Chapter 196 Plans For Victory

Chapter 196 Plans For Victory


"You ran into more resistance than we anticipated but managed to succeed regardless. Well done." The Supreme Commander said after Leo finished explaining what happened in Zoren.

"The Imperium... Sorry, 'Devoran' named John. He's become a larger threat over the last few months and has to be dealt with.

From what you've said, not only is he personally getting stronger, he's also able to make others like him and he can do it with something as simple as a bite." Commander Anders said.

"We can't say for certain it isn't more complicated than that but even if it is, we can't just ignore the potential that such an ability has." General Trune said.

"Then killing him should become a priority. We can't risk his escape if we try to capture him so we should aim for the kill to make sure he's dealt with." General Lewis pointed out with an aggressive look on her face.

"Is that really necessary? I know he's done bad things but he's being manipulated by the cult! Surely we can at least try to capture him." Clay said with a slightly pleading tone of voice.

"We've all heard about your childhood friendship with this man but you can't let that cloud your judgment.

He has crossed the line of forgiveness. Even if we captured him, he would only be tortured for information and then executed for treason if he survived the questioning." The Supreme Commander said.

From his facial expressions it was obvious he felt bad for Clay. Although he's never had to deal with a situation like this himself, he could imagine what it would feel like and empathized with Clay.

" Supreme Commander, please, I understand what you're saying but we c..."

"That's enough, Clay." Leo interrupted. "I have fought with John many times now and each time he's more hateful than the last.

He holds nothing but resentment for us and will do anything to hurt and kill us. He specifically targeted Connor just because we're friends with him.

Have you forgotten that Cain was taken by the cult? It's been three months already and we still haven't found him! If John was redeemable, he would have helped Cain, someone who's just as close to him as you were.

It's time that you accept this situation for what it is. John is not who he used to be and we can't keep giving him chances. I'm going to fight to kill when I see him again and I hope you're willing to do the same."

The room went quiet. Nobody wanted to speak as it was obvious there was a certain tension in the air now.

Clay lowered his head in resignation and didn't even attempt to refute Leo's words. He had seen it for himself when they had captured John, his spiteful nature.

"I actually think Cain's situation could be worse than you think." Leonard said, drawing everyone's attention.

Usually a Captain wouldn't be present at a meeting like this but because he was in Zoren he was allowed to join so he could share his side of events.

That and the military side of the leadership had heard the story about Leonard's 'butcher' nickname and had gained more respect for him as a result.

"The creature I was fighting, the large humanoid with scales, it had the same abilities as Cain. It could change the weight of things and even effected the gravity around myself and the area we were fighting in general.

There was a moment where he had the opportunity to kill me and I could see the pain on his face as he prepared to do it.

Luckily he was called away and I was spared. I can't be sure but I think that creature was Cain and I think his body and mind were affected by Trents ability to turn humans into beasts." Leonard explained.

"From what I know, Captain Cain was only able to affect the weight of things he touched, not the gravity of an area." Commander Anders said.

"That's not entirely true." Leo said. "Just before he was captured, he confided in me about a strange occurrence with his ability.

He had discovered that he had a second ability to control gravity as well as his original power that allowed him to manipulate density.

He didn't know how to control it yet and never got the chance as he was taken before we could train any further."

"Then it really could be him." Leonard said.

"He was one of the strongest Infernai... If he was turned into a beast then his power must have increased." The Supreme Commander said/asked.

"I believe it did. His physical power aside, his ability seemed to be more powerful as well. Im more powerful than ever before and I couldn't do much against him." Leonard said, disappointed in himself.

"I believe the Infernai will be able to discuss the matter of ability combat amongst themselves later. Right now we need to discuss our plans for the days to come." General Lewis said.

"I'll quickly explain the situation again so everyone can understand." Nila said. She then went on to do just that, explaining her mission and discoveries to those who weren't present when she returned.

"An all out attack to end the war, this feels more like a desperate move than a wise one." General Trune said.

"It's actually a good thing for us." Clay said, putting his feelings regarding John aside. "They were initially going to attack two cities, using half their forces for each I presume.

Fortunately we recovered Zoren, meaning they have to split their troops between three places instead of just the two.

I've been thinking about it and I have a plan to tip the battle in out favour. If done right, we can remove one third of their forces from the battle completely."

The meeting ended after the plan was agreed upon. Clays plan was what everyone had agreed to but there were some monor tweaks from the other leaders.

This was the only time Duke Wesley chose to get involved and was the biggest contributor to the plans changes, most of which involved troop placement.

After the meeting, Leo decided to head back to his room. The next day was when the preparations would be set up for the cults attack and he was going to enjoy at least a single relaxing night before the fighting started again.

As he was walking through the base, a familiar voice called out to him from behind. "General!"

Leo stopped and turned around. Duke Wesley, the one who called out, walked towards him until the were face to face.

"I wanted to thank you for all your help. I know it was all on orders but you still saved many people, including my son." Duke Wesley said with an appreciative tone.

"My orders were to re-take the city, not to save the people who lived there, I did that because I wanted to. As for your son, he came to me, I just helped him back to the group. There's nothing to thank me for." Leo replied bluntly.

"That's not true." Duke Wesley said while shaking his head. "You went out of your way to help people and ensured my son returned safely once you had come into contact with him.

I'm well aware of your dislike for each other, so your kind actions towards him are appreciated that much more. Thank you."

Without giving Leo a chance to reply, Duke Wesley turned around and walked away. For a moment Leo was a bit stunned, he hadn't expected such a situation, especially since he really didn't consider his actions worthy of thanks

He eventually continued to head back to his room, planning on taking a long and hot bath once he got there.

'Stealing a bath from the academy was probably the best thing I ever did, thank you past me.' Leo thought as he took the bath out his storage ring and made use of it.


"I'm sorry, Master. If Leo wasn't there..."

"Enough!" The Master said in a stern voice, interrupting John."Losing Zoren isn't a problem, as a matter of fact it's the opposite. We'll use this to our advantage."

"I'm glad this isn't an inconvenience, Master. What can I do to help?" John asked eagerly.

"Make more subordinates and prepare for the battle. This is where the war ends and I claim victory. There's nothing anyone can do to stop me." The Master said with a light chuckle, his mask muffling the sound slightly.

"I'll do as you say but I must ask. What are your plans for Leo? The Great Ones want us to capture him but is are your intentions the same?" John asked.

"For now, we will follow their wished and try to capture him. But, if he were to fall in battle by mistake, I wouldn't be upset in the slightest." The Master said with a sinister tone as he gave John a slight nod.

"Understood." John said with a sadistic smile on his face. "I'll carry out your orders then, Master."

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