Chapter 206 War With The Cult (Part 6)

Chapter 206 War With The Cult (Part 6)

Captain Skutter was shocked. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were wide after witnessing Clay deal with the cultists that rushed them.

"Come on Captain, it's time to end this war." Clay said, gesturing for Captain Sutter to join him.

"R-Right... Of course, Colonel." Captain Skutter replied after regaining the majority of his composure.

From the elevated point of view his height granted him, Clay was able to gain a better perspective over the battlefield than usual.

He could see around a dozen Imperiums engaged in battle with the Infernai on the city walls just ahead of him.

At least triple that number of regular cultists were engaged with the soldiers from the military faction of the Royal Army.

There were plumes of smoke rising from buildings within the city and sounds of slaughter reached Clay's ears.

"I need to head into the city." Clay suddenly said.

"Pardon? Shouldn't we be helping our people on the wall?" Captain Skutter asked. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to view their surroundings as easily as Clay and didn't understand his decision.

"No. Our people have things handled up here for now. The Cult is attacking the city directly and the men down there need assistance." Clay said, pointing to the plumes of smoke.

"If you think that's for the best then I'm with you." Captain Skutter said with determination.

"No, Captain, I need you to stay here and lead the troops on the wall. Everything might be under control for the moment but that could change at any moment. Once the-"


Cutting Clay's sentence short, a thunderous boom interrupted him and was quickly followed by the wall shaking for several seconds.

Clay peaked over the edge of the wall and looked down at the area outside the city. He saw the form of a man in full plate armour standing over a crater.

There was a red mist in the air around him and what was possibly body parts scattered around him. In the next moment, the figure dashed away with clear purpose in his steps.

'What is Heath doing!? If he's done fighting down there he should have come back...' Clay thought with an annoyed tone.

He quickly dismissed his thoughts regarding Heath and excluded him from any plans he was considering.

"Captain, when the fighting ends on the wall I want you to take our surviving troops to wherever it seems they are needed most." Clay said.

Without giving Captain Skutter a chance to reply he jumped off the wall and I to the city with a massive leap that carried him dozens of meters.

Captain Skutter looked down at where Heath was a moment ago and then back at Clay's vanishing figure.

'These people are terrifying...' He thought before quickly making his way towards his subordinates on the wall.


Rene had been healing Leonard for a fee minutes already. She wasn't able to focus on one organ at a time like she had planned and was forced to change her method.

She had initially tried to heal his heart and lungs first, which was certainly a good idea. The problem was that the other organs were failing too quickly for her to neglect them.

Instead of healing individual organs to completion in one go, she was now healing the most damaged organ as much as possible before moving on to the one that required attention.

She was essentially healing each organ in turn as the need demanded. Her progress was slowed because of this but it was better than letting him die.

'My energy is getting low, I need to take a break.' Rene thought as she felt her fatigue worsening by the second as her energy drained away.

"Keep him stable while I recover." She said to the other 2 healers in the room.

Apart from these two healers, the rest had been told to provide support elsewhere. There were others in the building that were helping patients but these were the only two who were assisting Rene.

The two healers had been recovering their energy the entire time Rene was busy with Leonard. Now that Rene was depleted of energy, it was time for them to step in while she recovered.

Rene stumbled out of the room feeling whoozy. Her vision was fading in and out and her legs felt wobbly.

She sat down on a chair in the hallway outside Leonard's room and leant against the wall behind her.

The sounds of battle outside would have caused Rene some discomfort in most situations but she was so tired right now that she couldn't care less.josei

She found her sight narrowing by the second and without meaning to, she slipped into a state of unconsciousness.

She awoke with a start as everything started shaking around her. The entire building was vibrating with increasing intensity with every moment that passed.

She jumped to her feet, unsure about how long she had been asleep, and ran into Leonard's room. The two healers were still busy using their abilities on Leonard just as they had been but they have concerned expressions as they looked around frantically.

"What's happening!?"

"Why is the building shaking!?" They asked in turn as soon as Rene entered the room.

"I know as much as you do." Rene replied as she approached them. She placed a hand on Leonard and used her ability to check his condition.

'He's better than when I left, not by much but it's still an improvement.' She thought. "You've done well, thank you. I've recovered enough to conti-"


Two large humanoid figures came crashing through the wall as Rene was speaking. The large figures were clearly engaged in battle as they traded blows while moving.

Each time they delivered a blow or took a step the entire building would shake intensely. It was clear now that they were the cause of the previous rumbling.

Rene wasn't able to tell who or what these figures were due to the carnage their battle caused.

One of the figures grabbed onto a large piece of stone that was once the wall and slammed into the face of the other.

The one who recieve the attack was thrown upwards and back, slamming through the roof and a different wall.

The ceiling started to collapse above the healers as the figures continued their battle elsewhere in the building.

The threat of being crushed was growing by the second and Rene feared for not just her own safety but that of Leonard as well.

"Help me move him!" Rene shouted as she grabbed onto Leonard's arm and tried to lifted him.

One of the healers came to Renes aid, placing Leonard's other arm over his shoulder. The other healer turned and ran, not showing a hint of remorse or hesitation.

As Rene and the healer managed to get Leonard off the bed and started dragging him out the room over their shoulders, the other healer barged through the door and ran down the hallway ahead of them.

Another intense vibration was sent through the building in the next second and the entire hallway collapsed infront of them.

The healer who had run away and went down the hallway was crushed by the falling debris and died instantly.

Rene and the healer stopped just before entering the hallway and just narrowly missed the destruction.

With their only way out of the room having been destroyed and the building threatening to collapse at any second, Rene was forced to think quickly. She looked around the room and found an answer to her problem.

"There! The hole they made in the wall!" She shouted.

Rene and the healer dragged Leonard towards the hole but stopped as they reached the edge.

"What now!?" The healer shouted.

Rene looked down at the ground below. She had forgotten that this room was on the third floor.

"We'll have to jump." Rene said.

The healer didn't seem too pleased with the idea of jumping but he knew there wasn't exactly an alternative option at the moment.

"Okay, on three." Rene said.



Rene was about to say three when a different voice spoke instead.


The limp arms the two healers had hung around their shoulders suddenly tightened around them as they felt themselves being dragged out the building.

The arms turned to metal, along with the rest of Leonard's body as he twisted himself in the air. He brought the two healers close to his chest and faced his back to the ground just before impact.

~Foom~ ~Crack!~

The stone floor cracked as Leonard body slammed into it. He released the two healers from his grasp and passed out almost instantly, his skin returning to normal simultaneously.

Just a few moments after landing, Rene got up from the ground with intention of checking on Leonard but was distracted by the sight of the building completely collapsing.

'Thank you.' Rene thought as she used her ability to check on and heal Leonard once again.


Author Note -

I apologize for the lack of updates over the last week or so, I had some personal issues to deal with.

I will be returning to my usual update schedule now.

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