Chapter 209 War With The Cult (Part 8)

Chapter 209 War With The Cult (Part 8)

Clay jumped from the wall where he and Captain Skutter had been standing. His body soared through the air for several seconds before finally falling.

He landed in the middle of a street, cracking the ground as his legs made contact with the stone paving.

Sounds of combat made their way into his ears from every direction, making it tough to decide where he should head first.

With no clear way of discerning where he was needed the most, Clay simply dashed towards the nearest sounds and found himself wit essing mayhem.

The street he had just entered was filled with combat. Abilities were being used from every direction, some hitting their targets while others destroyed parts of buildings.

Regular soldiers were engaging cultists in swordplay all throughout the chaos. The sounds of their steel clashing was able to overpower out the cries of pain, anger and effort that filled their ears.

Clay could see one particalur Imperium that was surrounded by four soldiers. The shadow like creature was constantly moving around the Imperium, blocking any attacks aimed towards him.

'There aren't enough Infernai... Either that or he already defeated the one who opposed him. Those soldiers won't be able to take him down either, even Nila had trouble with that shadow the first time she fought one.' Clay thought.josei

After hearing about Nilas first encounter with a shadow creature, Clay has been thinking about the most effective way to deal with it and the Imperium who summoned it.

Ultimately he couldn't say for sure what the best way to deal with them was since he hadn't been able to try any of his methods yet.

'I'll just try the one that works best in theory and see what happens from there.' Clay decided.

He crouched down and shoved his hands into the ground with one powerful push. His muscles bulged for a moment as cracks spread along the ground around him.

He slowly started to stand up, a rock as large as himself now in his hands. He used his ability to reduce the rocks size to around one third it's original and threw it into the air.

The rock flew moved through the air slowly as it gained height but picked up speed as it fell towards the ground. Naturally, Clay had aimed his throw so the rock would land on the Imperium.

The shadow had noticed the falling rock and lifted its arms to try and catch it. The soldiers all backed away when they saw the rock, not wanting be caught up in the debris if the creature destroyed it. Although it was fairly obvious the shadow was trying to catch the rock, not destroy it.

As the rock was only a meter or two above the shadow, with Imperium crouching down behind him, Clay released his ability and allowed the rock to return to its original size.

The shadow was caught by surprise, or atleast it seemed that way. It was hard to tell since it didn't really have much of a face.

Regardless of its surprise, the shadow still managed to catch the rock. It seemed to struggle immensely and the weight of the rock was apparent was the ground cracked around the shadow creatures feet.

The shadow bore the weight of the rock and let out a strange noise that was both a deep growl and a high pitched shriek in one, as though two different creatures were making the sounds at the same time.

The shadows that made up its body began to shiver violently before the rock was finally shoved to the side.

The soldiers were all impressed by the shadows show of strength, however their morale had been destroyed as well. It was clear they couldn't defeat this creature.

As the soldiers were considering if they should run away or continue to fight, the shadow creature suddenly dissolved into nothing before their eyes.

There was a moment of confusion amongst the soldiers as they didn't understand what just happened. Some of them looked around frantically, trying to see if the creature has moved too fast for them to track with their eyes.

"Look!" One of the soldiers shouted.

He was pointing towards the Imperium, who had a large figure right behind him. There was a large hole in the Imperiums torso and his guts lay on the floor infront of him.

"It's the Colonel!" One of the soldiers shouted as he noticed who the large figure was.

'It seems to have worked quiet well.' Clay thought. ' The shadow is fast but it can't be two places at once. If you distract it then killing the Imperium is easy enough.'

The soldiers wanted to thanks Clay for helping them but they weren't given the chance. More cultists appeared from behind them, forcing the battle to continue.

Clay was about to continue fighting as well but before he could move from behind the Imperiums corpse his own body was suddenly sent flying through the air and into a building.

It felt less like he was being thrown and more like was falling towards the building. He smashed through several walls and came out on the other side of the building.

He was still 'falling' even after going through an entire building. He was about to smash through the wall of the next building in his path when a large fist suddenly slammed into his chest.

The punch was powerful and the force affecting his body suddenly changed directions to match that of the punch. He smashed into the ground with immense force, creating a large crater in the concrete street.

'This power... I know it. Leo said it was called gravity. There's only one person we know who can do that.'

Clay looked up from the ground and saw a large humanoid creature with rock like skin standing over him.

"The others weren't sure but I am. You might be uglier now but I would always recognize that face. Your ability also gives it away, Cain..." Clay said with a serious expression on his face.

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