up. Anyone who helps them will be arrested with them." Rene said as she continued on her way, leaving the area with a casual stroll.

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