Chapter 210 War With The Cult (Part 9)

Chapter 210 War With The Cult (Part 9)

Clay stood up slowly while staring at his best friend. His hulking size, gray skin and black scales made him look less than human and the white light pulsing through his body like veins was a mystery.

Cain's facial features were mostly the same as before, apart from two. His eyes were as black as the night sky and had the emotions of a rock behind them. The other disparity between the current Cain and the old was his hair, or lack thereof.

"It was Trent who did this to you, wasn't it? He used that ability of his to turn you into some kind of beast..." Clay said.

His voice sounded calm and caring, like a mother concerned about their child's health. There was a great amount of anger gathering inside Clay but his concern outwayed that in the present moment.

There was no response from Cain. He made no attempt to speak, his eyes didn't move, not even a grunt escaped him. There was simply no reaction.

"Cain? Are you still... In there?" Clay asked with a tentative tone as he focused on Cain's eyes.

'I know the others who Trent transforms lose themselves completely but he seems different.' Clay thought after receiving no response for the second time.

Cain suddenly started walking forwards at a slow pace and Clay wasn't sure about what he should do.

Is Cain an enemy now? Is there still some part of him in there? Do I need to fight him? These were the thoughts running through Clay's mind.josei

'He attacked me by surprise earlier but... It didn't hurt much. I know he's able to perform more powerful attacks than what he did so why didn't he? Was he holding back because he didn't want to hurt me?'

Cain stopped his approach once he was less than a meter away from Clay. With his large scaled body and Clay's size manipulated body, their chests were almost touching.

"Cain... We don't ha-"

Cain suddenly crouched down, slammed his shoulder into Clay's stomach and wrapped his arms around Clay's back.

Clay's sentence was cut short due to the sudden 'attack'. His body was now being lifted off the ground as Cain began to run from building to building, smashing Clay through every wall in their path.

"Stop it Cain! We don't-" Boom! ~Crumble~

Clay felt a heavy impact as his body was pushed through yet another wall.

"We don't have to fight!" Clay continued to shout out to Cain, trying to get him to stop his assault, to no avail.

With each wall he went through, each building that collapsed, Clay was realizing how pointless his words were.

'This is a terrible way to fight...' Clay thought. 'He's doing almost no damage to me and has left himself wide open. I could attack his head with my elbow quite easily and his back is completely exposed. Is he really holding back?'

'If I can knock him out and capture him, maybe we can do something to atleast bring his mind back. I doubt there's anything we can do about his body though...'

Clay turned his head as much as he could and saw that he was a few seconds away from being pushed into another building.

Rather than let that happen, he lifted his elbow and brought it down hard on Cain's head. He made sure to hold back a bit so that he wouldn't accidently do too much damage.

He felt Cain's grip around him slip slightly and used that opportunity to shrink his own body down to his regular size.

The change in Clays size and suddenly blow to the head made Cain unable to react quick enough, allowing Clay to fall to the ground.

However, Cain was still running forward and Clay would simply be trampled if he didn't do something. This didn't concern Clay in the slightest though, since this was his plan.

While falling, Clay made sure to turn his body and position it just right so he could execute his next attack as soon as he landed.

The moment his feet touched the floor, Clay grew to his biggest form while hooking his arm under Cain and between his legs.

His lifted with all his might, using his sudden growth and immense strength to lift Cain off the ground.

His other arm was placed under cain's chest, allowing him to guide Cain's body once he was lifted.

Clay executed his plan with perfect accuracy and lifted Cain without issue. Using the momentum from Cain's running, aswell as his own strength, he threw Cain into the same building he was about to be smashed into.

Cain's body slammed through the wall, destroying it and a bit of the ceiling in one fell swoop. He landed on the first floor of the building (not ground floor) and somehow the floor didn't collapse beneath him.

Clay quickly jumped into the building to continue his attack but was faced with a difficult situation.

The destruction of the wall and ceiling created a smokescreen of dust, making it very difficult to spot where Cain was.

He could hear the voices of several people shouting about the situation, asking what was going on, but he couldn't see them.

Suddenly, Cain's large body emerged from the Mist and a fist slammed into Clay's face. He was pushed backwards and into a different wall, causing more of the building to collapse around them.

Clay could hear the people around him panicking and didn't want to kill his own people by mistake.

'We need to move the fight someplace else.' He decided.

Clay reached back and grabbed a piece of the wall he had just crashed into. He swung the large stone chunk and slammed it into what he believed was Cain's face.

Cain's body was thrown backwards and up, smashing through a wall on the other side of the room and the ceiling. His body was thrown out of the building completely, landing in the street outside.

Clay quickly followed being him, jumping through he same hole Cain had just created in the ceiling.

He landed in the street outside and turned around to view the damaged building. He wasn't too happy to see that the building was in the process of collapsing completely.

'I hope whoever was inside managed to get out.' He thought as he turned to face Cain once again.

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