Chapter 208 Awake Again

Chapter 208 Awake Again

~Boom!~ "Aaaahhh!!! Help, someone help!!"

A voice cried out for help amidst explosions and clashing metal. The plea was carried through the air until it met the ears of a sleeping Infernai, waking him from his slumber.

Connor woke up in a cold sweet with his body shivering. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurred, disorienting him completely.

"Where... What happened...?" He asked amidst his confusion. His senses started to return shortly after he awoke, giving him the chance to inspect his surroundings.

He was lying on a bed in a large hall like room with dozens of beds against the walls with curtains around them.

'The military headquarters hospital... How did... Oh, that's right. I was fighting John and ended up getting poisoned... Guess I lost the fight then.' Connor thought with disappointment.

He couldn't remember much after the poison started affecting him but he knew it was unlikely he won the fight in the state his body was in.

"Hello!?" Connor shouted out, hoping to get the attention of a doctor or healer. Although I is sight had returned quickly, his hearing had not.

When he called out it sounded like a high pitch scream was aimed right at his ears while underwater.

That one shout along gave him a massive headache instantly after he did it. He waited for a bit after calling out but nobody came.

He wasn't willing to shout out again and risk an even worse headache so he chose to try and stand up and search for someone himself.

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and placed his barefeet on the cold stone floor.

He was wearing basic clothes rather than his unfirom, a plain white button up shirt and long brown pants.

He could see his Captains jacket sitting on a chair near his bed and decided that he would try walking to that chair first.

He could feel his body was weak after his fight with John, to the point that his arms and legs were constantly shaking as he tried to move them.

Using an arm to push himself up, Connor stood to his feet. His legs were shaky and weak but he managed to stand just fine.

'Maybe the poison isn't affecting me as much as I thought.' Connor thought with a hopeful tone.

He took one step towards the chair with his jacket and immediately collapsed to the floor as his legs were unable to support his weight.

~Sigh~ 'So much for "the poison isn't affecting me"...' Connor thought, annoyed with his naivety.

Instead of trying to walk to the chair that was only a few meters away, Connor did the only thing he could and crawled towards it.

As he was doing this, high pitched sounds continued to drift into his ears, increasing the intensity of his headache constantly.

He couldn't tell where these sounds were coming from or what they were but they were really starting to irritate him.

He grabbed onto the chair and used all his strength to lift himself up and onto it. Once seated, he grabbed the jacket that was over the back of the chair and put it on.

'I don't want to be mistaken for a random person while walking around, that could cause some problems.' He thought as he straightened the jacket.

The chair he was seated in was more into the room than his bed had been, allowing him a better view of the room than he had before.

'There's nobody here. Not a single doctor, healer or even any injured or sick... What's going on?'

On the other side of the room, Connor could see the main door standing slightly open with one of the doors swinging into the room a bit.

'I need to find somebody who can explain what's going on...' Connor thought.

The high pitched sounds in his ears were getting louder and more frequent now, to the point where he almost couldn't stand it.

'I'm going to kill whoever is making those sounds.' Connor thought as he massaged the sides of his head while blocking his ears for a fee seconds of quiet.

When he removed his hands from his ears, the sounds had changed. They were high pitched like before, instead, the sounds were extremely muffled.

It still felt like he was hearing someone speak while underwater, only it wasn't high pitched anymore. He was extremely grateful for this change.

Connor stared at the door on the other side of the room for a moment, thinking about how he was going to get there.

This room was quite big, being at least 60 meters in length. Connor was roughly at the center of the room but he was a bit closer to the door than the complete center.

Still, the door was at least 20 meters away and Connor couldn't exactly walk to it. He was finding his options were quite limited.

'I can't walk there and I certainly don't want to crawl...' After thinking about it for a minute, Connor had decided what he was going to do.

Although he was physically weak, he could still feel the energy from his ability inside him. The energy itself was weaker than usual but it was certainly usable.

'I've never done this before but it should be doable.' Connor thought as he activated his ability.

A grey stone like Golem erupted from the ground infront of Connor with its back facing him.

When Connors Golems are summoned, they always destroy the ground as the appear. Luckily that's never been an issue for him since the ground seemed to repair itself almost immediately.

He knows it has to do with his ability but he chooses not to question it since its quite convenient.

He stuck out his hand and the rock body of the Golem shifted and moved, opening up like a suit of armour to be worn.

Connor then grabbed onto a piece of the Golem and pulled himself towards it. He climbed inside the Golems body, fitting his arms and legs into the openings he had created.josei

Then, the rock closed around him, leaving only his head exposed with it having replaced the golems head.

When using his Golems, Connor can take full control of their bodies, deciding their actions and even the shape of their body.

The problem is that he can't control all of them at once. Instead, he sends them simple commands and the Golems are able to follow those orders.

For example, he could say "Kill the Cultists." or "Protect the civilians.". In the current moment, he was taking full control of the Golem, using its body like a suit of armour he could control with his mind.

This way, he could walk without walking by instructing the Golem on what to do. He had thought about doing this before but hadn't had the need to try it.

He walked to the door with ease, no longer restricted by his body's weakness. He opened the door all the way, revealing a horrific scene beyond the doors.

There was a battle being waged outside. People were screaming out in pain and buildings were being destroyed by abilities.

A soldier was running across the headquarters with his entire body on fire, the sounds of his screams echoing in Connors ears as a muffled sound.

'That's what I've been hearing, the sounds of battle...'

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