Chapter 207 War With The Cult (Part 7)

Chapter 207 War With The Cult (Part 7)


If you've read this far then you know I don't shy away from violence and gore. Nevertheless, the contents of this chapter might disturb some readers. You've been warned.


After joining the fight and ending up with the role of a defender, Nila found that protecting others in combat was harder than it looked.

Using her ability and creating barrier like constructs was easy, it was the need for constant vigilance and impeccable timing that was difficult.

Vigilance during combat was always important but in this case it was different. She wasn't just watching for threats that could harm her, she had to do it for every ally around her.

Keeping an eye on everyone during combat was no easy task, let alone making sure timing of her constructs was quick enough.

If she was a moment too slow then her allies would die or become injured. If she was too quick then the enemy would cancel their attack and her energy would have been wasted on defending an attack that never came.

Her initial reaction at being shoved into the role of defender wasn't great but after this experience her respect for defence type supporters had grown.

"Thank you for helping us, we wouldn't have won without you." A soldier said after the last cultist on the wall had been dealt with.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm just doing what I'm meant to." Nila replied.


A loud battle cry suddenly erupted from somewhere below. Peeking over the wall, Nila and the soldiers could see that the city gates had been breached and the cultist army was rushing into the city.

"Those who aren't injured should continue fighting, head down there and get involved where you can." Nila ordered.

She could see that her father and Supreme Commander Colt were commanding the soldiers below and was confident they could handle things.

There was a different area within the city that was drawing her attention and she intended to go there rather than join the main fight.

"Whoa!" - "Look at that!" - "Incredible"

The soldiers on the wall with Nila were voicing their thoughts about Leo's battle beyong the city.

"You heard the Colonel, let's go!" The soldier with the highest rank called out. As the soldiers made their way off the wall to join the fight, Nila peaked at Leo's fight before she left the wall.

Although she couldn't make out much, she could see that Leo had the upper hand and wouldn't need her help for the time being.

'I almost pity his opponents.' Nila thought with a tinge of pride in her friend and ally.


'Did she go this way or...' Heath thought as he stopped in a small clearing in the forest.

He was chasing the leader of the army that was attacking Drom but had managed to lose sight of her while killing her ally.

He only had a rough idea of where she could be based on the direction she had run in when he last saw her.josei

Unfortunately for him, the forest was thick with trees and other vegetation, making it difficult for him to track her down.

'I thought I could have some fun by chasing her down but now I'm thinking it would have been better to go back to the city instead.' Heath thought.

He saw some broken branches on one of the trees to his left side and figured there was a decent chance the Imperium had gone that way.

He let out a sigh and started heading that way. After a few more minutes of searching for the woman, Heaths boredom was turning into irritation.

"I've had enough of this hide and seek... I'll just destroy the forest until I find you." Heath said with a frown.

He held his hand out to the side and used his ability to summon a weapon. A massive sword atleast three times the size of his body appeared beside him.

He held onto the swords hilt with both hands and let the blade rest on the ground beside him for a moment.

He looked around one last time, trying to find a hint of the woman's whereabouts, but found nothing.

"You leave me no choice then." Heath said.

Every muscle in his body strained as he stepped forward and swung the massive sword.

The ground beneath his feet cracked as he exerted his full force and a powerful wind blasted forwards from his position.

The shrubbery on the ground was flattened, the wildlife torn apart and the trees ripped from the ground.

Everything infront of Heath for the next hundred meters or so had been decimated by his attack.

When swinging this giant sword, Heath wasn't able to stop its momentum after an attack.

His body twisted several times due to the sword dragging him around. After finally coming to a stop, Heath looked at the area ahead with expectant eyes.

"Tch! She wasn't there." He said with an annoyed tone of voice. He adjusted himself and turned to the left of the area he had just attacked.

"How about this way?" He said as he swung his sword again. Just like before, the entire area ahead of him was destroyed for around 100 meters.

"Not this way either?" Heath said.

He continued to do this over and over again for several minutes, completely destroying parts of the forest with his attacks.

Finally, on his 9th swing, he found the woman. After the trees has been ripped from the ground and everything else was destroyed, he could see a shadowy figure standing around 60 meters away.

"I found you!" Heath said with excitement.

A woman stepped out from behind the shadow with a terrified expression on her face.

"Please... Please let me go! I'll tell you anything, do anything! Just pl-"

~Whooosh~ ~Slice~

"Aaaahhhh!!!!" The female Imperium screamed out in pain as her arm was severed at the bicep.

Heath was now standing directly infront of the Imperium, having crossed the large gap in just a moment.

The Imperium fell to her knees while gripping her arm. Tears flowed out of her purple eyes as she stared up at the Infernai before her.

"Why are you going through so much effort to find me! Shouldn't you be helping inside the city!?" She shouted.

"Its nothing special really, my reason for chasing you. I'll tell the others it was because you were a strong Imperium or that I chased you because you were the leader of this army.

You know as well as I that you aren't actually strong and I couldn't care less that you're the leader. The truth is, I only chased you down because of petty reasons."

Heath crouched down and grabbed the Imperium by the throat, lifting her up with him as he stood up.

The Imperium found herself dangling by the neck, being held up by Heaths hand alone. With every breath her lungs would ache due to the extra effort breathing required.

"I just wanted to have a little bit of fun with you, that's all." Heath said.

The woman's eyes filled with despair as she came to a certain conclusion, something she had dreaded her entire life was about to come to pass.

"You wan-t myyy bo-dy..." She said with listless eyes. Her every breath was a struggle and talking was even worse, making her words sound broken.

"Yes. Well, not exactly. I do want your body but not in the way you think." Heath said.

Heath was holding the Imperium up with his left hand. He brought his right arm up and summoned a curved dagger with a double edged blade.

He hooked the point under the Imperiums shirt and cloak then sliced up with speed. The clothes on her upper body were cut away without resistance, exposing her features.

Heath never broke eye contact with the Imperium since he lifted her up. He could tell she wanted to say something but couldn't because he was holding her throat.

The Imperium felt the force around her neck lessen and took the opportunity to take a few deep breaths before speaking.

"If not for sex, why are you undressing me! Do you take pleasure in humiliating a woman!?" She shouted.

Although she appeared angry, her eyes showed just how much fear she was currently experiencing.

"You're about to find out what I want with you and when you do, you'll wish it was something as plain as sex." Heath said with a sadistic smile.

He raised his right hand again, this time without a weapon in it. The woman watched Heath reach out and grab onto her left breast with his entire hand.

She couldn't figure out what was about to happen. Heath claimed it wasn't for sex, so then why did he touch her in such a manner?

There was a glint of excitement in Heaths eyes as he touched her and she thought he may have been lying to her so she would be more afraid.

She realized how wrong she was when Heaths grip on her breast tightened and his arm pulled back while twisting.

What followed was a serious of unspeakable horrors, things no person should have to endure.

As for Heath. Never has a smile so large appeared on his face as what he had during this time.

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